Does your country have as great a bromance as this with another country?

Does your country have as great a bromance as this with another country?

Would you fuck off
This is embarrassing

Truron is real

You joking, right?
We allvjust sav several hillarious clips of how "boypucci" Macron tries to make himself look important in Hamburg.

>butthurt anglo detected

>based Macron xDD
fuck off, at least he's not the communist Le Pen though.

Macron is a Roman god, and Roman gods are known to enjoy a little bp from time to time

He's a spoiled cuck, nothing more.

So is he Trump's Tony Blair?

I am Irish


But Macron is important actually.



If Macron is not important, why headlines of RT is about him on world internation affairs ? Syria for instance

No. Everyone hates us. Including Moldova, even though the only reason they haven't collapsed yet is because we give them economic aid.

We don't even have the benefit of being alone because we're always used as a scapegoat for something or other by shitholes like France or the UK.

RT is fake news



Why do you hate our nice ally

no, this thread

Why do you hate us?