Mfw Anglos are still not realizing why we Aryans hate them like nothing else

>mfw Anglos are still not realizing why we Aryans hate them like nothing else


>we aryans

Dirty blonde hair and green eyes makes me an anglo, right?
I'm mostly Irish too.





Why is Dolph hot? I am straight.

mosely is more based than that swedish cuck dolph and that random stock model.

prove me wrong.

Dolph could fuck your whole family

He is the literally the perfect example of the noble ARYAN race.


I wish I looked like him

mosely's charisma > dolph's looks

dolph is a liberal

Never even used the word right.

I know you're memeing me right now but if I can just get a straight answer I'll be on my way.

>destroyed europe 4 times

If you have white/Aryan features, you cannot be Anglo.


It's that time of the night again folks, anti anglo german fag is at it again


Are you white?

mosely wanted to ally with hitler though.

Don't you remember what the Eternal Anglo has done to you?


>implying Hitler wanted to ally with beady-eyed anti-Aryan subhumans

small eyes are more attractive on men though. look at any stereotypically attractive man, they have beady eyes.

pic related, brad pitt of eternal anglo descent

he did at first. your boy hitler was an angloboo.


pick one


pick both


beady eyes are superior

even blacks look good if they have BEADY eyes.

They turned SA into the economic and technological giant of Africa. I wish they came back

>Relevant in the past 100 years

