Give me one good reason to not take kike happy pills if I've tried meditation and philosophy searching to try to soothe...

Give me one good reason to not take kike happy pills if I've tried meditation and philosophy searching to try to soothe my anxiety yet find myself in a persistent feedback loop of existential dread.

I'll be waiting.

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Existential dread is healthy and normal. With the world in it's current state you'd be nuts not to feel a pervasive sense of dread.

Kike here. When you say happy pills, do you mean anti-depressants, or anti-anxiety?

If it's anti-depressants, stay away from those like the fucking plague. Those things are mental suicide taken twice daily.
If it's anti-anxiety, give it a shot. They tend to work better than antidepressants.

Only the LORD your God can help you.

Admit that you have done many sinful things and that Christ died for you. Ask for the Holy Spirit to come into you. Make sure you end your prayer with, "In Jesus name I pray, Amen."

OCD and a bunch of other DSM-verified offshoots of what is really just postindustrial warped amygdala anxiety.

I was on Wellbutrin a year ago, thought it was helpful. Weened off of that in the hopes I'd get to a better standing by myself. Turns out I'm too cognitively backwards to sort myself out.

Use binaural beats and Isochronic tones

Most anti anxiety meds are detrimental to hormone balance, especially for young men who are in their prime and need that boost for psychological reasons.

What philosophies were you studying OP? If not stoicism or something powerful and classical then it is a waste of time.

Sounds like you need to get laid.

I've spent years reading books, following the best scientific advice, working out, journaling, meditating, abstaining for drugs/porn/internet. None of it helped.

Finally made an appointment for next month to get happy pills. It's the only hope I have left.

Taoism and stoicism.

>Sounds like you need to get laid.
Spoken like a true faggot.

just take them already faggot

That guys like a 7/10 if he just groomed a bit.

Those pictures always make me sad anyways.

Well there's your problem: that's an antidepressant, not an anti-anxiety. Try to get your hands on some Buspar/Buspirone.

>Taoism and Stoicism
That is some excellent taste you've got there, OP.

I'm on Prozac right now. I'm not against taking anti-depressants, and I do think they help me. It gives me more energy, it helped with the physical pain and fatigue I felt from depression.

I take Zoloft, what do you wanna know senpai

Not faggot, its true dude. Learn to love the chase again. make a connection. Existential dread forms from failing to do something valid to your existence. A career is enough for many, but if you're intelligent and introverted you're always going to be thinking and a job/good school is never enough. You're going to be alone with your thoughts again after that.

Or take up a new craft, practice stoicism instead of just reading it, and embrace that death is going to happen. All men must face it. But to live is a gift, time is a gift, don't piss it away on "mood".

I will say, disregard all online reviews of these drugs. Most of the people are smoking weed or addicted to opiates/alcohol while taking these and don't follow the directions.

>hurrrdeedurr i took half a bottle of cymbalta and i got a headache then my dik fell off hurr hurrr

Yeah my dr put me on welbutrin for anxiety for some fucked reason as well. Waiting for my insurance to kick back in so I can go to a doc and get weaned off the shit without wanting to kill myself . It has helped me quit smoking though, so that is a plus

They don't work and always end up making you even more miserable. If that's not a good enough reason you might as well kill yourself. It's quicker and easier than a slow and painful death by chemical lobotomy.

>I do think they help me. It gives me more energy, it helped with the physical pain and fatigue I felt from depression.

This. Been going out walking and running again lately, went a week without crying for the first time in months. I'm still a friendless virgin loser but things aren't feeling so bad now.

I do embrace death, I do try to practice feng shui. But there's almost without a doubt something in the back of my mind keeping me tethered to fear. It's gotten to a point where I obsess over the most outrageous things yet they seem so fucking real.

I don't know, maybe it's time to accept the chemical based nature of anxiety as well as the cognitive. It's defeatist but I've gotten nowhere thinking the contrary.

Yeah, make sure to ask to be on an anti anxiety, not an antidepressant. Breaking your addiction to cancer sticks is also a plus, probably.

