Ana triggered because gays are banned from donating blood

WTF Sup Forums...I want off this ride.

Ana triggered because gays are banned from donating blood.

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don't give the young roaches any views

Yes. Anna.
That's the real tragedy we should be talking about.

This raises the question: would the cure for HIV/AIDS not be some kind of blood dialysis?

Like, drain the HIV blood out of the patient and put in clean blood?

I'm sure there are gay gov't vampires somewhere that can drink the blood and stop it from going to waste

fucking blogger vultures are going to live off this shooting for months

Sure let's allow the population with one of the highest rates of hiv/aids to donate blood, what could possibly go wrong!

Nah m8 it persists in other tissues and will just repopulate the new blood after it is introduced.

Even assuming a filter that could strain out the virus, HIV is present in fluids and tissues besides blood.


that fat mexican looking faggot needs to be deported also.

Then clearly the next step is to take the brain out of gays and place them into homosexual robots, GITS style.

Surely they deserve at least that much, it's not like (((((they ask to be infected.))))))

Even with a coffee filter, there'd still be HIV in Kleenex.

It's great too because the CDC and FDA has science on their side and has refused to budge on this for years. The level of asspain because they continue to choose facts over feelings is absolutely wonderful.

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wahhh muh injustices...
how hard to they have to dig to find this shit that fits their narrative?

Nope, once you get a shot of aids up your butt it's all up in your white blood cells, meaning it's in everything from your lymph nodes to your bone marrow

it's no different than barring people who have traveled over seas, gotten a piercing or tattoo, or some shit

fuck people are stupid. its a goddamn safety precaution

Marrow transfusion from Russian with natural resistance. True story.

I'm gay and I support this ban while HIV rates are so high. A year is fair.

Gay man here.

When fags stop having AIDS then they can start donating blood again. It's like this:

Ann is mentally retarded and a 7 at best
The only reason she is even on a shitty internet show is they needed a token Armenian

I've come to the conclusions liberals don't understand statistics

Is it possible to get HIV from a blood transfusion? Yes
Are HIV tests 100% accurate? No
Are there more gay men living with HIV per capita than all other groups? Yes
Are other alternatives available? Yes, the blood of people who aren't men who have sex with men

Why risk it? Is that too hard to understand?

Approximately 2% of the world's caucasian population is immune.

>Muh virtue signaling trumps your logic

I would hit it.


Viruses aren't like bacteria, they don't swarm in the bloodstream. They inject RNA into the actual cell, making it impossible to just filter out.

I never noticed how much of her sex appeal was from sitting next to that ugly fuckhead Cenk

She is such a doorknob.

do you think you can hit the crazy out of it?

Thanks, based Tyrone.

HIV can be hidden in your blood up to six months. Meaning even if you had a test and it was negative you might still infect others.

Fucking faggots.

Yeah. Why would the group with highest rate of blood borne infections by an order of magnitude be banned from donating blood?

Something like 10% of gay men have HIV, hard to find the stat you have to calculate it from how many gay men have aids any given year and how many gay men are in the population ~4%.

I guess if you want to help the injured by giving them HIV ..

Someone told me they do something like that in newborns. Dunno tho

they think gay sex makes you an angel. it's fucking retarded.

This is 100% correct. Everybody knows that blood donations are not tested for parasites or pathogens of any kind. Blood donations are accepted blind and we lack the technology to test them for disease. Until such time as we begin testing blood donations for infections and other contaminants, we cannot let gay people dona...HEY WAIT A MINUTE.

>American biology

Are the tests 100% accurate?

Will someone recently infected test positive?

Give them thumbs down and troll the comments.

Liberals depend on safe spaces and groupthink. They can't handle too many thumbs down. They think that quality is determined by it's like:dislike ratio.

If all TYT videos had the thumbs down of their videos shared on Sup Forums, their viewers would stop watching it.

Reminder that 1 in 2 gay niggers have or will get HIV. That's not a typo. 1 in 2.

THAT'S why the ban exists.

no lie I think this girl is just 1 intense g-spot orgasm from being a normal, submissive woman. All these women that act cunty probably have never experienced good dick before. I'd be willing to provide said orgasm/cock.

Haha this! Looks like her head got trap into a doorway.

Blood is also batch tested. If they took blood from 100 fags, one of them would be infected with something (at minimum) and they'd throw out 99 other donations.

There is a reason they don't accept blood from those with fresh tattoos and whores either.

Liberals are once again going to get people killed to virtue signal.

I challenge her to receive blood from 3 random homosexuals.

Didn't the first responders to the shooting scene need to be tested for Aids/HIV due to all the blood on the floor?

No I'm gay and this is where my views overlap with the SJW's in that I think we should be allowed to donate blood and sperm since all is tested for HIV anyways.

Yeah, I refuse to watch their shit. They sit their and defend genocide all while denying genocide and then bitch about white people.

The young turks are a great example of how awful turks are as people.

that's a bad idea though.
it takes time for the infection to become detectable, months even
it's also batch tested. they can't screen every single pint

It's literally not done how you think it is. They collect it all and then test it, meaning if one fuck donates shit blood, the whole blood unit is fucked.

pretty homophobic not to risk giving people aids

i also love how the buzzword is capped in the vid title

Omar Mateen already found the cure for AIDS.

was gonna post the same things

and naturally, our fuckhead of a prime minister:

I wouldn't have a problem with faggots donating blood but ... it should be earmarked for other faggots.

Only fair.

How assblasted is Cenk right now? Any remixes yet?

