With no other threads concerning this show to be seen after a catalog search...

With no other threads concerning this show to be seen after a catalog search, I am questioning its contemporary relevence, but I still want to ask if anyone has watched any of the 20th season and what they think of it. I for one think that the episodes I did see quite frankly sucked shit.

The other thing is, I think Parker and Stone know this. Look at the last two episode titles. One is called "Not Funny" and the next, and last episode of the season, is called "The End of Serialization as We Know It." I think they realized how shallow and stretched out their story was this season. Also, (and I will not comment about any political/real world ramifications here) their plot elements are just not funny. Fuck those member things, I understand I think what they meant but they were annoying as hell. And the trolltrace/Denmark shit wasn't goddamned funny at all desu. What's also kinda funny in an ironic way is the fact that despite how much they tried to make Trump look like a simple minded asshole who didn't really care about being president while the parts with him were they only measurably funny parts.

So uh what do other people think? tldr I think south park sucked the big one this season and its creators are fully aware.

Last sentence of second paragraph written like dogshit. My apologies. Hoping for some opinions though.

it was good. i don't know why people over analyze this fucking show. the ending was perfect and fuck all the story threads that weren't resolved. we all know it was because of how the election turned out. AV Club isn't smart for pointing it out

I liked it. I've known these characters for 75% of my life and getting a little bit more into the world is a great experience, even if the comedy suffers.

it ended pretty well, otherwise a shit season

They decided to try something different after what, 20 years? If people like the same thing they have the other how ever many years worth of reruns to watch. The show was tired so it's more interesting at least.

i only like this south park season because everyone here hated it

I hope they go back to individual episodes with no continuity.

They have to be aware of how terrible it turned out.
I dont see how people could like the latest season. Pretty boring and uninspired.

These guys have lost it. The show hasn't been good for the past two seasons. The ad shit last season was the fucking worst. This season was even more terrible than the last.

Honestly, it's time for Matt & Trey to hang it up. They're just not funny any more. It's getting embarrassing. I don't want to see this show turn into a disgrace like The Simpsons.

Me too.

This, even though the show would still be as lame as it has been for the last 9 or 10 or so seasons

Presidential election fucked up most everything for them, but the season seems like their most out of touch one on the whole. Instead of the shit finale they aired, they should have said fuck it and made another Terrance and Philip special, would have a much better ending.

The ad season was kino. This season was good but not great

I like social commentary South Park more than haha here's some funny gore LOL omg gross out humor hahaha cum jokes!!!!

I love Terrance and Phillip

They're two very smart, very funny, very successful creatives, and are the very people responsible for taking South Park to legendary heights as both a brand (Stick of Truth was dope) and a television show. So with that in mind, of fucking course they knew. Could 100% feel the lack of spirit once they realized Trump was actually going to win.

The result objectively blindsided the vast majority of both America and the world. Shit, I respect genuine Trump supporters but I've been around the internet and Sup Forums long enough to know that a fuckton of people talked about him, supported him and voted for him to be edgy, sarcastic and sardonic-- Parker and Stone included-- not knowing he would win and not realizing that doing that shit literally willed it into existence.

Season 20 is historic because it represents the folly of the left. It inadvertently epitomizes just how retarded liberals are, and, given the shotty end, you can't even claim that it was intentional. It's a literal "whoops!" But, it's important to note that that's exactly what 2015/2016 was. Leftists have never been more stupid.

It lost relevance when Matt and Trey became establishment cucks. I think they just spent too much time inside the Hollywood echo-chamber.

The guys put out a critically acclaimed movie (Team America),a critically acclaimed and award winning Broadway musical (The Book of Mormon), and a critically acclaimed game in The Stick of Truth with a 2nd game due out soon. God forbid they branch out and grow as creators.

They have really done well with that format in the previous 2 seasons. However, there were certain episodes that could still stand alone as quality episodes (The Cissy, Handicar, The Magic Bush, Freemium Isn't Free, and Grounded Vindaloop in season 18, Stunning and Brave, Where My Country Gone?, Safe Space, and Tweek x Craig in season 19). The fact is you can watch these episodes individually and still enjoy them on their own.

