Capitalism is responsible for almost everything that is wrong with the world. It's the cancer of humanity

Capitalism is responsible for almost everything that is wrong with the world. It's the cancer of humanity.

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>posted from a device that wouldn't exist without capitalism

Good thread. We need Socialism for prosperity.

Fuck capitalism

Sent from my iPhone

nice meme

ye because without capitalism there would be no progress

*tips fedora*

That's true though. People invented things before Brits figured out capitalism but people didn't get richer until after

you mean jews didn't get richer

Ah yes. Before the industrial revolution people didn't create, invent, make art nor improved on their lives.

What has capitalism achieved in the past century, huh? I mean besides almost making the planet unfit for human habitation. Building hideous blocks of gray and brown cubes and calling them "skyscrapers" as if they fool anyone. They just wanted to cram more people together like tuna for profit. Capitalism created so much garbage, they're now the size of large islands that swim in the ocean. There's constant surveillance, police states and rampant corruption. And the worst: endless lies, flowing from the media.
A handful or rich bastards own everything, while the rest have next to nothing. The whole system is designed to siphon money upwards.
More more more, buy this shit, and that, you need it, trust us. When is it enough?! The answer is never. Because capitalism is human greed personified, manifested into reality. It's soulless, evil, and it can never be satisfied. It's spreading like cancer, and as such it must be dealt with the same way. It must be cut out.

Before the industrial revolution progress moved at a snails pace. that is not a coincidence. demand requires production. production requires innovation

>Building hideous blocks of gray and brown cubes and calling them "skyscrapers" as if they fool anyone. They just wanted to cram more people together like tuna for profit... There's constant surveillance, police states and rampant corruption. And the worst: endless lies, flowing from the media.
I chortled

You are getting consumerism and capitalism mixed up. They are very similar and consumerism can thrive in capitalism but they are different thing.

This is b8

There was no long-run "progress" at all before the Industrial Revolution if you define that as an increase in disposable income per capita. Depending on relative factor endowment of land and labor incomes might go up for a while before going back down, but no secular increase since the Mesolithic

Our immediately accessible environment has a very limited amount of resources given our almost insatiable desire for things.

Capitalism is by far the best way to juggle our competing needs and desires constrained by limited resources which range from materials, to labour-hours and information.


what have the romans ever done for us

I always knew people from ex soviet block countries are still secretly commies

Thank you for noticing my flag.

Probably b8 but you're right anyway. Fuck the capitalist class.


What's the alternative? I want a genuine answer.

cash rules everything around me cream get the money dolla dolla bill yoooo

African Americans worship currency as if it's not a human construct.

There's nothing wrong with capitalism but current copyright/IP laws need to be considerably scaled down because they inhibit progress. Can't be proven wrong, so just read this post and move on.

The United Federation of Planets

Why are they always skinny white betas lol

You are the capitalist class as an American tho

>1 in 30 Americans are millionaires
>in the rest of the world it's like 1 in 500


Capitalism is the reason you're here you fucking morons.


ITT: mad poorfags that would support and justify capitalism if they suddenly earned top dollar

Trying to understand what this has to do with Sup Forums desu

Shouldn't this be in pol?

Fuck off dubslord.

That is correct, yes.

Fuck capitalism!


No, consumerism was literally unheard of before Capitalism. Capitalism wants more profit. Planned obsolescence and consumerism gives it just that.
They're pretty much inseparable. Like shit and vomit inducing stink.

If you want the meme answer: The workers should seize the means of production. Anarchism. Take your pick.
If you want the real answer: in like 20 years there will be nothing left to seize because most jobs will be done by machines and robots. Not all, but enough that there'll be a significant discontent among the less educated and those who're already live in poor conditions. It's their jobs that'll go first.
We're living on borrowed time. It's just a matter of years before 1. the economy falls into recession again, B. the growing populations in Africa and poorer countries quadruple, and they start demanding their share of the world, and the whole system fucking collapses on itself, dragging down the first and second worlds with them.

fuck you, the last thing we need on this shithole planet are mega-corporations fucking everyone over. The world is already more cyberpunk than it needs to be.

Capitalism is a trading system, not a social system, dumbass.

Right, except you aren't a peasant, you're one of the richest people in the world and live a life your grandparents would have considered extraordinary luxury

Wait you're the NEET from a few days who was talking about how working is terrible, right? Kek grow up retard

Why are first worlders so fucking ignorant about capitalism?
Sheltered fatsos with no education that have everything but whine because they are still expected to work to eventually leave their parents' house.

