Do you believe that if you could effectively educate (condition) every single human child in earth you could achieve an...

Do you believe that if you could effectively educate (condition) every single human child in earth you could achieve an utopia?

Depends on how it is planned out. Because is sounds like stagnation, but it doesn't have to be that way of course. If you teach every child to think freely and unrestricted it can go very well.

First of all, you'd have to kill the ones who didn't get conditioned.

So it'd be important to sterilize everybody and have only the state make children in labs so that families would get upset about the ones that needed to be aborted.

I would argue that they tried that already and it ended up in what we have today, young people instinctively rebel to everything and despise all authority without having any solid grounds to do so

I also think it kinds of logically eats itself, if you teach every kid to be a free-thinker then some kid will eventually go beyond it and think that the only free-thought is the decision to not have free thoughts

Yep, the question kinds of presuposses that you kill all adults and start from point 0, you literally have 0 opposition to your education

Another big problem is literacy. If you allow kids to know how to read and give them access to books then they invariably will start having their own thoughts.

Didn't thought of that, i feel stupid now

Lets move goalposts: you burn every book that doesn't contain objective facts, and control the publishing of all media so the kids can't fuck it up by writing their own books

Of course not - one person's idea of a utopia will not be another's.

Haven't you ever read The Giver

The universe isn't a utopia.

It doesn't matter at all what you teach anybody. Reality will never move in favor of your pathetic ideologies.

That's shit-tier NAZI level shit. Gotta think like the Jew.

If you do and say the right things, then you get money. If you don't, then you get cut off from the system and die in a gutter where nobody cares about you.

No complex systems are inhirtly prone to random outcomes.
Certainly in a in uncertain universe is not possible.
Tightly coupled systems are mathematically more prone to cascading errors.

My point is, i keep hearing that "the problem is education", but the more i delve into culture the more i see that "education" as a source of all answers is superficial, and real knowledge is knowledge of the multiple sides fighting for showing they have the truth, therefore, education ends up being the problem, the more you educate, the more you create dissent between the group.

Nice answer man, very zen-like

>Tightly coupled systems are mathematically more prone to cascading errors.
Are they?

Kek, yeah, but this would be a naked dystopia

The idea of a utopia is impossible senpai. It just won't work

More like a distopia

>Kek, yeah, but this would be a naked dystopia
Wait, you mean real life?

In more academic terms, we call this, "economic slavery." It's funny because I work in academia and this wins the argument every single time, even against Jews.

>you mean real life?
Don't you think its possible to create parallel economies to go over this?

I dunno how academic and scientific research works in terms of what is a "valid research money source". But couldn't you go over institutions by i dunno, crowfunding or using other "symbolic" transactions? (Kind of like some museums subsist out of overpriced shit at gift-shops)

I don't feel like discussing this here, but two things

One: The more lies you pile on the more damage can be caused, hence stronger damage control is needed, however the more prominent the damage control, the easier it can be used is a talking point for your enemies.

2. Discipline, confidence, and Nationalistic pride are the core values behind a culture, and teaching your people how to say no to outside influences are a plus. Once you manage this, elements infected with outside influence will be ostracized from society by the people themselves because they'll feel good doing it.

There's more but I'd rather play black desert. peace.

Just remember, culture is the most imprtant thing inside the culture dome. I did a doodle for you.

sterilization is only required in a meritocracy.

If you choose to leech, no kids. if you choose to contribute, as many kids as you can support. go over the limit you get sterilized. Homelessness will be non existent.

Historically, if we can't use the power of government to organize the little people into enough power to overrule the power of a money cartel, then it turns into violent revolution, collapse of government, war, communism, fascism, military coup, etc.

It's not pretty. Ultimately the black market always takes over when the official market fails. But if you have the power to dish out free money without crashing the entire economy, then you still have to power to control who does what.

Im having a bit of trouble following you

You think that parallel economies can't coexist with big money? Once there is uncontrolled big-money players in politics free societies eventually devolve into authoritarian systems?

>are they.
Yes. There is a whole book that gathers up the research on this. Something about systems, I can't remember the title now, sorry :(. It's pretty dry reading anyways.

I think they can, but they need to be able to achieve enough power to do so. And if the government is the big money, then they will stomp out any attempt to do so, leaving only the black market.

>Once there is uncontrolled big-money players in politics free societies eventually devolve into authoritarian systems
This exactly.

that makes me kind of sad senpai, i was banking on some sort of economic system based on p2p to save our future

I forgot to follow up im sorry, im reading on Cascading failures right now, it explains why i snowball into failure whenever i miss a deadline on projects lol

>sort of economic system based on p2p to save our future
That's the so-called "black market." It always comes out on top in time of need.

>i was banking on some sort of economic system based on p2p to save our future
so was the south, but they lost under the pretext of freeing the slaves.

The idea was very attractive. Educate everybody and surely crime and poverty would be relics from the past. Despite our benevolent intentions, it did not work out. It was a nice try though.
