Trump's 3D media chess

the exact wording on this tweet was done on purpose to rile up the liberals. Its bait. They feel absolutely compelled to share how he is egoistic in congratulating himself, but they cannot share that message without telling the whole damn world that yes, Trump is right--again.

Every single liberal news site is now blasting this tweet in their headlines.

We will win this war.

Other urls found in this thread:

Regardless of whether they were attempting to blast him for this or not, he was able to get the basic message "I was right" across on every major network.

He's a genius. He's out foxing the media establishment every step of the way. I hope he wins. Another Clinton term would destroy western civilization and America. Please pray for Trump!

>Its bait. They feel absolutely compelled to share how he is egoistic in congratulating himself, but they cannot share that message without telling the whole damn world that yes, Trump is right--again.

Yet I repeatedly see half of this comment shown.

>Trump eats poop
I hope it is a troll thread in the vein of Sup Forums BTFO


no, the 1st half is just what is needed. "Appreciate the congrats for being right". Yes he'll sound like a dick but he is still right. And when they go to sleep at night they'll be thinking about it,

I spent 2 hours arguing on facebook about that post

You've been have been playing mental gymnastics with this tweet all day. It's like the mental olympics in here.

>guy doesn't even say Trump is winning
>b-but guys look he's losing in the polls!!!

Trump is so evil for being correct. How dare someone be right about something. This accurateness has got to stop!

Right about what?


Obama said after the San Bernardino shooting that mass shootings were going to keep happening until congress does something. He was right.

But he didn't go on Twitter to boast about it, because he's not an autistic manbaby, which is why he's a two term president, and Trump never will be.

More islamics killing people?
Mexicans coming in illegally (which is a crime aka criminal).


>which is why he's a two term president
He's a two term president because he's black and Mittens basically threw the election like the little punk ass bitch ass mormon he is.

Do you think that every single person in politics doesn't know that muslims are going to keep attacking. As if ISIS doesn't remind us publicly everyday?

Here's more insight into what Trump was thinking. He says he "called it and asked for a ban." The attacker has been the US for 29 years. How would've Trump's ban prevented this attack? Even when Trump is "right" he's actually wrong.

>Look boss, I posted it again!

>Obama said after the San Bernardino shooting that mass shootings were going to keep happening until congress does something. He was right.

I agree with Obabo.

The Republican House and Senate need to do something about muslims access to security officer jobs when and to "suicide vests".

He's been baiting them like this since the primaries, and they still eat the bait like they don't care.
It's both amusing and sad.

> He's a two term president because he's black
How many two term presidents are black?

That's like saying you got into MIT because your stupid.

Damn, Gary Johnson at 12% is pretty good for a 3rd party candidate

yeah, something needs to be done about islamic terrorism

So you think its better for him to patronize himself and others by spouting this bullshit "thoughts are with the victims" crap? I'd rather someone talk truths than covering up the truth about the causes, motives etc of the attacker. At least Trump offers the beginnings of action.

"This war" is a bunch of conservatives with stones discovering Sup Forums bc it's the last dogshit black-hole forum that righties can say "fuck" on without having to worry. We liberals just chill and watch the haters quiver.


Nice analogy

And what does any of that have to do with announcing that you appreciate being congratulated about a terrorist attack?

Has Fred Phelps announced he's picketing the victims funerals / endorsed Trump yet?

Fred's dead.

It's weird. You'd think a leader should be able to lead people. I guess it makes more sense to just give up and blame others.

He just exposed the crooked game his enemies play by taking him out of context.

This was a brilliant move by Trump.

Jebs dead mate.

>How would've Trump's ban prevented this attack

Trump would take the oil. ISIS would starve to death and be unable to recruit people through the internet.

>How many two term presidents are black?
one, which is infinitely more than the number of one term black presidents, indicating a statistical correlation

Fucking loser

You know, I've noticed an increase in the amount of shills recently. Has anybody else? I mean, there's fucking four threads in the catalog about gun countrol, BY AMERICANS! And then we have this shit! They're FUCKING EVERYWHERE! Or atleast, now they're reeling their ugly heads

Don't get me wrong, I'm all for free speech and I don't believe in safe zones, but this shit just seems so blatantly paid for or motivated by an outside force...really makes you think...

When will this joke end?

>How would've Trump's ban prevented this attack?

