Is it really possible for someone with multiple personalities to change their body chemistry by just thinking about it

Is it really possible for someone with multiple personalities to change their body chemistry by just thinking about it.

unlikely, it's right up there with the "10% of your brain" bullshit, but it does make for an interesting premise

Yes, just look at redditors and SJWs.

what the fuck happened to mcavoy's career


Hair really changes a guy

it seems pretty intact, he's got a gig in X-Men, now M Night's Split is getting early buzz.

he's fine.

What's the twist gonna be? He's really 20 different people? His captive is really another personality? The captive is the one with multiple personalities, and shes imagining all of them?
If he rips off haute tension I'll be pissed

He went from being the most established actor in X-Men to the most unknown. Fassbender and JLaw picked up oscar noms whereas he did Victor Frankenstein. I question his film choices a lot these days.

It is possible if they use more than 10% of their brain capacity.

It's like a low budget normie version of Filth

Its a sequel to Unbreakable and beast is an actual supervillian form

I'm not joking either David(bruce willis) shows up at the end too

This is actually in his wheelhouse, he was doing weird shit before this. Rwanda. Trance. Filth. Sniper.

Sounds cool. I loved unbreakable.

>10% of your brain bullshit
so when you rev your car engine to 1000rpm you're using all of it's potential? I mean all of the engine's parts are working

Analysis: why did you make that post.

Makes me want to rewatch the first season of Shameless

Sophisticated biofeedback techniques have been kicking around since the 60's.

Ask your whore Grandma.

To show your wrong

What? look, the brain is NOT a car engine, so that analogy is worthless, not to mention science has already disproved that myth of only 10% of of the brain is used.

Only the numale plebbit Sup Forumsposters would enjoy a cuck-sucking meme Chad bonanza like this bromide trash

Stop replying to me