The hyper sensitive/self-aware/depressed n detached trend in pop and hip hop, while sold as “experimental” or deep...

The hyper sensitive/self-aware/depressed n detached trend in pop and hip hop, while sold as “experimental” or deep, is really just dumbing down pop even further. A touch of melancholy in a banger or a single line with dubious implications should be enough to facilitate an appropriately self reflective moment at the club, but no, people have to do this sadboi rapper shit (for example) and blend partying and philosophy in a way that’s neither fun like a party nor deep like philosophy. People that listen to that stuff (predictably) think that the party scene is, like, deep, itself, which is shallow as fuck, no surprise their music is so depressing.


you don't get it. it's escaping the nihilism through hedonism and reveling in self pity post-ironically. everything in this generation is cloaked in layers of irony and sadboi rap is an example.

read dfw, baudrillard, sartre, adorno

mmm not OP but interesting, cheers i will look up those writers!

>escaping the nihilism through hedonism
>People that listen to that stuff (predictably) think that the party scene is, like, deep, itself, which is shallow as fuck, no surprise their music is so depressing

And what I was saying what I thought the irony was there before, but people had the sense to just have it be a tool towards art, and didn't pretend it was deep, it really isn't

Depression became marketable to a new demographic. Different spectacle, same gears.

nobody is claiming that it's deep at all, idiot, the people who make/listen to this music are the exact opposite of "conscious hip-hop" fans. They're just kids trying to glamorize how dumb and shitty their life is. Just like teenagers of every generation.

Speak for yourself:

this is true
What people don't realize yet, is that it's time for our civilization to courageously approach its nihilism face to face, without escaping into another imaginary bubble, because there's no possibility anymore of just waiting in your intellectual hole till the mess we're in is over.

>face to face
sorry, doing it ironically is as close as you'll get when you insist there is no "face" to face

this comment made me want to die

>is no "face" to face
Indeed, because it's one face, it's your face.
When you truly drop your ironic mask all what's left is a terrifying black hole.
Understanding that this is your true state is the only option if you want to redeem yourself and have any future. Or create another false visage and find comfort in it - for a while.

it is society that makes you want to die, and you need to confront your demons instead of hiding behind the facade or cloaking it in irony. new sincerity. acknowledge your reality, acknowledge the lack of inherent meaning, and forge a meaning for yourself to strive for through enrichment.

Or, you can just write "numb" and "69" and "crybaby" on it, with maybe an ice cream cone or a tree on top, and call it a day.

How does a "terrifying black hole" sound more real to you than say, anything else that people actually are? I don't really buy it, it sounds corny, it sounds like a cop out and a reductionist account of life that fails to consider the context we all exist in

>acknowledge the lack of inherent meaning, and forge a meaning for yourself to strive for through enrichment.
yes, such as making shitty mumblerap and scribbling on your face.

cause a black hole is deep and stuff

I feel Bladee did it correctly then everyone else jumped on

Yung Lean and all of Sadboys/Drain Gang influenced this generation of hip hop just as much as Raider Klan imo.

incorrect, everyone jumped on after Yung Lean did it wrong

it's only a metaphor, and it only means psychologically the traumatic act of finding out about your butchered subjectivity, and its all-consuming anger towards everything, for you neglected it for too long, inexcusably long - both as an individual, and as a culture. And you will know, you will feel, that no excuse will be enough, no ritual, no formula, no prayer, no ideology.

hey, it works for some. they dedicate their life to art.

>no excuse will be enough, no ritual, no formula, no prayer, no ideology.
no metaphor?
No flowery purple prose about black holes and butcher shops?

I think it's lazy philosophy to overemphasize "butchered subjectivity." It's like, "of course, but then what?" You still say nothing about what works, just what you feel you're beyond. It's a metaphor, but not a metaphor for much- a metaphor for objectless angst which, when it matures, will reattach itself to an object (even if this is found through intense and personal introspection) and again not be nihilistic at all.

yes, you get it
just go further:
No more pretending that the plastic screen you're staring into all day is "communication".
No more thinking that there's anything but lie in your "relations".
No more believing that you will live your life somewhere else, in the future. Just not now

ww3 can't come soon enough

No more believing that you're enlightening people with cheesy-ass speeches on Sup Forums?

>a metaphor for objectless angst which, when it matures, will reattach itself to an object (even if this is found through intense and personal introspection) and again not be nihilistic at all.
Yes, I agree. It's a question of finding different (new?) forms of expression of subjectivity through entering into this zero point again, the ironic stance being nothing more than a reactionary response to these attempts that already happen all over the world whether one wants it or not. Irony can not express subjectivity because it's this evasion of the traumatic fact of subjectivity as such, like I pointed out. The mechanism of irony is the opposite of what we are saying, which means: using masks to conceal this basic angst, to pretend there's "nothing", only masks. Whereas what I mean is the nothing creating or finding a new array of masks to express itself - it's an act of creation.

blame record labels, they think this is what people want because of your fucking 'sad feels' threads, twitter meltdowns and facebook rants

no, I hurt people like I hurt myself

so a lot of people will die senselessly again so we can get even deeper into this wretchedness?

>we can get even deeper into this wretchedness
yeah, and become a pack of irradiated mutants, I guess

so you don't, huh

yes, this killing emptiness which tortures you so

perhaps you're just dead emotionally

>if my chuuni tirade doesn't upset you, that means you're emotionally dead

blah blah blah no one cares. is the song good or not?

well, you can always fuck off
why pay any attention to peoples' rumblings?

because the last two got us rid of it and not deeper into it right