Your mission is to draft an actual law that could prevent mass shootings while still protecting the rights of law...

Your mission is to draft an actual law that could prevent mass shootings while still protecting the rights of law abiding gun owners.

Difficulty: One that does not include arming more people or allowing vigilantism

Other urls found in this thread:

>don't shoot someone unless you feel that your life depends on it

>banning the very law that would do it in difficulty.
Fuck you OP you faggit.


Ban all humans from leaving their residences with the exception of officers of the law.

Post natal abortions of autism spectrum males, kick out the muzzies, knock down all the inner city project houses, evictions prior to demolition is option. Problem solved.

Mass shootings are over-sensationalized and are the cause of way less deaths than the media or pretty much anyone will have you believe. So nothing, essentially. Hell, even the gun death rate isn't as bad as people say, since it's mainly dudes killing themselves.

I'm a bong too, talking about American shit, so please tell me if I'm wrong. Don't know burger 'culture'

make murder illegal.

No niggers
Problem solved

Do what Trump said. Block violent illegals that shouldn't have been here in the first place and voila.

>Gas all the white people.
>Gun violence drops 99%

>draft a law
>implying criminals actually follow the law.

Jesus, fuck, man. You are just as dumb as the liberal rhetoric.

September can't come soon enough.

So then we would just have roaming tribes of fucking homeless people you dipshit.

Figure out the reason why mass shooters do what they do and stop that

Sensationalize arsons while downplaying mass shooters.

Arsons kill more people. Shooting makes you famous.

There, fewer mass shootings, but more mass arsons (and therefore, more dead, innocent people)

problem solved, right?

Mass shootings are a meme crime brought about by idiotic, greedy media corporations.

If I would do anything, I would restrict availability of information regarding crimes such as these to the media.

That being said, Pandora's box has already been opened. Not to mention the fact that mass shootings are a non-issue only reported for their sheer extravagance and delicious revenue.


Remove any legal ramifications from voluntarily accessing mental health services, move all involuntary treatment under the purview of physician-patient privilege so they may not be accessed minus a warrant or court order, and draft a "Get Help" campaign that encourages young people to get help with any mental duress they experience.

Alternatively, close the borders to non-Caucasian and non-Anglo immigrants, and strip violent criminals of their citizenship to be deported to Liberia.

"All leftists must be incinerated"


Spot on m8

Its like you had to balance one out with the other, yin and yang style.

Compassion is nice and should be pursued whenever possible, but sometimes you need to cut fence and sort some fuckers out.

I like everything in this post except the immigration thing, if they can manage to immigrate legally then let them.
t. Korean immigrant

Thats actually about it, once you factor in population size and suicide gun violence doesn't look as bad

Not great but not like a literal war zone as its sometimes portrayed

If people REALLY wanted to make the US safe, I hate to say it but, thy would be talking about getting colored people to act like white people

Make it illegal to kill someone. Oh wait.

From Wikipedia ( : "According to the US Department of Justice, blacks accounted for 52.5% of homicide offenders from 1980 to 2008, with whites 45.3% and "Other" 2.2%. The offending rate for blacks was almost 8 times higher than whites, and the victim rate 6 times higher. Most homicides were intraracial, with 84% of white victims killed by whites, and 93% of black victims killed by blacks.

Please take your bullshit to somewhere else.

Mandatory 1 year military service, mandatory firearm education, and Identifying Mental Illness 101 for all.

Go on a shooting spree? Ok, but as soon as you do, your entire family will be shot into a volcano. Doesn't matter how far removed they are. Hope it's worth it.

Make it illegal for any major media outlet to reveal the shooters name

This is mostly gang violence, correct? I wonder if the white statistics include Hispanics.

Simple really, 1. require a HS diploma to get a gun( take that blacks) 2. No mudslimes 3. white kids with issues get sent yo syria

We used to have marksmanship classes (so inherently had safety classes) in high schools

Also, stop fetishising guns. Don't make them any sexier than hammers, bottle openers, or other tools

HAHA! Casual fascism!

It's called crypto-fascism you numb digger

Repeal all current gun legislation.

Rights have now been restored. Mass shootings will still occasionally occur. The world can't be made safe.

Ban all sales of the AR15/M16 and the AK platforms world wide.

Ya had me for the first paragraph.

