Euthanize all retards

>Euthanize all retards
What did he mean by this?

I think this skit is about how reddit types think retarded people are basically cute novelty items and not actual people because they love killing retarded people in womens vaginas but will be gleeful and happy at a retard achieving something that functional people think is trivial

That it's unfair to force someone to live their life without the faculties of a regular human being just so you don't feel bad about it especially when abortion is so accepted nowadays.

is this alt-right?

jesus christ, where's the foreplay

the kids are alt right

I think Sam is literally insane.

Sometimes you think some of his hyperactivity is part of an act, but he might actually have mental issues.

>It's irony kekekekeke
>I don't care what all the cucks think of me
>B-but here's all this bigoted stuff that I say with almost religious fervor
I'd actually respect the cunt if he stopped hiding behind "lel so deep irony" regardless of his real views.

This is the worst post on Sup Forums right now.

his integrity is being lost in children who have folders dedicated to pepe and anime girls in nazi uniforms on their computers and he needs to address it if he's going to keep making shit like this

he does look like a retard, good casting

Anyone else pissed off World Peace got cancelled?

That shit was funny as hell.

nah It means sam can get back to youtube sketches which were wayyyy better

>viewtiful Joe icon

>You see Sam is actually relating with retarded people

>nah It means sam can get back to youtube sketches which were wayyyy better

I dug both of them. The show was excellent to watch fucked up.

>I'm a dumbass who's never getting back on adult swim

oh wow oh geez look at this fucking xDD incredible!~121321!!!!1

I hope u sumash trhat liek button

seriously though u a hoe

this is the first time that bastard made me laugh

+1 mate, loved being stoned with my girl watch would peace

Can't wait to see how this triggers libfags that love killing unborn children.

i dont get it