Can we form a temporary muslim-christian alliance to beat up fags and leftshits?

Can we form a temporary muslim-christian alliance to beat up fags and leftshits?

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Fags don't want to behead me for not being a fag.


what does that mean

/thread what does it mean



stop with this anti-gay violence meme. Support for gay rights is one of the cornerstones of the West and we need to use it to beat the Muslim hordes

You could kill yourself.

first post is the best post

More like "can we have a temporary Christian - fag alliance to remove kebab?"

Muslims love leftshits. Why would they beat up the people who are literally giving them europe on a silver platter?

It means go back 2 Reddit

I didn't know that Sup Forums users are closet homos.

>Support for gay rights is one of the cornerstones of the West
It has been around for 20 years at most.

good goyim

Yeah well they want to behead you for being a straight white male. Hows that any better?

I think christians and muslims have more common endmies than differences. If we learned to coexist and fight agains degeneracy maybe we could save whats left of western civilization.

Face it: ethnically pure states are a thing if the past now but strong conservative morals can still remain

>Support for gay rights is one of the cornerstones of the Western collapse

No, kiddo. My land my decisions. Fags who kiss and shit in public are perverts, and that's not the same as being gay.

I'm not gay, but if i was it would be my right as long as i didn't bring my unpleasant fetish onto public property.

>catholic church infested with pedophile priests
>mohammed, the childrapist prophet of the one true pedophile faith, jammed his dick into more spring chickens than bill cosby

>b-but g-gays are degenerate!!!!1

Nice try Hillary shill but you can fuck right back off. Gays are turning right wing and there's nothing you scumbags can do about it

Being gay was illegal in most western countries until the 1960s. Stop pretending gay rights is somehow intrinsically linked to western civilization. Most of western history has been anti-gay.

why would i go to reddit i havent even been there in like a week i usually go to facebook and twitter lmao

You think gays want to behead people?? LOL maybe give them head. What are you smoking dude? It must be hot in gypsy land today

You tolerate blasphemy and call yourself a Christian?

There is but one unforgivable sin in all of Christendom, and that sin is blasphemy of the holy spirit.

Which is the very reason Islam exists. To reject love for the vile lust of hatred.


Fags adopt little children to molest them and cut their dicks off. In addition to this they vote left and ruin your country economically.
Organized religions are the lesser of two evils.

False. Gays are fucked up because they lack an organized religion. There is literally no organized religion outside of Ancient Greece that accepts homosex, and theirs died long ago.

You can't expect gays to have an actual community without a common idol to worship.

>Being gay was illegal in most western countries until the 1960s
being gay was perfectly legal in germany before the rise of national socialism.

you know nothing of history.

inb4 nazis were great, see pic related

Yes. At best they support and vote for people who want you dead and your country erased. Again, how is this any better?
At least muslims dont seem to care about your race.



>1532 – Holy Roman Empire makes sodomy punishable by death.[1]
>1620 – Brandenburg-Prussia criminalizes sodomy, making it punishable by death.[1]
>1871 – Homosexuality is criminalized throughout the German Empire by Paragraph 175 of the Reich Criminal Code.[2]

>see pic related
>see this piece of fiction to inform yourself on historical matters

Also i find it quite telling how you switched to MUH NAZIS all of a sudden. Typical german leftard

>Fags adopt little children to molest them and cut their dicks off
I heard they eat them at their gatherings

its a reference to markup language text commands. In html, / before a text command means end that command.
/thread literally means "End Thread"

as in, there is nothing you can contribute that would be of anyone in the thread, because what that poster said ended the thread just as quickly as it began.

You mean homosexuality is the first sign of the downfall of any empire/civilization.


>use it to beat the Muslim hordes
How, precisely, can we use gay rights to beat muslims? Sodomize them to death?

You're literally the best goyim.

Islam and Christianity have been at war for 1,400 years for good reason. One will destroy the other.

>Face it: ethnically pure states are a thing if the past now but strong conservative morals can still remain

Japan says hi. Most of Asia says hi. Fuck of with this race traitor pro-Islam defeatism.

