If you weren't born here you are not allowed to complain

If you weren't born here you are not allowed to complain

I'm from France, I'm definitely allowed to complain.

Not complaining hahaha

wrong flag subhuman

Complain about what? Turks?

my ancestors :3

the only thing you can complain about is the fact that you border it

>WW1 ends
>Wilson begs allies to be nice to poor Germany, American investment rushes in to rebuild Germany in the interwar years
>WW2 ends
>Truman spends millions rebuilding Germany, sends American troops to defend their former enemies
>Soviets block western ground and water access to West Berlin, America risks war with USSR to supply West Berlin entirely by air with four planes landing every minute loaded with food and supplies
>Cold War ends
>Thatcher, Mitterrand, and Gorby all are against German reunification, but Bush convinces them to accept it
>Germany has the lowest support of the USA out of all EU nations and all NATO countries save Turkey
>American soldiers are on German soil pledged to give up their LIVES for a country that hates them while Germany's leader calls America an unreliable ally
>meanwhile America nuked Japan and dropped more explosives on Vietnam than were used in all of WW2 but they still like America more than Germans do

Why are Germans such ungrateful, horrible people?

Why does Germany keep trying to destroy Europe?
>that time they destroyed Rome
>that time they caused the protestant reformation and the following 30 years war
>that time they invented communism
>that time they started a world war
>that time they did it again
>right now

he is greek you subhuman

Nice try but I'm not the greek you are looking for

exactly my point you dumbfuck

Because you intervened in WW1 for no reason other than to save your economy and destroy ours?
Same with WW2 pretty much.

I am not greek

Still no reason for the modern generation to hate them

Having to live in â world of diversity and wageslavery for their goy overlords is tho.


most normies don't even know what goy means, mr redpill


Maybe if you wouldn't have fought two wars against us unprovoked, we would like you more

>i suffer in first world european country

this nationality is basically a devil mark that has literally no good sides.
and living here is highly overrated


Your ally blew up their shit..

I was born in this country.

and now you are in america and not universally hated. your point?

>Not universally hated

I have to worry every day about whether my family will get fucking killed or starve to death or die from something curable in the 19th century.

>haha lol martshart


>Implying leafs are preferred to burgers
What has canada done other than import chinese?

Deutschland? Es ist ein Land des Traums hier. Jedermann versucht danach so lange wie möglich einzuwandern und sieht das als friedliches und tolerantes entwickelt Land, während Leute hier sich beklagen daß ihr Land eine Hölle ist.

Joined both World Wars to save your sorry asses before the Yanks even thought of it.

>implying you had a choice

I know this applies to any country, not just the BRD, but...

>implying the origin of the complain [if from a native or foreign] makes a difference on its pertinence
Yeah, nah.

Most people other than the Fr*nch volunteered to go.

Y'know that without communism you'd have no welfare and stuff like that

>fighting for a foreign monarch
We ain't French btw


They're your monarchy, Jean.