Are anti depressants degenerate? got some prescribed today

are anti depressants degenerate? got some prescribed today

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>Not having the mental strenght to cope with reality
Yes it is degenerate to mask your problems instead of dealing with them

They're poison, have no scientific basis, and have side effects that are often much worse than the goal.
Our plague of depression is not chemical, it is the logical outcome of disconnectedness. When you embrace tradition and eat and sleep right you will end your depression. When you take these pills, if they are SSRIs, you will be impotent, possibly suicidal, the root issue has not been dealt with, and they have to be in your system for 30 days before "good" effect (a colorless mellowing) can start. The impotence starts with the first pill. Did I mention I think SSRIs shpuld be banned?

if you dont feel like theres something wrong with them, then dont take them

When I was on them when I was younger, they made me aggressive and impulsive.

Just exercise occasionally instead. It's literally the cure to moderate depression.

No, they are just pills, you are the "degenerate"

fuck, i meant if you dont feel like theres something wrong with you

they are the new kind, not SSRI's but i think its pretty much the same. they're called mirtazapin

I just take st johns wort, seems to mellow me out. But don't take it if you're on an SSRI cus you can get serotonin syndrome.

take psilocybin every 4 months instead

even a very low dose months apart cures depression

I wouldn't call it degenerate
They will make you not care about shit
Then when you stop taking them you will care again
I got it when I was younger and I'm very happy to not get them anymore, felt like a zombie. Just indifferent about everything.
Solve your problems in some other way - be physically active and maybe get a better diet if your diet atm is shit.
Good luck swedebro

hope you don't like having an erection

I'm on Lexapro. It's literally the best thing to ever happen to me. I've had anxiety and depression issues since I was born. It has nothing to do with "strength" of dealing with problems, I had no problems and was still a miserable asshole. It's biological for some people. There are some side effects, especially at first. My dick works fine, but I am less horny. Meaning I want to screw every other day rather than twice a day. I actually think that's a positive though.

they are not the cure
you can only help yourself by thinking about your feelings
dont ignore them

I started taking it a week ago,I feel better now,no bad side should still work on your problem though.

they are degenrate as fuck. unless u have some major brain chemistry fuck up they might be necessary, but for mild to moderate depression its a fucking disaster, as they merely supperss ur emotions and make u a numb fuck.

if its possible for u to deal with the causes of depression rather than deluting ur feelings with chemicals i suggest u dont take them drugz

t: dont be kangz n shiet

Depression is a normal state.

What if I have severe depression

>Thinking the drugs are not designed to make you addicted to them so that you will throw your money at the medicial jew

>got some prescribed today

Wow, congratulations! You must have been put through some vigorous tests to be prescribed such medication!

They're not a cure all but they worked for me when I was prescribed them. Studies have shown that they don't seem to be any more helpful than either St. John's Wort or practicing mindfulness though.

Try increasing the amount of low-intensity exercise you do and take up mindfulness - helped for me over longer term than taking the pills.

My mother got a prescription for these and ending up throwing every one down the toilet and got over it herself.

I would consider them a last resort.

Perhaps try yoga and meditation. Also eat healthier. I know sometimes a person can feel pinned down and unable to do anything, but try if you can instead of immediately turning to the drugs.

Don't take medical advice from random people on the internet.

Xanax would probably work much better than anti depressant pills

>implying they didn't just give you a placebo to make you go away already

This. Always keep in mind that the pharm companies are evil and don't care about your health. They only care about hooking people on half-cures so they can line their pockets.

>are anti depressants degenerate?
Yes. If you've found God, you're can't be depressed. If you haven't found God, you're an atheist. Atheism is degenerate.

you can't be*

they will destroy your mind. they make your thoughts not your own, you no longer are yourself. they were created by jews to enslave you.

Yah improving diet is solid advice as well. Obviously cut back on/cut out alcohol or any other mood altering recreational drugs if you normally take them. I find mood improves hugely whenever I switch to a fairly low-carb diet and cut out alcohol.

I would expect that in Sweedun anti depressants are necessary.


You talking about money or the pills?

Toxoplasmosis is the cure to depression.

Not even kidding

>taking the benzene jew

i used to get sleep paralysis and lucid dreaming while on mirtazapine with one recurring dream being a demon who would suck the positive energy from me - sometimes I'd wake up with my pleasure receptors firing so hard it physically hurt if that makes sense

ever since i came off them i feel physically drained even after a year and don't think I'll ever be the person i was, also i know how crazy it is to believe in demons and stuff so consider that another side effect of falling for the medication meme

Sounds like the kikes marked you for the devil, enjoy your trip to hell mate.

Smoke weed faggot

I took anti-depressants because I told my doctor I thought I might of had anxiety problems (was going through a rough breakup where I had to see my ex everyday at work, work sucked and so did school) so I was prescribed a drug I've never heard of before. So I took it anyways.
The thing is I wasn't depressed at all, but this pill fucked with me. I couldn't even get an erection properly (one of the side effects) but the worst part was I couldn't sleep.
For 3 days I was wide awake and it caused me to do some loopy shit
Messaging people on jewbook that I could travel through time, that I was being followed. I even drew plans on how to make a warp gate (shit was hilarious to read when I wasnt sleep deprived)
Needless to say I dropped those pills and went back to the green

In order to fix your depression you need to eat a way healthier diet, go to bed at 9pm or 9:30 every night and get up at 6am, exercise with weightlifting or jogging everyday and stop wasting so much time on vidya/Sup Forums/internet. SSRI'S can keep you from feeling too shitty during that time when you work on that but you won't come close to fixing your issues and no longer needing SSRI's if you don't do all that.

Mirtazapine is from 1994. If you doc told you it's new he's a lying conniving whore. Most doctors are. And it has the same kind of sideffects as SSRIs