How does Sup Forums think America should go about dealing with its problem of public shootings?

How does Sup Forums think America should go about dealing with its problem of public shootings?

>Inb4 nervous deflection on to Britain

I'm asking about America

This would never have had happened if they had all converted to Islam like Britain is going to do.

Responsible and mature civilians should take it upon themselves to be well trained and armed so that they can do their part and help keep their people and nation safe.

Actually report suspicious activity and red flags

Encourage people to conceal carry and discourage gun free zones

Two easy things that would probably eliminate most, if not all, mass shootings.

Stop ignoring the fact that it is on the decline for a long time now.

And take comfort in your second amendment rights. Go learn to shoot and learn about guns. Knowledge is power and itll help you understand what is happening.

They're going to continue to happen regardless of whatever feel-good gun legislation the libs get through if Hilldog wins.

>Focus entirely on how to respond to it instead of how to prevent it


Remove any and all muslims in America.

>public shootings
Which one? The sporadic ones or the everyday nigger shootings?

I think the answer is obvious, teabro

The wrong answer is to capitulate and let terrorist attacks tailor our Bill of Rights.

They might reinstitute an assault weapons ban, but that's the absolute furthest it could go. We have about 100 million legal guns in circulation in the United States, a failed narcostate to our south, and a huge percentage of the population who will never give up their guns. A national buyback program would only hook grandmas and soccer moms selling grandpa's old Smith and Wesson. Outright bans on handgun sales would do nothing to stem the flow of illegal guns from Mexico and the Philippines. And confiscation would lead to dozens of shootouts daily, if not outright civil war. The most we can look forward to is some kind of strengthened background checks, MAYBE a revival of the AWB, and a lot of impotent bluster and tears from the left.

Get rid of gun free zones. Replace them with, in better phrasing, zones where any misuse of a firearm will carry a greatly intensified penalty. Let's say assault or threatening with a gun is 10 years minimum in a "gun limited zone" it would be 30 years.

The point being to onerously punish any tom dick or harry who pulls a gun into a 'ex gun free zone' for bullshit reasons but to allow a serious minded tom dick or harry to keep his CCW in the zone and take down a threat.

When it comes to non Muslims a constant thread with every single spree shooter we've had thus far has been that they are autismo broken individuals, who opt to take it out on chad and the normies instead of embracing waifus. So deal with the legitimate meme of mental health (experienced it with my late father's decline into dementia and our mental health system is abominably worthless) with an eye in particular to greater compassion and care for those who find themselves isolated and all that.

Lastly if Obama and his ilk were interested in actual fucking compromise and not incremental dominion engage in some wheeling and dealing with those of us who back the 2nd amendment. As in "You want mandatory background checks or a waiting period? Alright, repeal import bans and make silencers/SBRS/SBSs legal without a 200 ATF tax."

If Obama negotiated with Iran the way he 'negotiates' with the 2nd amendment we would have had a deal so stringent and punitive Iran would be our fucking vassal.

There is not much you can do.
Crazy people be crazy - weather their rampage is fueled by religion or chemtrails.
A liberal society is always vulnerable. But since life in a liberal society is generally nice it will prevail. Face it: 99,999% of muslims are not killers. They just have a different religion than yours. (not saying that islam is not shit and not saying that all those terrorists are not muslim).
I am surprised and glad that things like this do not happen more often - after all it is pretty easy to do (with or without guns).

In all fairness Britain will likely purge Islam after the great war in which Sweden just falls apart and Germany turns into a caliphate.

Solve the underlying social issues. Most of the shooters were aspies, racists, and radicals.

Dont ignore the fact that watching these fucks get killed before they can take anyone with them will put a real damper on anyone wishing to follow in their footsteps.

Literally this.

stop letting muslims in. make all states 'stand your ground' states. get rid of gun free zones and have real security instead. make concealed carry and fire arms training more accessable to the law abiding public.

literally 90 percent of all mass shootings happen in places where the shooters know that know no one has a firearm.
and so every time a mass shooting happens they look over this fact and demand more gun free zones and gun laws


Focus on removing the dehumanization that turns men into lonely shells of their former selves.

Every terrorist attack so far has been perpetrated by isolated young men. Let's get some community outreach programs, and do some serious research into male suicide and what causes it.

Okay? I'm at a loss here. What is that image proving and how?


there is no problem and rights should not be eroded anymore than they already are. we've seen the stats, take niggers out of the equation and get rid of the five major cities where they mostly congregate and boom, we're one of the safest countries on earth. as far as someone going crazy and killing a bunch of people? it's the price to pay for freedom. i can live with that. unchecked governments are more dangerous than a crazy person with an ar15 will ever be

Mental health reform, perhaps government subsidies and/or restrictions on what can be charged for mental health care (fuck paying $100/hr to see a shrink), laws protecting the rights of the mentally ill from the government, and above all a social move to remove the stigma we have in this country against people seeking mental help.

Fuck, I'd be for "free" mental healthcare since that would benefit us all if everybody had the chance to sort their demons out with a professional.

This guy gets it. I believe in the years to come we are going to found out more and more how bad it fucks up the male brain to remove a sense of purpose and value we used to get by being the bread winners and protectors of the family.

remove kebab