I made a throwaway RYM account called rymdrone

I made a throwaway RYM account called rymdrone
The password is RYMcoreislife
What I want everyone to help me with is to rate as many albums as possible together
Rate every album as whatever it's current average rating is rounded to the nearest .5
So an album with an average of 3.64 would be rated a 3.5
By comparing this account to yours you can see how much of a fucking drone you are and how basic your opinions are.
If you think you're a hilarious Reddit memelord and sabotage this account I can literally just make another one so let's make this project work.

Other urls found in this thread:



Or you could just go to rateyourmusic.com/misc/conformity and check how often you rate with the public.

The higher the number, the more you conform.
Mine is 0.59, it went up like .15 after I changed my rating system.

Looks like that guy who thinks rhcp isn't pop rock must have logged into your account

Woah, who would have known music is not actually entirely subjective and by evaluating works of art through an understanding of the western canon and our general cultural values people will tend to often come to similar evaluations. What a fucking shocker. It's almost like absolute individuality is a retarded meme that you lap up like a shit eating mongoloid because you still haven't outgrown your rebellious teen mindset.

someone log in and change the password

will do nothing because the account is tied to an email and he can just recover it.

some major redpills here desu

well that was fun while it lasted

YellowJelly, were you one of the people participating in this raid? I noticed someone added you as a friend.

>Conformity Rating: 0.36
Fug am I a drone

isn't it the other way around?
Cause to me it looks like your conformity is just the average of the weighted differences

Not him but that's how I interpreted it as well. .63 conformity btw

That might be how it works and I'm just retarded

Okay yea I checked and I am retarded, it's the higher the number the less conformist you are.

0.46 rating here
Not terrible I suppose

huh? What do you mean? First time I'm seeing this

Yeah that's pretty alright considering most people tend to listen to things they think they'll enjoy, which is usually centralized around a rating of 3.5+

>tfw conformity of 0.70
bow down to me, plebeians

whoa.... pls let me drone you

i slep

mines 0.57


lower is worse

no its not

yes it is

it literally is

u guys have shitty ratings then


My system is simple. I rate 5 whenever I think an album is better than its average or 0 when I think it's worse, thus giving myself maximum impact.

>no 2.0 ratings

i think u had maximum impact on ur head when u were a baby

actually zero impact

this cannot be right