

Why can't you just admit that guns kill people? It's right in front of your eyes.

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what people, LGBT dont count, fkn lolbertarian

i farted and a little poo came out

Guns do kill people. But so do cars, water, hamburgers, hammers, trees, bugs. Everything kills people. Who cares? Kill yourself.

My guns never killed people, is that covered under warranty?

I want that revolver.

>58 in Israel
Jew conspiracies are for realz

Why can't you just admit that akbars kill people? It's right in front of your eyes.

Also, my gun on the table isn't shooting anyone. Unless someone pulls the trigger.

do guns load themselves?
do guns fire at people without the assistance of a person?

A gun is a tool

people kill people
people will continue to kill people even if you ban guns. did they not teach you about prohibition in your history class?

Why can't you just admit that you fell for gun control brainwashing? It's right in front of your eyes.


Why can't you just admit that air kill people? It's right in front of your eyes.

>another ambiguous gun deaths stat


Collection thread?

>doesn't post around 8500 were from blacks with illegal guns

plus we are a much bigger country

My guns never killed anyone. I left mine near my door once and it didn't leave my house to go on a massacre... so I have no idea what you're talking about.

now post the stat showing all guns

why is the thingy that pushes out the empty shells so short? What is that thing chambered in?


Why can't you just admit that niggers kill people? It's right in front of your eyes.

Where can I get a Cerrokote job like that for my Ruger GP-100? That thing is dope!

>West Germany

Why can't you just admit thatIslamic terrorism kills people?.......
Seriously Obama, why can't you admit it?

>is amerifaggot
>doesn't know how a revolver works
How are you even expecting to shot up your local school with this such ignorance???

>posting the fake one

Cause all of the Nations listed before the U.S are over 90% white. Savage societies without guns have an even higher murder rate than we do.

I'll buy an assault baby sniping rifle with the shoulder thing that goes up.

But really, look at the OP image, and then look at mine. Look at that ejector rod.

Where can i find a gun with this paint scheme? I really fucking dig it.

>West Germany

This is a really determined raid. But no matter how many threads you'll make, not one sane person will change his mind about guns.

If federal goverment wants to take away your guns be ready for hardcore dictatorship knocking at your door.

Don't let them do this burgers.

Guns kill people, and it's perfectly fine. Freedom isn't free and sometimes the payment is in blood.

You're right, the ejector rod in the op is way too short to be functional

So if you acknowledge the fact that you live in a country with high conflict between it's inhabitants, why do you allow the vending of easy to use, obtain and conceal lethal weapons, for only the price of a weekly minimum wage salary?

Mexico? Brazil? Russia? Any South American country?

Niggers kill people

>West Germany
What fucking year is it?

>rly makes you think

It's a toy gun. No gun manufacturer in the right mine would paint their guns like faggots.

yes because criminals niggers and all the people who have malice in their hearts or are very small people who need guns to feel big will willingly turn over their weapons in lieu for patriotism that they've exhibited zero evidence of in their entire lifes history. i will not surrender my guns and there are enough conservatives in america to keep us for losing the 2nd amendment for the next 25 years.

Yeah. I know a lot of snub noses have ejector rods that don't fully remove the shell, but even then the OP gun isn't a snubby, it should be long enough to have the ejector rod go all the way out, like they do on the shorter single action revolvers where the rod matches the barrel length.

I doubt that is a real gun at all. I saw the release was a colt, and the closest looking thing to it is a python, going by how the little cut out areas behind the front sights are. But I haven't seen anything with that short of a rod on google images.

X number of people killed by _____ this year, ban all _____


Holy fuck you're retarded.

You remove niggers from the equation our murder rate is just a little bit above Canada's and that includes all the "white hispanics". No one can compete with Japan though they're too busy killing themselves.

And this is cartel land talkin

Words kill people too you know.

>guns kill people
>Pencils misspell words
>cars are responsible for drunk driving
>Cancer is caused by doctors


no one cares about niggers shooting each other though. you dont take away a tool away from humans just because animals dont know how to use them.

>It's a toy gun. No gun manufacturer in the right mine would paint their guns like faggots.

fags with poor taste exist, just read the few guys in this thread that want it.
or check youtube

>implying this is even a raid

I do this constantly with different topics. It's the only threads that give me (you)s. Don't even believe the shit I post


> Guns kill people
> Cars drive drunk
> Penises rape
> Computers cyberbully
> Australian computers shitpost


> Gun violence

the meme.


the only thing your country is known for is that numa numa song

So thats a lie, didnt 100 people get shot in france alone last year?

