Was he a criminal?

Was he a criminal?

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>being poor

What's funny is the scene where the parents balk at how much the pizzas cost

Like anyone who lived in a house like that would even blink at $150

the rich don't get rich by spending frivolously

my saba made millions in real estate but was still a penny pincher

he didn't pay for all of them himself did he. the whole family was rich from because of slavery.


That's a shit assumption that can only come from poorfags like you. In reality, rich people who aren't immensely rich (think millionaires, not billionaires) are shown to be significantly more frugal than any other class, for example. Any class beside the poor care about prices though.

Probably well off surgeon and the mom was equally well employed. Not to mention the rest of the family probably had high paying jobs as well.


Survived his jump and went into the witness protection program

you don't get rich by spending money

>the rich don't get rich by spending frivolously
plenty of rich people spend frivolously, it's called having disposable income. Sure some of them are misers but that's hardly a rule of being rich, regardless of what Dickens might tell us

people don't get rich by saving either. you can remain comfortable that way depending on circumstances but the only way to make more is to work for a great salary, inherit or invest

you're thinking nigger rich

or nouveau rich if you want to be more PC

Pretty sure Uncle Frank mentioned the dad spending big bucks for the Vaca. So im pretty sure the dad paid for everyone.

Also Kevin calling frank a cheapskate.

his dad was donald trump


You have your entire extended family and you order pizzas for everyone, you should already be prepared that it isn't going to be a bargain. Their surprise at how much it cost was kinda silly

Also if you were frugal wouldn't you fly coach?

Every person that I know that is even moderately wealthy is a stingy fuck.

It was the 1990s, people were doing much better than they should have then because of there was a lot of credit to go around.

Then I would object about the flight, not the pizza. Although the pizza was probably a poorly written piece. The objection should be about the paying of $150 for pizzas as opposed to being for the pizzas being expensive.


Kevin's mom didn't work, Buzz at best had a minimum wage at Blimpies for walking around/tarantula money, and the cheapskate Uncle never picked up a check in his life. Both trips in both movies were entirely on Peter McAllister's dime, who was probably an executive in sales or operations.

The dads Christmas bonus alone could easily afford that vacation.

unless he got a free jelly of the month club instead

Well in the 80's with Reagan's tax cuts & booming economy, if you had 2 parents with good jobs, you could afford this

Democrats made sure this was impossible though

They don't get rich by working regular jobs and saving for retirement either.

Most of them inherit it but the ones that actually did legitimately earn it are much more careful than the former.

boomers really would freak out about pizza despite being upper middle class

Didn't we have this thread already?

Sup Forums is such shit now

that's a lie they teach faggots like you, also you don't know anyone moderately wealthy.

He's blowing $100K on a vacation, dumbfuck.

So? I do that too once a decade.

>Most of them inherit it

Read the Millionaire Next Store or the Millionaire Mind over 80% of millionaires are first generation.

Underrated post

>once a decade

Sucks to be poor, bud.

That retarded book defines "millionaire" as having $1M net worth. That ain't shit, jackass.

The real question is WILL ANYONE STOP THIS MADMAN?

They are your standard 6 figure millionaires. Dad makes just north of $100,000 a year in marketing or some useless field. The house and the vacation, all credit.

>That retarded book defines "millionaire" as having $1M net worth.

That's what a millionaire is, yes.


His point (which is correct) is that even the lowest of the low can be a $1m millionaire at the end of their worklife. A millionaire would be worth at least $10m. Anything less is nothing.

I thought the dad was Jewish banker or something. Maybe inherited a huge chunk of money too from some Jews. Them Jews have a lot of money.

Well, the funny thing, is back in the 90s, that level of wealth was perfectly normal for people that had big families. Me and all my friends and family pretty much grew up with that level of opulence. Of course we didn't think it was opulent, we'd see the people living in 40 acre mansions in gated communities in the "nice" part of town and think those dudes had it made.

Back in the 90s people were much wealthier, well, that's not quite true, on average, people were making about the same but the cash literally went 4-5X further depending on what you were buying. Inflation (particularly when it's calculated in fucked up ways like the CPI) makes it hard to see just how far American wealth has fallen.