We're gonna do your first paragraph, plus eliminate the War on Drugs, eliminate benefit cliffs (making more money will never cause you to take home less), eliminate the benefit penalties associated with living in a nuclear family, move to a flat rate income tax, cap school administration spending, roll the savings into teacher salary, expand funding for art and vocational programs, force collegiate athletes to be treated as employees, end guaranteed student loan access, increase grant access to make up a third of the difference, shorten patent protection, increase science spending (especially on space), provide more access to birth control/abortions, and fund anti-extremist education efforts and youth programs.

The goal is to increase opportunity for all and increase hope, because ultimately hope in the future is the enemy of this kind of violence.


You got a good point
Inner city violence is the result of lack of opportunity

School shootings? locking fucking doors, exterior fences, one entrance during school hours but multiple exterior exits. Also a properly implemented accident preparedness plan.

My old highschool was designed around these principals, as are all the schools in florida. to date florida has never had a school shooting. Look at the footage of newtown school buildings. plywood veneer doors that don't even lock and lanza walked right into the building.

remember that #weRengineersNsheeeit twitter pics from Calstate when that asshole popped his teacher? fucking tard librul college students tying electric cords to the door handles so the weight of a printer would keep it closed because THE FUCKING DOORS DIDN'T LOCK

this isn't fucking difficult.

>but normal mass shootings
no more gun free zones
now the law won't DISarm anyone anymore and they can carry the gun they already have. Florida's ban on bar carry is partially responsible for this terror attack; mass shootings responded to by a private citizen have 1/7th the average death toll of mass shootings stopped by the police. We could be looking at ~7 dead and a pistol packing Homesexual who also had a gun blow Aloha snackbars head off. then shoot him.

There are other factors, but yes, a lot of it comes down to people not thinking they can get what they want inside the strictures of polite society. For that matter, spree shooters mostly feel hopeless too.

Almost forgot, we're gonna do some trust busting and monopoly breaking too.

Unconstitutional. Prepare yourself for an ass raping if you actually did that

>flat rate income tax
I'm with you on literally everything else.

they do. homicide pretty strongly correlates with the size of the minority population. Even so, the white murder rate in the US is pretty close to 1 per 100k when you do the math and the normie WASP homicide rate is even lower when subtracting the 75% of murder victims who are career criminals.

If you're white and not a criminal, you're as safe or safer in america than in most of europe while not living in an orwellian dystopia.

The overwhelming majority of high profile mass shootings have not been done by illegals, so that doesn't work for OP's question.

If we charged everyone 20%, the people who couldn't afford 20% would get more in benefits, we'd collect nearly the same amount of receipts, but we could save a couple freight containers full of crisp Benjamins in administration costs, more than enough to make up the difference

>as shooting happened
>article up since 3am when it happened
>find out at 6am that it wasn't fucking nothing but actually a habbening
>THEN major news networks report it
>habbening declared
>all this shit

but did any major news network carry the story that 2.5 million provisional ballots were and remain to be uncounted in california when hilldog was anointed the Democratic nomination? Nope, that article is only in the LA times and conspiracy blogs that felt the bern.

Laws do not EVER prevent crime.

Legalize murder.


place an EO gag order on all mass shooting related news.

Good job anglo, you got it in one

>Also, stop fetishising guns
I cannot comply with that. I treat my guns like their my wife

Make it so people with severe mental health issues can't get guns until they're cleared by several doctors


Fuck you too, mod.

To attempt such is futile. The problem is not with laws, no law will stop one who is determined to wreak havoc. Better to address the root causes, be they extreme religions or mental health.

>This thread was moved to
>Thread is now moved to Sup Forums

Buckle your seat belt Dorthy, because Kansas is going bye bye.

i hate you fucking faggots

Make gun laws far more strict- rigorous tests, a longer waiting period, RFIDs, monthly reports from gun owners, required permits, a diploma, all that fun stuff.

Hire several droves upon droves of people to construct a network that can interact and issue commands to all unmanned drones in the region, including military property. Enlist several officials and hire several peoples to form a head of operations with which to operate the network amongst the plethora of grunts. Backdoor the majority of public surveillance equipment, from motion sensors, to the Bluetooth tech in your car, to IP cameras. Even civilian alarm systems.

Have the grunts refine the network until it can run itself with fewer and fewer grunts. Use the drones to target anyone with a gun that is also about to be extra stupid. Lethal force would be sanctioned.

There you go. Death from above if you think about pulling the trigger when you shouldn't. Let your government take care of it instead.

Buy a country...
Call it Liberia...
Send all the anti social types there...

wonder who they could be ?

