The US is caught in some sort of infinite murder feedback loop

The fact that the victims were gay and the perpetrator was a Muslim kind of clouds over the real issue - 50 human lives were lost because America gives crazy people guns.

Other urls found in this thread:

>America gives guns

50 lives were lost because a muslim decided to kill a bunch of queers

we lose tens of thousands to texting and driving and nobody gives a fuck.

Tiny australia please tell me where they are giving out these guns. I had to pay for all of mine.


cars are not primarily designed to kill and injure, and they do not. They are primarily designed to move people and goods from Point A to Point B, and they do.

Guns? Weapons. They have no other purpose. They are designed to maim and kill.

There is no justification for the unregulated private ownership of these instruments of death, any more than there would be for the private ownership of biological weapons or atomic bombs.

Actually, the government gave him guns. He worked as armed security for a US government contractor. FBI cleared him. Just another example of why WE the PEOPLE need to put our foot down, and remove weapons from the government. We the people gave them the right to use guns in carrying out the duties we delegated to them. They fucked up, and it is time for them to disarm themselves.

>Paris and Brussels gave crazy people guns and bombs, too

it just so happens to be a muslim doing the killing which is the flavor of the decade for americans.

if it were a white person, it would go straight to gun control instead of just religion bashing.

infact, there was a lot of gay bashing that took lives over the century in america alone, why arent people upset about that shit?
well the times havent changed too much since the focus is about gun control and muslims and not about the victims which happen to be gay.

>Guns? Weapons. They have no other purpose. They are designed to maim and kill.
Explain why this is a prioi bad

I'm sorry, but what exactly is wrong with killing and maiming people?

pls ban gas in all it's forms, cuz it killed the jews, vote Hill, shill4Hill.kys.OP

>crazy person (read: "muslim") obtains a gun through security work
>ignores local gun control laws and shoots a bunch of fags
>people who obey gun control can't defend themselves, so kill count gets inflated
>fags will defend his actions and blame guns
>even without guns he probably would have blown himself up or stabbed a bunch of people

You're right

We need more gun control

I propose we introduce legislation that would prevent all muslims from purchasing, selling and owning firearms and ammuniition.

What part of SHALL NOT BE INFRINGED do you not understand?

In light of seeing calls for gun control on twitter and other social media it seems important to remind everyone of the following:
There are an estimated 357 million guns(1), and 310 million citizens. One in three owns a firearm (2), making 103.3 Million gun owners in the USA. According to CNN there are 33,636 gun related deaths (3), of which nearly 60% of all of them were suicide (4). This leaves us with 13,455 (rounded up) gun violence related deaths. Which in a population of 310 million equates to killing 0.00004343% (repeating) of the US population in 2015.
However, 48.9% of Violent Crime is Gang Related (5). So from what I can tell, avoid bad areas and gang related activity and you should live an entire life free of lead made holes.

I like this, I like you.

We lose more people to cancer, caused by second hand tobacco smoke, than gun violence according to the CDC.

If you really care about people, ban tobacco.

If any of those faggots had guns none of this would have happened

Good point OP, you don't hear about Muslims obtaining guns and shooting Parisians.

Why can't people take responsibility for the actions that they take?
An object does nothing without being acted upon.
You want to solve the problem?
Get rid of the violent people.

And yet somehow cars still manage to kill more people than guns. :)

How about all democrates

What a profoundly sad, deluded individual you are.

Your Constitution is not holy writ. It is simply a document written by slave owners for slave owners.

a fucking fern

Ok prisoner

they also "gave" out
>bombs in boston
>guns in paris
>bombs in brussels

i thought aussies were redpilled, mate

It's too late to ban guns. Only law abiding Americans would give up their arms.

Its never too late, one third of gun deaths are suicides,removing guns would have an immediate beneficial effect.

>50 human lives were lost because America gives crazy people guns.

He had a clean record and was already licensed for work in security.

Pray tell, what of the liberal solutions was going to stop this?

It's Obama false-flagging. Nobody fall for it.

But do you think criminals will turn in their guns? And now anyone could manufacture their own guns.

>removing guns would have an immediate beneficial effect.

You do know that your own country has a rather large gun community, right? You've got looser laws than the UK & Australia.

Why don't we just ban blacks and Muslims instead?

Where do i get those free guns ausbro ?

I paid a fortune for mine ffs.

>There is no justification

"Shall not be infringed," foreigner.

What the fuck! The govt. has been given out free guns and I have to hear about it from a fucking Aussie shitposter!?

Because people won't just find other ways to kill themselves if they're motivated enough to do so.

The right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed.

Cars are so dangerous they aren't even designed to kill people but kill more people than guns in the US every year. Ban cars now, why do we even still let people own cars

Fuck up cunt.

Do you think anyone but moderate liberals would turn in their guns?

If regulating fully automatic guns is constitutional and effective, and does not violate the constitution, then regulating all guns is constitutional.

The hughes amendment is unconstitutional and the the NFA has done absolutely nothing to deter crime. so not effective.

Professional victimhood is just communism. We arrest and punish murderers.

>Why won't everyone agree this is all about MY SPECIAL INTEREST (and not a logical consequence of lax immigration)

It won't dent suicides. They'll just pop pills, jump off a bridge, or idle their car in a garage instead.

>America gives crazy people guns.
We don't give them anything. They buy their guns or steal them like any real American.
Fuck off communist commissar kangaroo. Stop trying to push your Socialist gibmedat programs on us.

Unless you are prepared to argue that absolutely everyone should be able to absolutely own any type of weapon then you are accepting that restrictions have to be placed on the constitutional right to bear arms.

The question then is merely one of what those restrictions should be.

I'm arguing from the base state of no regulation. You're the one that has to provide burden of proof showing that any gun control has been effective. protip: it hasn't been effective.

>protip: it hasn't been effective.
See Austrailia

Your bit of writing is a perfect representation of the ignorance and arrogance of some Americans. You exhibit the crazy indoctrination that America is free and other countries are not.

You can get the exact same guns in Norway, legally. Breivik sure as hell did.

Here's a used one being sold on Norway's largest online market:

Didn't do anything to curb violent crime. Next.

where do i sign up for my free gun you aussie fuckstick?

> prevent all muslims from purchasing, selling and owning firearms and ammuniition
Then how are they going to protect themselves from the white man and his illogical hatred?

I though we were discussing gun control?

You are so wrong, and so indictrinated, that I think it is impossible for you to consider how you have become so deluded.

Guns are harder to get than ever. Didn't used to happen until (((you know who))) started pushing degeneracy and immigration in the 60s.

more graphs like this please

Not an argument.

Repeal incoming. Thank god for you, President Hillary Clinton!