It's not one or the other, m8. Mental illness affects the both the mind and the brain; you cannot cure one without curing the other.
Take meds for the brain, and embrace philosophy for the mind.

do talk therapy and work through your problems with a professional

for some odd reason if you take medicine that burns through all your serotonin you get dependent on them and end up feeling even worse anyway

they literally have to write on the bottle this may induce suicidal idealization so they dont get sued when you end up topping yourself

Don't medicate, that's only treating the symptoms at the cost of making yourself a zombie. Try CBT.

I had depression, severe anxiety, and paranoia and from the time I was a teenager up until about 22. I had no motivation and a negative outlook. I discovered CBT, which you can treat yourself with using workbooks and mental exercises found online. I became dedicated to changing my thought processes, and now 4 years later I have a more positive outlook, and no longer have severe depression or irrational paranoid thoughts.

If you can find a psychiatrist that can guide you through CBT instead of throwing meds at you, even better, but I have no experience with that.

Remember, the pills aren't a cure. They just make the symptoms go away temporarily. The real problem is your irrational thought processes, which takes some effort to "re-program." Ultimately, only you can fix your thought processes, with hard work and dedication.

I suggest you skip to 9mm aspirins

When I embraced the reality of anxiety, it was like I could participate in life again. It was painful and initially felt like defeat, but being positive and self improvement were essential to staying sane, and I found a new optimism in that.

The older generations abandoned us psychologically, and let postmodernism and other foundationally void ideologies rout our civilization. That's why so many pick up classical or foreign philosophies and ideologies.

You're the only you can pick yourself up, but there are others out there struggling and willing to help you. Even anons on Sup Forums,

Went to CBT before. Like I said, I tried everything.

The dude I had just recited textbook shit and never addressed the root cause of my issues. It was always "hurr durr lizard brain" and "acceptance" and shit like that. You can't force a downstream fish to swim upstream so quickly. I get it though, it's a Buddhist method involving living in the moment. I understand that. But i all CBT is like the guy I had then I see no point in pursuing it further. I'm also sick of therapists being friends. That is part of the purpose they serve, but I feel like a Jungian psychotherapist would be more helpful than Mr. Tell Me About Your Week.

>read cognitive behavioral therapy book about anxiety
>book recommends going to a grocery store and filling a cart all the way up and checking out
>when it's time to pay say you don't have your wallet, apologize, and leave
>this will make you overcome fear of being embarrassed

literally the most retarded piece of advice I've ever seen

That doesn't sound that bad honestly. Although in application it could go either way for me by actually solving it or reinforcing the fear and exacerbating it.

Research what pills they want to put you on and what they do to your brain, then make an educated decision. Mental issues are often caused by an imbalance of chemicals in the brain, and most of these drugs seek to correct the imbalance, some more aggressively than others.

You don't NEED the pills, but I've found they make the highs and lows a little more even, help me function a little more levelheaded.

It'll burn itself out and you'll become bored and emotionally indifferent to those thoughts over a period of weeks, especially if you distract yourself. With God, it will pass a lot more quickly. Atheism doesn't doesn't offer anything to ground yourself in.

Avoid caffeine and other stimulants.
Do normie things, think normie thoughts.
Pop a xanax for panic attacks if you really need it.

cool advice tbqh

Maybe you should just kill yourself?

Sorry it didn't work out for you man. Just don't give up until you find something that works for you.

Yeah, that example sounds pretty retarded, but it makes sense. But the whole purpose of that exercise is that after you go through the embarrassment, you are meant to realize that life goes on and it wasn't the end of the world for you. If you can realize that and internalize it, eventually you'll feel less anxiety doing things that have likely less embarrassing outcomes, such as talking to strangers, public speaking, or whatever insignificant daily situations that you face were you normally feel anxiety.