There ya go. Holy duzbs. Make it happen

Blind registry. Every time a transfer is made, notice is given to the BATFE, but the details of the transfer are kept private by the party and counter-party until a warrant is served. This could track every single gun in America without the gov't ever knowing who owns the weapons, knowing only that the transfer was lawful and discovering the owner only when a warrant for the bill of sale/transfer is served in the event that the weapon is stolen or used in a crime.

Smart bullets that only target non-whites and gays over the age of 18.

>Your mission is to draft an actual law that could prevent mass shootings while still protecting the rights of law abiding gun owners.

Round up and arrest all marxist/communist jews in America. The media and government.

Throw them and their families in concentration camps.

Peace on earth soon ensues.

This is an easy one. We just need to make murder illegal.

Simple, follow Illinois background check procedure and require all states to provide licenses for gun ownership.


>and require all states to provide licenses for gun ownership.

What part of "SHALL NOT BE INFRINGED" don't you understand you pinko commie faggot?

God bless Idaho.

All Human Beings are Outlawed.

Ban all muslims and exile niggers, degenerate scumbags and apologists, done

How about
We enforce
Existing law?
To include repealing all executive orders and gun bans and import bans and allowing concealed carry everywhere.
And if the FBI are investigating someone, no one is allowed to tell them to cool it?

what the fuck is with your flag nigger? are you the riddler?

remove all restrictions on body armor for civilians and give all cops armor piercing bullets

it won't protect the shooter from the cops but it will protect the civilians from the shooter

Thread got moved from /k/, fucking faggot mods.


I wouldn't make a law

mass shootings are already illegal

what the fuck is a law going to do about it?

Tomorrows next trick: I don't pass a law demanding the sun come out every sunday, nor do I pass a law saying that it is only allowable for rain to be on tuesdays and thursdays, and absolutely never on mondays.

Fucking hell people who think laws actually achieve anything more than punishment after the fact are goddamn fucking retarded.

Vigilante justice.
Sue me, nigger.

Build a wall on the southern border, ban muslims, cut gibs

gibs dindu nuffin, cut grimes instead

Eliminate everyone except members of the Aryan or honourary Aryan races.

This may actually be a good idea. Imagine drones parked at police stations that automatically take off and fly towards the sound of gunshots and begin filming until the cops arrive.

Why bother when you can just install cameras inside every house and on every street corner?

outlaw gun free zones

Ban niggers and muslims.

What was infringed autist? You sacred they'll find out you're a felon or a mental defect?

Every breathing human must be locked inside a 4x4 concrete box. Food, water, fap material and guns will be provided.. It will be crime free Utopia.

>or if you're acting in defense of someone else

>or if you're protecting you home or property

No one considers this but I contend that if we didn't have so many niggers, beaners and mudslides sucking up welfare and clogging up schools there be plenty of money for the less than 1% of troubled white males to receive enough counseling to at least keep them from shooting up a crowd. Need to remove Jews and feminism from psychiatric care though too.

both should still get guns desu

"mental defects" are anyone who doesn't toe the sjw party line

and felons who already served their time shouldn't continually be punished for the rest of their life with no possible recourse

They have a system now that supposedly tracks the sound of gunshots. It's being uninstalled everywhere because it's a fraud.

Public executions for mass murderers. Brutal live-feed deaths and spike their heads on the statehouse lawn.

Require every adult male to open carry in public unless they have a criminal record or a medical condition that won't allow them to use firearms safely
Make every adult male take firearms safety and training courses once a month

No need for helicopters giving away the chase, either.
Because drones are practically invisible when you aren't looking for them- 1,000 to 10,000 feet up(10k is extreme for baby civilian drones), way above your field of vision and practically inaudible against local ambiance and the act of pointing a gun at people or getting hot and bothered about a crusade/a rampage.

Also, the spook factor of seeing at least 3 drones triangulate on your position should send a clear "you're fucked" signal.

consider the following: If there were no niggers, beaners, or muslims shooting the country up, the USA would look like Europe.

Which means there wouldn't be reason for anyone to own guns, because everyone's safe already, and all the american gun bans would've gone through effortlessly.

The dangerous animals are the only thing keeping people armed. You should be thankful for the niggers.

>Because drones are practically invisible
>the spook factor of seeing at least 3 drones triangulate on your position


The R squared in these types of correlation is much more closely tied with income than race, i.e it is poor blacks and hispanics, rather than blacks and hispanics as a whole that are more likely to murder someone.

Also WTF is with your open tabs in your screenshot?

Fucking kike mods, we don't want this gay shit here. Take it to trash or delete it. If it's not made on Sup Forums it's not meant to be on Sup Forums

>when they leave their practical invisibility and get within 400 feet of you