Are Albinos the whitest people in the world?

Are Albinos the whitest people in the world?

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Is that even an albino or just some CGI make-up fashion?


Oh you meant as in race? Depends.

not if they are albino niggers

Yes, they are the true Aryans (only caucasian albinos obviously)

they are white but with shitty genes

A swede could get albinism (not producing pigmentation in skin/hair/eyes) but his physiology would otherwise be intact.

groids from Africa who get albinism are just still niggers in every other way.

Albino caucasians are just whites with a plethora of genetic disorders.

Caucasians are just albinos mixed with negroids.

white people are albinos. light mongolian and asians are albino africans and white people are albino indian middle easterners

Now what about these people?

>Disabled genetic fuckups.

that doesn't really happen
if it does they're clearly offspring of the gods

No. Albinism is a result of lack of pigment (color). Black is the absence of color. Therefore albinos are niggers. POL BTFO

It does, there was some actress here in the 60s who had it, smokin hot. Idk her name but if you google actress with purple eyes she shouldn't be too hard to find

>there are people dumb enough to believe women can be fertile without a menstrual cycle

Elizabeth Taylor

Best guitar player in the world was an albino


Top tier if reproduceable

anyone with light skin is descended from albinos. that's why there's so much tension between europe and the middle east, they want to rape you and eat your body to absorb the magic

If you even consider for a second this might be real your dick is making you retarded.

>falling for the skin meme
Any race any race can be albino, you have to look at the skulls

quick, catch them and chop them up into tiny pieces. then we can sell them as voodoo medicine

this is normal in africa

She's brazilian lvl white, which is the highest consentration of white you can get desu

inferior genes

I thought everyone forgot about based Nastya by now

>the females have no menstruation
>but are fertile
In other words: "I have no idea how biology works"

She is a real albino, Russian model.

Deus v-volt


if the genes of Albinos on whites make them whiter then what is the genes of a double nigger or wtf do you call it ? or can you even get more nigger than a nigger? wtf world ?

its some sort of eye disorder that came with being albino.

>just realized i have distichiasis

Explains the looks i get.

holy fuck those people look prehistoric


this is some top tier uncanny valley material here

is she blind?



when you see albino africans, try to imagine them with black hair. they look like poor chinese, rural mong kazakh people

eye deficits using come along with albinism

shitty vision and nystagmus (rapid eye moment)

I used to be extremely sad that I will never have an albino gf but i never knew that about the eyes. Kinda a big drawback

>rapid eye moment

Explains a lot, since she's the girl of my dreams.


if you want an albino looking girl without the crazy skin and eye defects go for nordics and gingers

I don't believe that and nothing in my post even remotely implied that I do. Back over the wall with you José