>how would keeping immigrants out of America keep immigrants out of America?

It would have kept immigrants out of America.

What you're describing would require him becoming president and going back in time.

How would the ban that he says he called for previously have prevented this attack?

I thought a 3-way race was supposed to murder Trump. Why is the Libertarian taking votes away from Big Government Clinton?

As the elections get closer more and more people visit Sup Forums. Most of them are young and liberal because most "normal" posters are liberal

Not bring a Trump shill = being a shill?

Attacker wasn't an immigrant. He was here for 29 years, longer than most of you have been here. How doesn't banning Jose from crossing the border tomorrow prevent a 29 year resident from shooting someone?

They can't fucking help themselves. So much air time, no money spent. He is truly a business genius.


>Obama is a random error


No! I'm fine with you disagreeing with Trump and whatnot! It just seems that you aren't a frequent poster or visitor because of your opinions. If you were outspoken and I saw several threads with something similar along the lines of what you were saying, then I'd be perfectly accepting that you're just another dude sharing his opinion. But you're not. Your opinion is pretty unique here. It stands out, along with the way you type.

So then begs the questions, how often do you come here and how often do you post in threads?

>He was here for 29 years
>How would not have allowing Muslims to immigrate here and start families stopped these radicalized second generation immigrants killing people in the name of Allah?
gee, hard one.

>How doesn't banning Jose from crossing the border tomorrow prevent a 29 year resident from shooting someone?
It would stop this:

>Not being a Trump shill = being a shill?
Yes, Correct the Record. That's exactly right.

uhhhhhhhhhhh maybe a mozzie shouldnt be allowed to be a fucking security guard with access to guns....? or be able to buy them...?

with high risk people there should be limits

"we have to be vigilant"

also, it doesnt matter whether his ban would have affected this particular shit. He got his bloody message of security across

Trying to discredit what I'm saying? Sure, you can discredit the picture that I got from someone else, but you don't notice any of the new shit that's been going on?

>1 post

You know, you just might be one of them

Could be. There's not enough data to make a determination.

>A model that has been overfit has poor predictive performance, as it overreacts to minor fluctuations in the training data.

Assuming that a black president is more likely to serve two terms because the only black president served two terms is a poor prediction. There's no statistic validity in that fact.

You mean besides the fact that both his elections were the most participated in by minorities in history?

I thought liberals were always celebrating the fact that their president was a nigger with other niggers voting for them. How Republicans would never win against because there are more shitskins these days.

I'm a trump supporter but I agree with this.

I don't think Trump has a master well articulated plan. I think he is just fucking around and people like it.


Or maybe people are thinking about gun control more because a muzzie just shot 50 fags with a legally purchased firearm

So any other words, Trump's proposed "solution" that he boasted would have prevented this attack wouldn't have prevented shit. That's all you need to say. The rest of the projecting is unnecessary.

Yeah but presidential elections aren't as simple as little data points. Sure you can represent them like that but there's a lot of data in every election. And you can see that being black probably helped Obama win his two terms. Given his absurdly high popularity with African Americans and their importance in key swing states like Ohio, Virginia and NC it seems likely that being black helped Obama win those states. Maybe it wasn't the only factor but it seems key to his wins. Especially his second win. Now you can ignore all that and say it is a random data point but given current demographic trends in America I think ignoring it is intellectually dishonest.

How could he have gotten so far without a master plan like this? Everything he does has a deeper meaning to it. He made the media outcry that he was a racist because of him calling the Trump U judge a Mexican. Digging deeper into it, the Judge is part of La Raza (the legal branch of it). The media will eventually find this out and risk being called out for not reporting on it, or being called out for being wrong. He cornered the fuck out of them. How was that not planned?

I've been monitoring Trumps followers for a while now. But I forgot to do within the last few days. I swear he was on almost 8.9 mil.
Now he's about 10k away from 9mil exactly.

Did the new event in Orlando bump up his Followers by almost 100k? Or am I imagining things?

Even before this shit, it was being amplified. Now I can understand what you're saying, but FOUR fucking threads? And the OPs don't even contribute, they're one post faggots. They just sit back and watch the fallout

There's a pattern to these shill posts, just try and look for them

>Yeah but presidential elections aren't as simple as little data points.
I'm not that one who stated that Obama is president because he's black, which is the most simplistic possible explanation.

