Ex-Muslim here. AMA

Ex-Muslim here. AMA

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Are you a Paki?

Kill the traitor

I invoke Takfir

Are you a filthy Paki?


When is your execution sceduled?

Welcome back to humanity. Have you had enough of killing infidels or what?

Hahaha well done being that guy everyone hates, Muslims hate you coz youre a sell out and whites hate you coz youre a suck up.

But are you a FILTHY Paki?

stick to your fucking kind

How did you come to realize that Islam sucks?

Are you afraid of sharia law in the UK? Will you sneak back to Islam if it's stablished?

Do you come across many muslims where you live now? Do they recognize you?

How did your family take it? Is the punishment for apostasy really death?

Decided to read the Koran and I couldn't believe half the things in their. Apparently the Prophet has a flying donkey with a mans face and Adam was 90 feet tall

So what made you leave Islam? Too much focus on cleanliness?

Where are you? I'm asking so I can stone you you cheeky cunt. :^)



Not spoke to the family in a while so they don't know. And yes, if I was in the Middle East I would prob be dead now but here people more lax. I do have to watch out for any radicals that may have heard about what I did though

Tag, Bier!

What do muslims in the west want?
Do they want sharia law? Why? Didnt they come to escape countries with sharia law?

Also please tell us all the stuff muslims say amongst themselves about non muslims..

Why did you leave Islam?
Do you trust Muslims less now?
Was your family okay with it or did they disown you?
Are you legitimately afraid of Muslims punishing you for apostasy, even in the UK?
Why do Muslims move to Western countries to escape their shitty ones and then try to turn Western countries into their shitty countries?
Why do organizations like CAIR say they're peaceful, then associate with radicals, and get away with it?

My family is against Sharia as are my Muslim friends. We think that shit should stay away from the UK.

The subject of non Muslims rarely comes up. However my grandad thinks Hindus are crazy because of the gods they believe in. And my mothers side of the family all hate blacks for some reason.

Explained why I left hereI trust the ones I know the same but those I don't know I don't trust because I don't know how radical they are.

Haven't spoke to family in a while so they don't know.

I am worried that some radical May become aware of the situation and try something.

Some Muslims simply believe that the whole world should believe in what they believe in.

I'm not from the US so I am not aware of CAIR and who they associate wth.

Watch yourself lad, honour killings are on the rise in the UK.

CAIR has ties to the Muslim Brotherhood and may have had past association with Hizbollah/Hamas.

What do you make of all the Middle Eastern pedophiles in the UK, like the Rotherham type shit?

Are you planning on joining another religion?

also yeah seriously bro, watch your back. you know how crazy the radicals can be.

Shit, really? I haven't heard about anything like this.

you have to go back.

Even the BBC has been reporting on it.


What happened in Rotherham was really fucked up and I still can't believe that the police let it happen because they didn't want to be "racist". Fuck race, a pedo is a pedo

Hey OP. How interested are you in politics? ANy thoughts on UK/European politics at the moment? Are you left/right-leaning?

how was your first bacon sarny?

Right leaning. Voting for Brexit. Would vote Trump if I live in the US

I'd rather be a mudslime then have your iq, it must be low.

Even if you leave the religion you'll still have the weird social views that go with it.

you're welcome here any time, broski


How will muslims behave in the west Muslims in the West long-term? Slow shift to Atheism? Military resistance?

Are you atheist now?

*How will Muslims in the west behave long-term?


pick up a book or look at the news, i don't think a guy from [insert city] is going to soothsayer a return of the Cthulhu, kraut neckbeard.

cricket forces them into civilized ways of thinking, it's not a lost cause.

can you please explain to me what cricket is and how the game even works?

Been prison yet?


What do muslims that you know REALLY think about nonbelievers (westerners) ? Also go on you for being cured of cancer.

What's your favorite breed of adorable lovable dog? Do you own a dog?

You can doubt me if you want bro.

I think more will become atheist because it's not just me, a few of my friends have left Islam aswell

Why didn't you become a sufi?

Like what?

Been wanting a beagle for a while but I'd be too busy with work to take care of it

think baseball with tea breaks, dinner breaks and a vast number of rules and unwritten rules that make all other sports

>it's not cricket

How do you feel about the West bending over to the very religion that would kill you just for leaving it?

How do you feel about the Islamization of the West and the death and decay of its own identity and values?

How do you imagine the future of (Western) Europe to be?

Those dogs are worth it

Like being a sub 100 IQ sexually repressed inbred shitskin.

The only people who think baseball is anything like cricket are people who have only watched one.

How's life?
Do you live around south asians in the UK?
t. ex muslim from the states

Fellow Paki here. Want to form a paedophile gang and prey on vulnerable white girls?

>White's hate you because you're a suck up

The fuck are you talking about cuck?

Life's good bro now that I'm not restricted so much

There is a family down the street but there are no others nearby

>t. Albo proxy

I'm also an apostate kaffir, I've got an Iraqi friend who's the same and we go out drinking once in a while
Do you also believe that muslims should at the very least secularize themselves when in the West? I'm not trying to say they shouldn't keep their culture but as person who grew up muslim in the West, I could never relate or communicate with non-muslims because they were allowed to eat pork and drink, have sex before marriage, and even shit like doing artistic stuff. I assume you also had immigrant parents but grew up in the West?

wow cucks coming out of the woodworks. Remember Sup Forums is Islam without the name, and they do kill apostates too, r-right Sup Forums?

nice digits, you sound like a cool guy, what's your accent like?

Heavy Scottish accent due to living here all my life.