This is a rebellion is it?

>This is a rebellion is it?
>....I rebel!

Dude I hate women lmao etc etc

I kinda like that line

This is part of your plan isn't it?

Getting caught.

>This is a revolution isn't it?
>I revolt

whatever you do, don't take your cloths off


This is shitposting board isn't it?
I shitpost

>On your own from the age of 15. Reckless Aggressive, & undisciplined
>Teehee, I rebel!

>rebellions are built on hope!

>This is Club Penguin, isn't it?
>I club.

save the rebellion!
save the dream!


Why? Maybe if it was delivered by a badass like Tom Hardy's Bronson.

>this is a terrorist organization right?
>I terror

>I club penguins

This must have looked stupid in the script

>I'm a rebel. I rebel.

Rebel Rebel, your film is a mess

yeah true, i suppose its all about the delivery

For real though the dialogue in the trailer is fucking atrocious

D-tier writing and delivery

I doubt the movie overall will be that bad but the trailer doesn't hype me at all and gives me strong reservations

I want to say "I'm rebelling" would be better.

This movie is gonna be fucking shit delux w/fries

Dude I defend slags lmao

And it is going to make a billion and get a >90%. O tempora O mores.

Sheev did nothing wrong.

>only one trailer had the "i rebel" line
>every trailer since has her saying "you're all rebels, aren't you?"
>still thinking "i rebel" made it into the final cut after all the reshoots

This isn't rocket surgery, people.

>That sex doll expression
God damnit I want to shove myself into her bucktoothed mouthpucci

Still, someone initally approved that line. Someone said "yeah, that sounds fine"