Because he is an open borders cuck

Die of cancer faggot.

Dynamic IPs, and Sup Forums is a very very easy board to troll, so just posting a baity OP is enough to get the spergs freaking out

Wow, you really showed us.

>being black probably helped Obama
And assuming that it did help, there are obviously a lot more factors involved or else you would be able to put any nigger in a election and he would win every time. The fact is, there are very few black people in America that could possibly win the presidency, or else they would probably be running.

Exactly. Disappointing that many people, even some Trump supporters, don't get it. Or maybe those are people just pretending to be Trump supporters.

But he might actually be president because he's black. It's an entirely valid possibility. Ignoring the facts because of a "small sample size" is dumb. Real life doesn't boil down to simple statistics.

Then get off my board you fucking synth

It's not valid because it assumes that any black person could be president, or that a black person could more easily be president. If it were that simple, all of our candidates would be black. All we got this election however was Ben Carson, and being black didn't get him in the whitehouse.

>or else you would be able to put any nigger in a election and he would win every time
Hard finding one that can read. He needs to be a proper house nigger that appeals to cuckolds like you in blue states.

Not until you fags become less pathetically easy to trigger

Who do you work for? Please, just leave me alone, I want no part of this

>It's not valid because it assumes that any black person could be president

No it doesn't, nobody said that. There's a big difference between "he won because he's black" and "he only won because he's black"

Check into the JournoList controversy. Stating he's president because he's black seems rather simplistic, but it's inarguable that his skin color was an enormous boon for him his first term and was likely responsible for the glowing coverage by the press, his "fans", songs about him, etc.. It was really weird, especially because this guy had an extremely minimal political career before his campaign.

>He's a two term president because he's black

The goalposts keep moving.

To put it simply:
You don't seem to be from around here

Yeah I don't think that's part of a master plan. I think he's basically getting harassed in court and he called the judge out for racism. Simple as that.

I think that Trump is an alright guy and he brings the bantz, so it appears that he's doing strategic gymnastics to create a domino effect of success.

But really he's just being Trump and things work out for him because he's not a total scumbag liar.

He had more a political career than Trump currently has.

>There's a big difference between "he won because he's black" and "he only won because he's black"
>He's a two term president because he's black
>because he's black
>not only because he's black

I don't see an only in their, Chaim.

You're right. He couldn't prevent this one. But he can prevent further hopefully.

Maybe if you read the rest of that guy's sentence you would see that he actually gave at least two reasons for why Obama won the second election. One was because he's black. Try reading entire posts instead of half of them.

Are you going to argue that Obama was more famous prior to 2007 than Trump?

The rest about mitten's throwing the election is just salty bullshit.

No, but he certainly became more famous.

he has called for a ban on immigrantion, plus more stringency at all ports, and background checks, Which would help here. Its not just the immigration ban.

its fucking miles better than " totally no problem here! " hillary

I'll have to disagree with you, but I will acknowledge your get

>Gary Johnson at 12% is pretty good for a 3rd party candidate
Perot was LEADING the polls around this time in the 1992 election.

It doesn't matter if it's "salty bullshit" or not. It's pretty clear you just want to argue semantics (poorly).

Post this around instead

>No, but he certainly became more famous.
How is that relevant? Trump's celebrity status is clearly one of the reasons he was able to get attention.

Obama had no such fame. The reason he got attention was because he was black. The reason he won specific key districts in swing states was because he was black. The reason doe-eyed youths voted for him was because lolomgfirstblackpresident.

No, it will stop the ones years from now and after.

My arguments are solid brah.

>he can't have won because he's black because we've only had one black president

Yeah super solid. Really takes into account all the data at hand. Totally doesn't reduce everything into one simple explanation ignoring all other evidence. You convinced me I'm a Hillary Artillery now brah.

Never asked you to vote for Hillary. I'm sure as shit not going to. Could you vote for Jill Stein instead? Thanks.

>Have a few agents with names
>Big fanbase

literally who?


>Censoring their names


Why would anyone vote for an open border retard?

Man at least Hillary shills get paid.

If you Trump shills got paid this board would be a billion dollar industry.

Didn't Florida go completely trump yesterday?

what if bernie endorses hillary in the end? what will you do? the jill stein thing is like some fairytale