And all my friends that grew up in those conditions are pretty much all living in small shitty apartments (despite many having degrees that matter when their parents often didn't) with very few even living in homes. And those that do, it's a small lower middle class home, nothing like the McCallister type upper middle class conditions we grew up in.

It's funny that our whole generation never even spoke (or knew) how much money Kevin's family (and ours) even had... but upon rewatching this in modern times, EVERYONE'S first thought is how Kevin's dad had to be like Uberboss-CEO of a major corporation, a surgeon, or the best fucking attorney in town.

how much does a house like that in a neighborhood like that costs nowadays?

i've heard that suburb houses are cheap

>someone makes a lot of money
>must be a criminal


>le i've been here forever xD meme

you weren't here for abatap

Kevin's mom was a stay-at-home mom. Which with 9 kids, you pretty much need someone on fulltime parenting and house chore duty.

I was. People were complaining then about all the avatar threads. Prior to that, people were complaining about all the LOST threads.


No. If you make less than $1 million PER YEAR, you are a dirty pleb and should probably hang yourself.

Why is the world going backwards? I want to go back to the good times.

Adjusting for inflation, $150 back then would cost $30,000 now.


>dat steaming pizza doe


It very much depends on what state and which suburb you're talking about. In Indiana, where I live, that would run about 300k. But we live in one of the cheapest cost of living states (with correspondingly low wages). Your average man only makes like 30-40k a year, with a degree 50k-ish is common.

In California, a home like that would be at least 3 million.

This scene captures the kid feeling so well. He stays in a five star hotel, gets a limosuine, gets to shop with a giant credit limit... and the pizza is presented on equal ground

That movie isn't set in the 1920s

It really depends on where the house is located. In flyover country, it's pretty standard middle class. In Scarsdale, not so much.

Well the fuckers sure bred like it was.

Fellow Hoosier here, he's right, for being a shithole state we sure do have some low mortgage rates

well he traveled business, but it depends on who he knows.

retail price for his flights alone would be around 50k in business class (which they flew), but only 12-15k in economy.

you can get a couple hotel rooms in paris for a week at about 1000 euro

20k isn't bad for a weeklong family vacation with 12 people

Probably Catholic.

>In California, a home like that would be at least 3 million

Fuck no. In any civilized part of the country, on either coast, it would sell for $10 million. $300K doesn't even buy you a studio apartment, son.

I grew up in a 3 bedroom house with a big backyard, small pond, great location, near the water, good schools, etc. My mom was a single mother who made about $50k/year.

I make $60k/year and live in a 2 bedroom apartment.

I have no idea how she did it.

Haha, I seriously just saw Peter Mcallister (Kevin's das) today at the Steel City con today in Pittsburgh. He looked depressed as fuck and nobody was in line to get his autograph or picture with him. He was all bloated and sad. I nodded at him and he nodded back, I said how are you doing and he said good, and he said how are you and I said good. Pretty cool. I'm more familiar with him from Big with Tom Hanks, but home alone was great too. Dunno why he bothered, the fans, coaplayers and vendors there are pure shit.

Abraham and Eugene from walking dead were there, but they had long ass lines. Some Harry Potter cunt was there too and all the Harry Potter fans were being faggots about it.

>I have no idea how she did it.
Do you really want to know?

she lived in a time without much jewish influence or democratic meddling.

tfw ur dad is a pleb even though he gave you a debt free college with a mom out of work and with helath problems

"hey faggot why did marv turn into a skeleton?"

In a nutshell: Real Estate went into a decades-long bubble, and the Fed can't let it burst without crashing the economy.

A lot of these "millionaire nextdoor" boomer types simply rode the real estate bubbles up.

feds got him a job at a toy company for cover

kiss my ass then
kiss his ass
and remember...
>happy hanukkah

because despite being a Z list celeb, im sure he still charged $50 for a picture and autograph.

>. $300K doesn't even buy you a studio apartment, son.
i could probably swing never working again with 300k

ITT we pretend to be financial experts.