Get fucked, faggot.


If you believe guns killed those people, you have to believe alcohol raped that Stanford woman.

>It has killed tens of thousands in Brazil
>about 2/3 of US the population
>no guns

That's the point. guns are designed to kill people. Banning guns doesn't work, it's not like all the criminals who ignore the law anyway are just gonna turn their guns in. All you'd be doing is disarming the majority of the public who actually obey the law, leaving them defenseless against the monkeys that don't.

Its because guns kill people that Americans should have the right to defend themselves with guns. If each of those homos in the club had a gun, the death toll wouldve dropped tremendously.

Doesn't matter if you do this for (you)s or not, the board is being raided nonetheless. With 4-8 threads about guns laws present all the time there is no doubt that it is a raid, intentional or not.

Burgers must be ready.

The analogies in this thread are terribly stupid.
While "cars; pencils; penises" can be used to cause harm, they have other purposes.
Guns are designed solely for killing human beings. If you think it's fun to shot cans in the desert for "sport" grab yourself a slingshot, an airsoft gun or a paintball gun and knock yourself out.
That's what we do in civilized countries.

daaaamn, is that one pistol a german or chinese copy?

>do the math
>using shitty correlation
>do the math,but accept this bs that is correlation

yes user the increase of ice cream sales is a correlation of increase of rape. we should set a limit on ice cream sales to limit rape!

>thinks libertarians are against the 2nd amendment

>west germany

The gun control movement is literally still using propaganda from the 80s.

Meanwhile, with some more current numbers... Handguns killed 5782 in 2013.

But what has changed since the 80s?

Are handguns harder to get?

Are there fewer handguns in circulation?

Is it harder to carry a handgun in public?

Wait. We made all of those things far easier to do and put tens of millions of new handguns into circulation.

How odd...

German. It's a bolo, probably from the 20's or 30's. Needs some work.


>Brazil has strict gun control laws
>Still one of the the highest murder rates in the world (70.000 a year)

Niggers kill people.

Very true, but niggers with guns are more likely
to kill you than niggers without guns.

Right answer, wrong conclusion

I just have a yugo SKS (pic), Ruger SR40, and a S&W .357 mag. Can't really afford all that many guns at the moment, along with there being not that many places I can shoot

I can see your tootsies.

Make one with black people, and how many they killed in various countries.

We're also known for inventing the jet plane, you american dog, pic related

Mods delete all anti gun threads now!.

>one american represents all
Lmao fucking zigeuners.

>Sup Forums

Had to actually search your flag, never have seen it Panama

>Democrat murders a bunch of gays
>"Wow Conservashits so violent"

Just admit that you are the problem you disgusting Leftist. Most of these killings are by fags like you anyway.

>Frank Whittle

Ugly kraut hamfeet.
dumped my ex for having brutish feet like yours.

Don't worry m8, my VFW post is already ready to remove both kebab and federals if they come.

God Bless Texas

So all these people were pistol whipped to death? Why wouldn't they just use the gun and shoot bullets at em?

is it correct that an off duty cop shot the terrorist?

He thought out the concept, but never managed to build one. Henri Coanda was the first to successfully build and fly one.

>is it correct that an off duty cop shot the terrorist?
The sandnigger was shot by the swat team when it raided the club he was holding hostages in.

Because inanimate objects cannot perform actions.

but I read something about an armed off duty cop. that's good right?

My bad, just googled that "Frank" guy, he thought out the concept in 1928 but Henri Coanda made it in 1910 so get your facts straight.

>but I read something about an armed off duty cop. that's good right?
Well as I haven't heard that the most I can speculate is that he was off-duty, then showed up in swat gear to help raid the place.

But no, a cop didn't just walk by the place and shoot the mudslime.

I live in a place where it takes the sheriff two hours to respond.
Illegal aliens break into houses, monthly. One murdered a whole family recently.

Seriously, want my guns? Come and pry them from my cold, dead, hands

why cant you just admit that the people need killed?

I got to get me a Mauser and a K31 before they're all gone.

You don't even need a gun to defend yourself. Tazers work way better.

Engine is just an over glorified fan. True jet engine injects fuel with the incoming air which his did not.

>Illegal aliens break into houses, monthly. One murdered a whole family recently.
holy shit where do you live?

>gypsies telling people not to protect their homes

>What is hunting?

0.003% of the US population

Who cares?

Lovely little arsenal you got there, user!

>One shot
>"Oops i missed guess tyrone gets to have his way with me :^)"

Continue being retarded