I would love nothing more than see you pampered brats dealing with socialism.

the same "progress" can be done in any other system tho, its a fact

It's a hypothesis at best, with very little evidence to support it

It would be fact if the other systems had produced development, which they haven't, because without privatization and free market there is no competition and without competition there is no driving force to evolve.

No. Corporatism is not for businesses. Corporatism is for corporate groups:

You can be in the global top third without ever working a single day in a First World country, just from neetbux.

>muh competition

monkey knowledge

china is barely capitalist

Capitalism is better the communism and socialism. Period.

slavnigger argument

>china is barely capitalist

You have absolutely no other evidence of anything ever working otherwise. Without competition there's been technological stagnation every single time. Pick a fucking book up, Jesus.
You think ideas can be applied just cause they sound easy and great on your dumb fucking mongoloid head.

shitty things existed before capitalism tho

yeah, its impossible to use competition outside of capitalist system

oh wait hitler used it in his army/tech that was 100% socialist

Sorry if the countries that matter don't take your poorfag economic advice lol

Nazi Germany had a freer economy than say Franco's Spain

Guess what, retard, army technology suits the state agenda. What is used for civilian entertainment doesn't.
That's why socialist system doesn't have art and entertainment, only propaganda.
Because there is no market to produce what sells, only a state council that will only produce what has return for the state.

China isn't exactly the model of neoliberal orthodoxy but it's an economy dominated by private firms where investment decisions are made by investors. Capitalism. How the existence of low-productivity SOEs lumbering alongside the miraculous growth in the private sector is supposed to prove socialism is viable, I don't know

Private corporations fulfilling government contracts they entered into voluntarily is communism now guys. Weird, because usually when governments decide do this the commies call it privatization

>literally even animals will engage in capitalism
>some loser on Sup Forums says capitalism doesn't work

>Guess what, retard, army technology suits the state agenda.

wrong, equipment used by average joe for his needs

I would be good without those fucking video games and shit tv shows and hollywood movies that are fucking shit

also 90% of healthy brazilians rely on hanging out with friends and family in parties for entertainment
enjoy your 3d waifu oculus crap

Now this is b8 posting

>tfw just creampied my waifu in VR

Well, let's invent a better system.
We need:
Centralized one (because there are a lot of people nowadays and you can get even proper treatment without it)
encourages smart and active people (because everyone gets lazy without encouragement or proper goal)
non stagnant (because nobody wants die from cancer or aids, use better cars or electronic devices)
Diverse in terms of science (we don't need one super goal because it destroys all other fields)
That's basically it.

that bellybutton is misplaced read some fucking loomis

If you're happy being exploited for pennies, just so you can make fat, rich bastards even richer by all means.

There's no real competition in capitalism though. Everything is under copyright protection, that stifles innovation. Plus there are cartels everywhere, and big corporations simply buying out anyone who poses even the slightest risk to their business, or has a new idea that could change the status quo.

>wanting to behave like actual monkeys
>appealing to nature fallacy

Something something Brazilians.

You don't seem to get how far entertainment and art goes into your fucking head every single second of the day.
There would be no society without it. Experiments show that humans will choose to press a button and receive an electrical shock, willingly, rather than stay bored for 10 minutes in an empty room.

Please do propose a better alternative

Why do commies LARP as medieval peasants so much? You have a computer, a house, more than enough food, and tons of free time. You are one of the richest people who ever lived

Basically what most western countries will have to become in the next decades is welfare states where most of the work is done by robots, the majority are unemployed and get reasonable pensions, and the only ones who work are either foreigners getting paid peanuts or particularly ambitious people looking to rise above the rest.

>exploited for pennies
But I'm making good money and I am becoming the fat rich bastard...

retarded monkey

nigga I'm pretty sure 1000 years ago no one was banging their hands on the wall because they didn't have an image board, tinder, snapchat, whatsapp and youtube to fill their heads full of crap 24/7

get a hobby, hang out with people and read a book you macaco

I know about that and the question is still here

>Being racist

Somehow this discredits your argument and makes you look immature, tbqh.

>There's no real competition in capitalism though. Everything is under copyright protection, that stifles innovation. Plus there are cartels everywhere, and big corporations simply buying out anyone who poses even the slightest risk to their business, or has a new idea that could change the status quo.

You're describing state intervention in economics, something supported by the typical republic of representative power system we live in. That's not capitalism.

All capitalism is is a trade system with no principles or morals, it's not an ideology, where goods are exchanged with consent. It cannot be enforced through violence and has no agenda.