Even if it meant your children and grandchildren would have to pay the bills for you?

"just buy a fixer upper, son"

fuck off, dad

well they lived in the chicago burbs according to the movie....


>Millionaire Next Store
Do you mean Millionaire Next Door?

That is literally the definition of millionaire. Inflation's eroded the meaning of that in the decades since it was first published, but if you have $1M net worth you can take a $20k Paris vacation every few years without a problem.

Where do you live, Juárez?

>Sup Forums is full of jews
>jews not being innate financial experts

that is kinda sad :(

he seems like a nice man and I would reminisce and drink at the bar with him if he was all alone

Same thing with the room service tab in the sequel. I can't remember what it was but it was pretty low I thought.

Was like John Hughes didn't understand money or something

Wow, you are completely clueless.

Cost of living waaaaay cheaper, and they've begun to really cheat to keep CPI from showing just how fucked up inflation has gotten. Rather than take the cost of a sirloin steak each year, for instance, if the price has gotten too high they'll find a substitute produce like a round steak that has a cheaper value, which entirely defeats the purpose of measuring several items on a yearly basis to determine how bad inflation is hitting.

And another thing is the baby boomers parents, the ww2 generation (our grandparents) did ENORMOUSLY WELL economically. Better than any other period of American history. Many of them did so well, they helped their children out by paying with college, offering a home downpayment, or even BUYING them a home (as in the case of my grandparents buying my mother homes). This gave them an enormous head start.

The American economic boom is now over by about 20 years.

The only reason you don't see the bread lines is they have become digital.

Most formerly good jobs have become automated or shipped overseas. Legal and medical fields make a killing (mostly because they're propped up by government subsidies). Technical fields like computers, electrician, and engineering still make a living wage, but faaar less than they used to (you could live like a king with those jobs in the 90s). And MOST people are in a service or manufacturing job that the pay has plummeted. Basically staying more or less static since the 90s but costs have went up four-fold.

This is the depression 2.0. But we don't feel it as badly with our technical distractions and the media/technology concealing the signs of poverty better (like breadlines turning into foodstamp cards).

tl;dr McCallister wealth was normal in the 90s. Actually watch any family or sitcom from the 90s and you'll notice to live the way they do all the adults must work in finance or medicine....

It was just under $1,000, nbd

zillow.com is your friend.

Pick a neighborhood, find some comparable-sized houses, realize how fucked over our generation is by 0% interest rates inflating Boomer house prices.

>they've begun to really cheat to keep CPI from showing just how fucked up inflation has gotten. Rather than take the cost of a sirloin steak each year, for instance, if the price has gotten too high they'll find a substitute produce like a round steak that has a cheaper value

Complete and utter horseshit.


>McCallister wealth was normal in the 90s
No it wasn't. Flying business/first-class overseas was simoply not something in reach for the average person, nor was a house that size.

how else could an American make a living?
Unless his dad is a republican,they get free money.

He was definitely an associate of the mafia

Since globalization started holding down the American middle class, lives have greatly improved for hundreds of millions of people in India, China, Vietnam, etc.

Plus your Walmart crap is cheaper nowadays and the portfolios of the 1% are very healthy.

It was the mid-90s. A period of insane credit lending that continued for more than 10 years until 2008. Even a good lawyer wouldn't have owned that house. Heavy mortgage.

We only look at the 90s so good because the 80s were the US coming out of a minor recession and just doubling down on shit that fucked our entire economy in the long run.

It's why retards that say that the Clinton administration was so good. It was all based on quick lending based on the highly Republican Congress at the time and Clinton just going with it for the most part.

Borrowed time.

Then vote for progressive Democrats. Only the top 0.01% benefit from Republican policies, and yet they somehow get dumb people to vote for them.

So Trump is right? We are giving too much of our wealth to rest of the world? We need to start thinking of what's best for our middle class again and not what's best for the street shitters on the other side of the world.


>10% of Brendan Fraser's alimony
What the fuck?

I did.

Rich people are notoriously cheap. Billionaires go to charity events and tell brag about their philanthropy to others. The truth is that they usually only donate a few hundred dollars.