Watch it Adolf

Watch it Adolf


Actually, Britain did less in WW2 than France. The French were not chickens. The only thing the Brits had was Alan Turing, and they ended up pushing him to suicide after the war, anyway.

But he was a degenerate though. Smoke the pole pay the toll.


>be so good at maths that you singlehandedly save millions of lives through sheer brainpower
>get called a degenerate who deserved to die by a virgin Sup Forumstard who's probably still in high school

Nice articulation of my thoughts. All I could muster was "No.", because his statement's stupidity was a little flabbergasting.

If he's so smart then why is he fucking dead hmm?

>Actually, Britain did less in WW2 than France.


It's a shame the French didn't put as much effort into fighting Hitler as they do trying to salvage their ruined reputation on the internet.


checkm8 mathematicians

I'm not French. Why would I be up at 5:00 AM right now?

hehe yeah why would anyone stay up all night and shitpost on the internet on a week day no less haha...

sleep is important!

Your English is quite good for a frog apologist. Did you study abroad?

Is he crashing that plane?

No, I just like the French. They are America's greatest ally.

nice dubbles

check THIS out

>usa gets wrecked by islam on 9/11
>brit public transport also get wrecked by jihadi evil doers
>march by usa's side into iraq and afghanistan for revenge
>get into all kinds of adventures along the way
>discover its all a globalist plot
>brexit and trump our way out of the globalist abandoned warehouse full of dynamite in slo-mo right before it explodes, throwing us battered and bruised but alive onto an embankment
>lay there exhausted looking up at the night sky, laughing together at the crazy world we have mastered
>"I just like the French. They are America's greatest ally."


Because all French people live in France.

Why does he wear the mask?

Is he going to be a big guy for me? or for you?

>What is The Gallic Rooster?

Is there a reason that China is missing?

why does he wear the mask?

>le 'one power won WW2' meme

It is amazing to actually stop and think about all the bullshit the jews have fed gullible people about WW2.

Hitler believed the future of Western civilization depended on the cooperation of Germany and her Aryan cousins: England and the United States. His territorial demands were limited to Communist Russia, which he regarded as a proxy for Jewish world ambitions. He was determined to avoid fighting a war on two fronts.

In May 1940, the British were on the verge of defeat. The English army was trapped at Dunkirk. Rather than take them prisoner, Hitler halted his generals for ten days allowing 330,000 men to escape.

i want the webm of this

>how revisionists see WWII

Anglos are just cocksucking dogs. French are real friends who tell us when we're wrong.

>hitler was a good guy meme
Back to Sup Forums frendo. Stop trying to turn this entire site into a safe haven for nazis

Even German prisoners taken by Americans still believed the Americans and British would join Germany in a fight against the soviet union, those who knew the Soviet ideology, were convinced that this overwhelming evil had to be dealt with quickly. It did not go like this, as we all know because the jews/FDR let the Japanese attack Pearl Harbor to get America into the war as well. And now, decades later, we hear jewish controlled stories about ‘Hitler’s war’. I would say, verify what people say and check out this for yourself.

>It is amazing to actually stop and think about all the bullshit the jews have fed gullible people about WW2.
It's amazing the amount of pol tier bullshit this movie is going to generate.

>Hitler believed the future of Western civilization depended on the cooperation of Germany and her Aryan cousins: England and the United States.
Citation needed. The nazis certainly didn't regard the US as aryan.

>His territorial demands were limited to Communist Russia, which he regarded as a proxy for Jewish world ambitions.
Alsace-Moselle is not in Russia.
Poland is not in Russia. etc

>He was determined to avoid fighting a war on two fronts.
Well he failed at that, didn't he.

>Rather than take them prisoner, Hitler halted his generals for ten days allowing 330,000 men to escape.
Hitler didn't give the 'halt order'. And it's actually explained by the fact that a purely land based power such as Germany didn't fully comprehend the possibility of a seaborne evacuation.

Trying to pretend after the fact that it was his plan all along is the sort of thing that dictators commonly do.

>Hitler halted his generals for ten days allowing 330,000 men to escape.

No he didn't you fucking worthless scumsucking faggot. The decision to halt the advance came directly from the commanders in France. Adolf wasn't the micromanaging dumb ass he was later on.

You're wrong, signed a brit.

I'd say more 50/50 between USA and Russia.

Just cause Russia threw a million men at Germany doesn't negate the great USA military tactics, weaponry, their assault on the pacific, their navy, and also the development and usage of the nuclear bomb.

USA did the most, really.

I know right? These stupid goys and their pol and Trump etc.

The pacific was a fucking joke. You defeated a country smaller than California, well done.


>Aryan Cousins
He didn't want to go to war with another anglo saxon nation and realized the industrial capacity of the United states, which he regarded as a cesspool of nigger and jews.
>Limited to Communist Russia
So... Sudetanland, Czechoslovzkia, Baltic states, France, Norway, Denmark and the Ukraine were accidental conquests?
>May 1940
>Verge of defeat
The Battle of Britain had barely started...

>Whoops. Got a little carried away there. My bad.

We need more world wars because ww2 movies been done to death