Was the normalization of "nerd culture" the final coffin for the mainstream?

Was the normalization of "nerd culture" the final coffin for the mainstream?






is that blonde glasses actress Jewish irl?

No, it was the final nail in the coffin of pretending that nerds have culture.


Can't see how they are nerds. They are supposed to be top researchers in their fields of science. But in real life, actual scientists are nothing like these guys. They are more like geeky losers, like the comic book guy in The Simpsons or the typical Sup Forums poster.

Sheldon is supposed to have aspbergers and therefore can't understand and appreciate art or anything that isn't scientifically correct. How come he likes superheroes, fantasy and science fiction stuff then? He should be hating that stuff considering how unrealistic it is.

it went down hill when the girls were added as main cast

also, can anyone firm that Lenard is one grumpy ungrateful faggot?
his expression always conveys "i don't want to be here"

Isn't Leonard supposed to be "the most sane and reasonable one"? Sort of like Jerry in Seinfeld.

Lenard is that grumpy "i'm here but i don't want to be here - check out my forehead - wrinkled because i grinch"

>Leonard and Penny have zero chemistry
>Sheldon and Amy have zero chemistry
>Sheldon and Penny have tons of chemistry

What did they mean by this?

>tv show about ''''nerds''''
>they're all normies who have gotten married and/or have had sex
>even the autistic one

wait are you telling my that a sitcom isn't an accurate portrayal of reality?

Women get along with gay men. It's hardly a secret.

he's the frustrated little beta who takes it out on everyone else


Lenard is the partypooper

i'm gay and women hate me

In the first season I really thought it was gonna be Sheldon/Penny.

It went from beta """nerds""" who couldn't talk to the hot girl next door to """"""nerds"""""" and their hot girlfriends who they fuck all the time. What the fuck.

In the end the characters show their true colors. Raj and Leonard are assholes who act like chads as soon as they become even a LITTLE less beta in any way. Sheldon is arrogant as fuck but has autism/asssburguers so he's an annoyance at most, but not intentionally. To be honest he even turns out alright later on.

yeah but the lowest point of every episode are the 10-minute long scenes exclusively about the nerdy girls

i wouldn't watch a solo show of these 3 girls alone so why force it literally every episode?

>even discussing this shit

>he said, discussing this shit