It takes 3-6 months by basic detection and they have advanced screening techniques that can reduce that time down to a few weeks. Obviously the issue is black gay men or trans gay men donating blood, but that can't be tackled directly due to political correctness. Also, Black women have reasonably high rates of hiv anyways and there's no restrictions on them. As a white gay male who gets tested every 6 months anyways I represent no threat to the american populace through my blood.

So are they blaming this on ANYONE BUT muslims?

American education everyone.

you're the exception not the rule, and you said it yourself, most of it is in the black gay pop, but they can't tell them they're the only ones that can't because then people will claim it's jim crow all over again. if they let gays into it they also let in black gays, simple as that

Well, we're mostly white, so HIV isn't something we need to discuss/think about very often


Good to see TYT so far behind the agenda they're still pushing gay rights instead of islamophobia.

At least the establishment realised that muslims have far more children than christians or gays ever have and are therefor the best base to play in the long run.

Holy shit. She's usually so grating, but after this I'd smash the hell out of her.

She's younger than she looks tho.


Then just earmark our blood only for other gay people ffs.

yeah, that's reasonable, but liberals would protest. this world is fucked

they can detect hiv with in 14 days now

If only they could bold font "HOMOPHOBIC" for better click bait.

You know that shit only works cause most people fucking hate faggots and they don't like being labeled.

Attention whore.

> hillbilly science everyone.

Dude...stay on the ride. You're getting off of it too soon. You are literally witnessing the left implode around its self; accelerated by a mudslime who smuggled illegal aliens into the US under direct orders from the DHS...who was on a terrorist watch list and who had access to police grade weapons.

After this fiasco, The Left literally doesn't know what to do with its self anymore. It's a golden scenario where their own logic breaks down.

What a time to be alive.

I'm an oldfag who has been battling the gay agenda for 20+ years now. Here are some simple facts.

Homosexuals are the highest risk group when it comes to highly contagious diseases in their bloodstream. They are worse than junkies and prostitutes. 1 in 5 homosexuals carries a serious contagious disease in his bloodstream. This is why they arent allowed to donate blood.

Donated blood is combined with other donations and the combined blood packs are then tested for diseases. Individual tests would be far too expensive. If the blood is contaminated, dozens of donations have to be destroyed.

If all gays were to donate blood on a regular basis, about 20% of all blood donations would have to be destroyed because of their disease ridden blood contaminating everything else.

In several 'progressive' SJW countries, gay activists have already succeeded at removing this 'discrimination'. In these countries, junkies and prostitutes are still banned from donating blood, of course gays dont give a fuck about them.

Gays just need to be treated like the selfish bottom trash of society they are. If they reveal their orientation in public the state needs to hunt them through the streets, as was the rule until the CIA financed 'sexual revolution' in the 1960s. If you give the 'gay movement' your little finger, they will inevitably destroy your entire society with their amorality, shamelessness, selfishness, irrationality and greed.

Another thing, despite what many people think, there are no 'based' homosexuals. After decades of experience I can testify that even the nice ones who seem rational and down to earth all massively flawed in some way. Once they get infected by homosexual activism it's all over.

Fuck off shill

>1 in 5 homosexuals carries a serious contagious disease in his bloodstream.

Sauce pls

Well *I'M* triggered by getting AIDS from a transfusion you stupid SJW whore

Germany is back

They have AIDS, of course they're banned. She can cry all she wants, they aren't spreading AIDS for liberal sensibilities.


The only method that has worked so far is implanting a specific marrow that has an immunity and wait out the viral death.

But bone marrow transplants have some 20% mortality rate

Every study on the subject pre-2000. That's where homo activists and the mass media started to pressure scientists into adapting their studies to the gay agenda narrative. There are still alot of based scientists who dont bow to their demands but it's been getting alot worse over the last 10 years.

1 in 5 homos is fucking diseased with some nasty, contagious shit. Those are the facts.

What a non issue anyways, I know she is offended by the concept, but they already have enough blood

Reminder that faggots and niggers are vastly disproportionately responsible for the AIDS problem according to official CDC stats.

Gay men are responsible for 63% of new HIV infections (inlcuding gay blacks males)

Blacks (12-13% of pop) are responsible for 44% of new HIV infections (including gay blacks)

TYT has reached a new level of stupid

In your screenshot, you're subscribed. Leave.


She's usually so frumpy and shrill these days but she can still rock it if she wants to.

Fucking this.

You can see the stupidity glaring out of that turkroach face. Doesnt know any facts or numbers or statistics but blabbers about topics she has no clue about. Dont give these retards any clicks.

Not only that, HIV is notorious for it's ability to be undetectable until active for the most part. The virus doesn't really like lying about in the bloodstream and as such will abscond itself to wherever it can.

Even the best HIV tests have a rate of false negative of the 15%.

>People still harping on the fucking blood shit

Its literally a non-issue that they blow up because they no longer have marriage to be pissy about

This is 100% correct. Blood screenings are totally infallible, they can never be wrong. Besides, even if they could, the worst that could happen is that an innocent, unsuspecting person could be given HIV. I think it's more important to be inclusive than it is to be safe. Rocknroll!

it's just going to get tossed out. this saves resources.

>American flag

Yeah, the flags are working as intended.

Anybody have those bug chaser/giver pics showing gay degeneracy?


>Argentina lectures anyone



Ebin meme reddit

>people still think TYT isn't reptilian

>inb4 she refuses gay blood for women due to aids and other races but only white men should be mandatorily infected with HIV

I thought Orlando went against the federal law and allowed gay people to donate blood after the attack. Or were those reports inaccurate?? There were news articles and shit, pity I didn't save them.