Does anybody else want to either heavily regulate or shut down the internet entirely?

The internet has lead to:
1. Domestic terrorism (radicalization)
2. Porn addiction
3. Social ineptitude in youth
4. Suicide
5. Pervasive leftism

I think the internet should be limited to email and maybe IRC.
Want Wikipedia? Go buy a self-contained Wikipedia 2016 CD. Want Sup Forums? Join the Sup Forums IRC channel. Want porn? Go buy it from an adult video store. Want to play multiplayer video games? Go fuck yourself.

Let's do as the Jews do and SHUT IT DOWN

Other urls found in this thread:


Dude, are you on crack or something? Are you alright?

The internet is ruining western civilization. The only redeemable aspect of it is email and instant messaging, everything else is only hurting us. HTTP was a huge mistake.

That or too many clean acid hits.

I'm not crazy or on drugs, China has the right idea, but their firewall is not big enough, they need to literally block all HTTP traffic.

Fucking leaf

Don't forget about all the new kinds of economic crime and wonderful privacy issues!!

I am asking unironically, are you of Hebraic ancestry?

No honestly, I think the Jews benefit greatly from the existence of the internet, they can so easily proliferate their sick ideas across the web as it stands.

So does anybody actually have any objections to this or are you all just going to say I'm on crack? Almost all modern problems stem from the internet, and with email and IRC you could do almost anything you currently do unless you're a terrorist, a porn-addicted degenerate or a vain facebook loser.

Except all the shit that makes the internet so useful. Like online banking.

You mean convenient. People managed to do all their banking before the internet.


There should moves against monopolization of social media or search engines and using them to spread political messages.

There should be a law against political bias without disclosure. If people are using a website as a tool for socializing and are unwittingly being influenced it should be illegal.

>I think the internet should be limited to things i like
This is very usual stance my short sighted friend

It's already been turned into digital ghettos, this is our ghetto for instance, might as well burn it down


>things I like
It has nothing to do with that. I like Sup Forums but if we are going to fix the society it needs to go away, along with other things I enjoy like Youtube, Wikipedia, etc...

turn it off faggot.

pro tip: you can't

>be me
>part of western civilization
>go on the Internet
>read that the Internet is killing western civilization

That doesn't solve anything, it needs to be turned off for everybody.

EMP'S EVERYWHERE and start over again

Gather all current technology and weapons and dump them into a volcano via helicopter then dump the helicopter in also

how many times do you need to be reminded? you cannot ban anything. ANYTHING. people will find a way to acquire anything in the world because if there is demand, there are people itching to take advantage of that demand to make some money.
get this drilled into your fucking mind and dont let it escape. we live in a capitalist world and a bunch of noisy teenagers or disgruntled shitposting canadians arent going to change anything

It's super easy to block all HTTP traffic, it just takes some simple regulation of ISPs. China blocks massive swathes of the internet successfully by regulating their ISPs, what I'm proposing is even simpler because it does not discriminate between "good websites" and "bad websites" is just blocks all websites altogether.