Would be awesome but I doubt it will happen. They can't even get the automatic cash registers to work right; it's a productivity gain that increased the value of labor rather than replacing it, just like all the other capital that's ever been deployed. Human wants are infinite and they'll always find something that's worth hiring someone to do

>read a book

How fucking retarded are you?

Ironically I'm germanic and Russians are mostly arabic or mongoloid.

>It cannot be enforced through violence and has no agenda.

oh yeah sure
only when you invade the fucking middle east, manipulate the media and install dictatorships in other countries

books aren't technological
people were writing fiction for free before the greeks you dumbass motherfucker dumbshit pseudointelectual nigger

Isn't copyright protection actually rather uncapitalist?

hiring should be illegal, its simple

exploitation is illegal

if you can't abuse animals why the fuck you can abuse humans? lmao

I think it answers the main question of stagnation and development. There will still be incentive for people to develop, while most people won't have to live as slaves.

The reality is that more and more occupations are being overtaken by machines who can do the job much better and for less cost. My point is not ceasing work altogether but allowing the majority who won't be able to get work to live respectfully.

Only if you take a dumbass, ahistorical view of what capitalism is. Governments create and enforce rights to both physical and intellectual property and channel incentives to the good of all

>I want to hire you to do a job for me
>You agree

>This should be illegal because it's exploitation
Literally picture related

>Governments create and enforce rights to both physical and intellectual property and channel incentives to the good of all
except china

Right but is that actually happening? People have been predicting permanent technological unemployment for a long time but right now worldwide market employment rates have never been higher

We are talking about today. Maybe there would be an absolute paradise in the future where we will drink water with metadone and exist in constant state of euphoria. What's the point o bother with some technology if it's not even wide spread yet

if I have no choice because you made an agreement with other people that offer jobs and you are a rich motherfucker while I live in a mudhut and education is expensive yes it is exploitation you fucking shitstained leaf
companies aren't nature

Fuck, you're dumb, mate.

Fiction is entertainment, you moronic asshole. Books, drawings, paintings, any kind of art, smartphones, music, clothing that display some kind of unnecessary style. Anything that's made to please aesthetic desires and not to just be 100% effective is entertainment, not just blockbuster hollywood movies and animu.
Even if you're giving something for free it's still capitalism because you produced it and you are willingly giving away and only those who want it will take it. Socialism is either prohibiting someone to distribute something for free or force EVERYONE to get something that they are distributing.

And the description of USA acting in foreign affairs, which only fucking strengthens what I've said about republics of representative powers acting in interest of the state, not of the market.

You have got to be the dumbest motherfucker alive.

>it's episode #42423493252 of lefties try to criticize capitalism but end up proving their ignorance on the matter
Your "criticism" is not deep, it's not well thought out and it's utterly unoriginal. It is blindingly obvious that you've never read or listened to anything meaningful on the topic.

Stop taking what Zizek and Chomsky say as gospel and actually listen to both sides of the argument, while trying to stay critical and objective. Listen, watch and read about as many perspectives as you can. This is not a binary X vs Y situation. You need a nuanced base to stand on or you WILL end up making a fool of yourself, like you did in this thread.

Worldwide yeah, but in western countries unemployment is only increasing.

It's the very near future.

>>This should be illegal because it's exploitation

yes it should be, unless you're doing some important job

actually basic income fixes that because nobody will "work for food" anymore

>Even if you're giving something for free it's still capitalism

No it's not. The entire point of Capitalism is to gain capital.

>Even if you're giving something for free it's still capitalism because you produced it and you are willingly giving away and only those who want it will take it.

shut the fuck up you piece of shit
capitalism only existed for a couple of centuries and people were still producing art and shit before that and calling capitalism is anachronism but surely you wouldn't know that because you have no education

>And the description of USA acting in foreign affairs, which only fucking strengthens what I've said about republics of representative powers acting in interest of the state, not of the market.

except people with the most money can manipulate the goverment and the media to brain wash idiots like you into buying shit

>we should just have no goverment and let the market dictate our lives

go fuck yourself dumbass motherfucker

stalin and hitler were completely right
people like you should be genocided

Then how will anything get done. What the actual fuck?

It's not though; we're on an upswing. Only like 2% more people aren't employed compared to the all time high in the US, Germany is at its highest employment rate ever, only shitholes like Greece and Italy are doing poorly and I doubt the singularity would take hold in those places before the richest countries. We should see rapidly rising productivity if hyper-advanced AIs are making humans obsolete but we just don't, it's not happening

No, it's not to gain capital, it's to exchange capital.
Capital means anything you desire for your exchange.
If you're giving something for free you're getting your own personal satisfaction and you'll only do it if you can afford doing it.

The US is literally booming right now economically