>20 yo with the face of a 15 yo

This is the absolute worst. I feel for him

Jewish antidepressants will NEVER be a better treatment for depression than psychedelics. Not only are they bad for you, addictive, and don't work but you have to take them every fucking day. Some people are reborn after only their first trip.

Grow some magic mushrooms yourself OP. It was the most important thing I ever did in my life.

I did CBT, it was shit. didn't help at all.

Thinking about getting a dog, apparently taking care of them can help, but I don't know if I'm capable of it

Also recommend mescaline. I've had some pretty positive experiences from mescaline trips.

Your picture sums up the reasons why

I've gotten very frightening panic attacks from weed. I hope psychedelics aren't the same.

Spent about two years cycling through anti-depressants with none of them working. Just got all negative side effects and never noticed any positives.

On a lark my doctor tried another combination and it's completely changed my life for the better. I don't notice the anti-depressant so much but the anti-psychotic that I take at a very low does completely changes my thought pattern for the better. Before I couldn't focus and my thoughts were so clouded that I couldn't follow what was going on when I watched a movie. I stopped reading the newspaper because it was too difficult to understand. Now I'm on the Dean's List.

To be fair before I found the right combination I was pretty miserable. At one point I completely tapered off and still felt poorly but it was not having numbed emotions like when I was on the pills.

You read books ?!

Panic attacks can happen. I've had a few bad trips, and it 100% had to do with the set and setting. If you're going to trip, do it in a quiet place where you're comfortable with someone you trust who's experienced with psychedelics for your first time. If you've already tried everything, its worth a shot.

You'll only panic if you let it happen. Just remind yourself everything will be fine in like 5 hours no matter what happens. If you continue to get bad thoughts just go do something completely different than what you're already doing. Like if you're on your computer and you're freaking out then just go for a walk in the woods (which is the best thing to do on mushrooms, especially now since its summer).

I recommend going on Erowid or Shroomery and reading about people's experiences so you can get a grip on what its like.

>mfw I'm 30 and still look like a 20 y/o

I used to feel bad about looking younger than I was. Now I got more game than anyone on the playground. Patience turned out to be a virtue.

My dog helped me immensely. Even at my most miserableness it was a joy being able to make something so happy by doing such a simple thing as taking him for a walk. Sometimes taking the dog for a walk was the only positive or productive thing I'd do during the day.

Give them a shot. I took effexor for about two years right after I turned 20. What, OP mentions, a feeling of "existential dread" sounds very familiar to my experience at the time. The conditions of my life (education, friends, family, activity, etc.) were such that an observer would probably not expect someone to be filled with anxiety and dread, but it was there and it came on hard. There was no catalyst event either.

One way I know for a certainty that something was wrong is that I started to have dreamless, unrefreshing sleep. I'd wake up after 9 hours and feel like I just went to bed. If they had done nothing else, I know the pills were working because after about a week I started dreaming again.

My whole take away was that the meds enabled me to function again and, by functioning, I was able to move forward, work through feelings of anxiety and adjust my mindset for the better. After two years I slowly weaned myself off and fortunately the improvements stayed.

Also, this . I still have a suspicion that my frequent weed use may have contributed to the bad state I got into. To this day I can't enjoy it like I had before.

Listen to Alan Watts.

Thank me later.

Do you run/exercise at all?

they destroyed my life, fuck you


I'll second that. Listening to him helped me through some tough times.

>abstaining for drugs/porn/internet.
Well no wonder you're feeling the way you do.
Protip: Sup Forums is the internet

1more bump before bed

You absolute waste of sperm. Pills are not going to save you only you can here's your to do list:
Get right nutrition I'm not talking some bs vegan shit eat a variety of foods for example
Spinach, potatoes, fish constantly research and use to see what you are getting. Go out in the sun and take d3 vitamin supplements (do not take multivitamins but only zinc, magnesium vitamin c you will get rest from diet)
Take some hemp seed oil and shit
Start working out reading evola and practicing asceticism not some faggy new age shit always look for authentic shit like Jung, Evola and go out in nature

it really worked well for me.