Americans let 14 year olds have a learners permit

>americans let 14 year olds have a learners permit
what the fuck
what a backwards country

Varies from state to state. In mine you have to be sixteen to get one.

i was driving without a permit since i was like 10, who cares

what is learners permit

Who cares as long as they don't grease anyone

Then you must be a very tall kid.

i was about 150-160cm at 10. dont think its abnormal

I bet he is. He's Finnish anyway

Based on projections you must be 185cn-195cm now or you must be an extremely skinny short guy.

Allows you to drive a car if somebody over 18 is in the passenger's seat with you


>14 is old enough to start driving
>18 is old enough to join the military and die in some godforsaken shithole
>but you have to wait until 21 to buy booze, because clearly you're not sufficiently mature to do so at a younger age

>wanting to destroy your body before your brain is developed
But why?

>the government should tell me what i can and can't consume
statist detected

nah the 21 age limit is perfectly reasonable from a scientific perspective
not saying I wouldn't be regularly breaking it if I were an American, but it makes sense

They let 14 year olds have shotguns this shouldn't be a surprise

>from a scientific perspective
What does a "scientific perspective" even mean in this context?

>nah the 21 age limit is perfectly reasonable from a scientific perspective

the effect is has on brain development

this guy gets it
the drunk driving wrecks dropped like a rock after they raised it, not that it stopped people from getting hammered while driving

Also reduces delayed/stunted development of the brain in theory.

Didn't know Australian kids were so pathetic they couldn't handle driving at 14.

Kuinka maaseudulla asut kun et tosta jääny koskaan kiinni?

>Asians are literally so small they can't reach the pedals at 10