Name a better performance

Protip.. cant


this film is Whiplash done right
or, technically, Whiplash is this film done worse

Gena Rowlands in A Woman Under The Influence

Whiplash crashes this piece of crap of a movie bro. Whiplash rules.

AGree but havnt seen it but Black Swan is underrated AF

Juliette Binoche in Certified Copy
Jeanne Moreau in La Notte
Kyoko Kagawa in Sansho the Bailiff

anyone else in anything, joke thread

You didnt think she nailed this part in the movie?

I'd like to nail her Port, man
if you know what I mean

seeing her other work no, she was conceivable as the black swan (only in makeup) and not the white. not a good actress, all these recent actress winners are shit jlaw , vikander (shes an actual robot its why she was good in ex machina) and bullock, etc

not him, but you didn't think Larson or Blanchett deserved their wins? Room and Blue Jasmine weren't great movies, but their performances were certainly fantastic.

The Black Swan actually touches on the psychology of things, puts ambition to flesh with the paranoia scenes, what does Whiplash do? The car crash that actually does nothing to the protagonist? The final performance is a great scene but The Black Swan just offers more to me.

>seeing her other work no,
She's been in more movies besides Star Wars y'know

Yes agree. The psychological aspect during the films climax is amazing

>tfw frogfu will steal Hershlag's second Oscar
Jackie was pure kino

>when she cleaned the blood from her face on the plane


Sackie, user
It's out in a few theaters

Yes i know i will watch but sorry wat does kino mean ..

>but sorry wat does kino mean ..

no shit sherlock she used to be my number #2

She you used to be your poop? Ew.

is this webm taken from the trailer or did the film leak

It's from one of the promo clips.


what a bummer. i got excited for a second.

can't wait to see this film. hoping my theater gets it soon.

>Juliette Binoche in Certified Copy
*Camille Claudel 1915

>you're not perfect