Or a permanent alliance. Christians and muslims want much of the same things.

Being violent towards homos is the only thing that can make western culture survive aftger you fags destroyed it. Nobody is more anti-christian and anti-morality than gays

>again the same mudslime trash diaspora from Romania

fututi alahu matii sa imi bag pula in natia ta

>Fags adopt little children to molest them and cut their dicks off

You mean Jews and Muslims, right?

Muslims want to dominate, not to be in an alliance.

nope, faggots are harmless and have an expiry date, death cultists on the other hand are a scourge of this world

I hope you're an Achmed because otherwise you're literally spewing the globalist Jew mantra.

Fuck off.
>assuming I'm a christian
>assuming most self-proclaimed christians are not actually hardcore progressive cucks who would rather open their borders and donate to African shitholes than defend their own heritage

It means u r a fag

Globalist jews just want more gays and more adultery. They want muslims to turn out like christians (I am baptised as a catholic) where everyone seems to either be a faggot, avoid going to church or weakly pray to statues of some saints without a spine to actually do what the bible say.

Choose your words faggot.

>being violent towards homos is the only thing to save western culture
Try niggers anf kikes

no, they will stab you in the back when they got the chance

Enjoy being a cuck


>They want muslims to turn out like christians (I am baptised as a catholic) where everyone seems to either be a faggot, avoid going to church or weakly pray to statues of some saints without a spine to actually do what the bible say.

No, they want Muslims to exterminate the whites. Whites can either go "okie dokie I want an alliance" or they can get mad and start killing the Slimes.

No. Mudslimes are sand/full niggers.

that will lead to the extermination of the godfags
please do it, you animals need to go, the world's fate is at stake

No. We are Christians (and by we I mean Europe and offsprings) no matter how much fedoratiping and jewish lies will you put on our identity. We do not kill degenerate, because a) we are forgiving pepole b)the ultimate Judge is God c)we do not invented assalums and hospitals (and brainwashing camps too) to look pretty. We invented them to heal pepole. Degeneracy like leftism or homosexualism can be treated. In fact we done it in XIX century, with primitve methods of course, but with modern science degeneracy would be cured if ((them)) weren't involved. And when Western Civilisation will rise again, we will destroy degenracy one for all.
Muslims on the other hand are disgusting satanists that love bloodshed. We are to high in our morals to have aliance with them. But.. But they can be usefull idiots and get us less work.

And then we will kill Islam. Being degenerate is one but being enemy of God is something on completely different level.

Muslims don't hate or even dislike Christians. It's the Jews that the Muslims will eternally despise.

You forgot the major reason why you don't kill degenerates (or anyone else):

You are major cucks. Christ was the primordial cuck to bring cuckoldry and proto-bolshevism to the world.

Go kiss some muslim feet now.

>Probably a nigger


Mussies are using the leftshits against us, getting rid of the mussies is good for now and hopefully we'll get rid of the fags later on.

You should've been one of the people at pulse, faggot.

Nah, they just wanna pozz your kids asshole.

>don't hate Christains
Bullshit, that's why they're constantly killed.

The choice Sup Forums
>faggots who only fuck little boys because the imans say it doesnt count as gay sex since boys arent men, will outlaw bacon, ban porn and kill your dog by injecting it with acid

What a difficult choice

Have to agree with this.

Sinning is bad, heresy is unacceptable.

>Muslims don't hate or even dislike Christians
>being this historically ignorant

I hope Vlad will impale you, fucking Muhammad.

>Support for gay rights is one of the cornerstones of the West and we need to use it to beat the Muslim hordes
if this is what "the west" has been reduced to, then we definitely need to support islam

Hi australia

Oh its lets pretend we like homosexuals day.

Get your own flag, cheeky cunt.

ahahahah no ahmed

Christians: "Hate the sin, love the sinner."
Muslims: "Kill all the gays!"

Liberals: "As you can see, all religions are equally bad!"