They really lost that in this last season, and really just dedicated it to attacking trump. Not a single episode, besides maybe the first, can really stand alone: you need every other episode for context. That's the biggest difference for this season and is the reason it was much worse for this style.

I honestly don't know what happened other than to blame it on them breaking their own rule of not picking "sides" and wanted to be "equal opportunity offenders"

I'm not blaming it on serialized story because that worked in S19.
I'm not butthurt about them making fun of Trump because that was funny af in S19.

It just wasn't fucking funny. I don't know how or why they fucked it up so fucking bad this season especially since the source material we got this year was so glorious.

They set themselves up perfectly given the PC culture subject matter they dealt with last season. Now this season they could have illustrated how internet trolls and Trump were deliberately offensive to fight back against PC culture muzzling free speech. You'd think Matt and Trey would be intimately familiar with this sort of thing given their history with censorship.

The only funny thing about this season was the reveal that SkankHunt was Gerald: precisely because a vicious internet troll could be someone you'd never expect: even a meek, mild-mannered family man. Making all the rest of the trolls disgusting manlet creatures undercut this joke.

The Girls v. Boys war angle just didn't work, Garrison and Catelyn Jenner was played out already last season. Cartman's entire personality turning 180 (even before he got a GF) didn't make any sense. The amy schumer joke worked exactly once and even then because she literally did a "muy vaiiinnna" joke like the very next night. Nothing about member berries, Danish troll trace, the Trolls getting rickrolled was funny whatsoever.

What happened? why didn't they make it funny? Did they really think 2016 election was just business as usual? Did they not imagine Trump could win? Did they just not want to paint him in any kind of positive light or admit that he was playing the whole political system like a harmonica?

You tell me, user. I don't know how the best satirists of our lifetime fucked this up so badly.

classic Sup Forums

How to tell someone's new to the site - all dis fucking prose

Great input! I really enjoyed the part where you contributed to the thread.

there was another thread already
and in general, yeah, pretty much, either Stan or Kyle walked through the church and blatantly stated that the troll jokes week after week weren't funny among other things
the season was a bit shit, interesting that they went side by side with the election, was good if you were watching the episode on the night but overall failure
hopefully a decent finale

They clearly had some sort of plan but it all revolved around Hillary winning.

The memberberries could have been a good 1 episode gag instead they were a plot for almost all the season then trump winning fucks whatever payoff was meant to be for them and they just vanish and end up being this weird shitty joke that went on too long and wasted time.

Whats really weird about the final episodes to me is that the solutions to a bunch of the plotlines and how to finish them off are present they just don't do anything with them.

Kyle needs to troll to try and cause outrage to shutdown the internet to stop Troll Trace why not have them get Cartmans help. You have Garrison just offering Kyle support i was expecting the Pentagon people to acknowledge Garrisons ability to cause outrage and just give him his phone so he can Troll people on twitter to help bring the net down.

>The result objectively blindsided the vast majority of both America and the world. Shit, I respect genuine Trump supporters but I've been around the internet and Sup Forums long enough to know that a fuckton of people talked about him, supported him and voted for him to be edgy, sarcastic and sardonic-- Parker and Stone included-- not knowing he would win and not realizing that doing that shit literally willed it into existence.

The vast majority of Trump voters actually have to believe in him, user. I have a hard time believing an appreciable amount of voters voted for him ironically to destroy the world. That's harder to believe than people who bought BUILD WALL.

This. At least they tried something new.

And making fun of Trump was hilarious, shame PC principal became just a straight man (and thus not entertaining unlike last season). The US may go to shit the next 4 years but at least we can get funny shit on tv again.

>they spent years acting like they knew better than everyone else in society
>but it turns out they were just smug liberals who were just as dumb and uninformed as everyone else

Your opinion is garbage, stop being fag

Yeah. They were going in one direction this season under the assumption that trump would lose, then he didn't and they had to rewrite it and try to salvage what they could in the middle of the season. It didn't go well, and yes, they seem to know it.