Allahu Akbar. And I proudly mean it

Noone of you are even trying to understand what our religion stands for. Stop blaming everything on Islam. Radical Islam is no different from radical Christianity.

Other urls found in this thread:

I dont see radical christian attacks happening every other day

Or radical christiand creating break away states and murdering their neighbours en masse.


what the fuck is radical christianity, never heard of it

>but who was crusades?

I live 20 minutes from the Westboro Baptist Church, yeah.. they're annoying, sure.. they're a bunch of assholes. But beyond that they don't really do much. They're a radical Christian organization.

Now, if ISIS were to set up shop 20 minutes away, I'd be seriously concerned for my life, and the lives of my fellow Americans.

Fuck off Mohammed, mean words aren't equal to mass murder.

do you agree that fundamentally islam was founded on violence, slavery, pedophilia and sexual oppression, and that regardless of how modern western muslims live and claim to interpret it's teachings, IS is literally islam in its truest form?

Not only was that almost a thousand years ago, but it was also justified in that the crusades were retaliation for 700 years of moorish enslavement

Schlomo plz




Thousands of years ago, also in response to Islam in our holy land

Islam is about 1000 years younger than christianity, whats your point here?

nice try
but there is no "radical islam", since islam itself is radical and everyone who follows the islam but doesn't kill infidels and white whymens is no real muslim

but christianity has changed a lot since the last 200 years, where all the subhuman garbage has been left out and it now is just a pillar to hold up a human and social living in western civilization
god himself isn't important anymore

You need to be gassed faggot

You really are the dregs of the human race

crusades were justified by god you kek

My point is that you're bringing up events that have no relevance today, but islamic attacks still occur frequently

hundreds of years ago versus right now

It was actually a war of self-defense, mainly. The Eastern Orthodox Church called its sister, the Catholic Church, to war because Muslims had been conquering Roman territory for fucking centuries by then.

Now a lot of shit happened there, but that's another story. It was in any case not "radical Christianity" or anything of the sort.

>what our religion stand for

WE DONT GIVE A SHIT. Our European ancestors fought each other for 2000 years, killing everything in sight. They only worked together in one thing: removing the muslim invasion into europe. I sure as hell won´t shit at my ancestors legacy and willingly take in your stoneage believe system.

Hundreds of thousands died so that you stay out of europe, I won´t dishonor the dead like that.

Oh how i can't wait for brexit so europe collapse.
The first thing we will do when shit goes south is blame and burn you motherfuckers.
The mere thought of a sandnigger hanging from a european lamp post is enough to make me cum.

>stoneage believe system

If it wasn't for Islam, you would even have basic math. I will pray for you tonight. Keep feeding you're delusions on here.

I don't give a shit about radical islam or moderate islam. I don't want any kind of islam anywhere near my country. GTFO you fucking roach.

goddamn denmark

I cannot wait for what's coming

>i don't know enough about Islam to refute this
look if you're not blowing things up then I don't care
If the terror attacks really just represent a small percentage then I'm fine with most of you I guess
If that's the case then you guys could really help us all out and get your muzzie bros not to kill people that would be appreciated
that means cooperating with whitey and informing on upcoming terror attacks
it won't make you a race traitor

Takbir, Bruder

>Muh no Maths

Search Babylonian mathematics for a start.

Good to see there's no white males in that pic

>literally all they ever contributed
That shit was also done in ancient india hundreds of years before you invaded and took credit for their work
Also last time I checked almost everything in the world has been contributed by Europeans

>mfw math existed before we just toook their numbers

From the foundation of Islam in 610, to the First Crusade in 1096, Islamic warlords launched hundreds of attacks on European and Mediterranean settlements, often enslaving and conquering the inhabitants. The Crusade was a response to 500 years of military incursions -- or are you too thick to understand?

If youd ever studied the quran for years, you wouldnt be stupid enough to make assumptions like this. Every holy book can be misinterpreted, but only by the people who WANT to do so. Thats why terrorists arent considered muslims

The problem is arabs and africans.
I couldn't care less of their thoughts.

The arabic numerals and algebra is literally the WE WUZ KANGZ of mudslimes, they stole pretty much all that from India.

bring back caroleans you kek


Found the Mehmet
Fuck back off this world turkroach and take your people with you

>every holy book can be misinterpreted
Yet you bring up radical Christianity


the death count in recent times is certainly different the undermining of society.
Are you all really that blind?


>comparing islamic terrorism of today with crusades
>bringing up crusades from medieval times
>in the current year

I hereby declare you a certified retard.

this threads more like

The Crusades need to start again until we finish the job


proudly kill yourself faggot

it happens but it is way less often probably last time i can think of christian terrorism in usa was abortion clinic being bombed

Islam is the only religion to claim a pedophilia, rapist, pillaging warlord is the perfect example of a humanity.

It's pretty much the religious version of cult of personality used in dictatorial states like North Korea.

Well said

Nuclear crusade
>count me in

Well, they were
1000 years ago
nowadays the entire islamic world translates less books per year than fucking spain alone

then who was tell?


What will happen to me?

Islam was based a spiritual mans pilgrimage through the desert and founded on the principles of chastity, humility, self reflection, and spirituality. If anything, Sufism represents the truest Islam, and is in fact, a European based sect, as it centers around Turkey, a European country. But aside from that, Islam's purpose was to consolidate various Arabian tribes under a single civil and penal code of conduct so that they could live together more harmoniously. While being heavily theocratic, Islam acted also as a political ideology to its followers and this allowed for its rapid spread across Arabia and the Maghreb. In fact, many people of non muslim faith were allowed to live under Islamic rule as 'Dhimmi" via the jiyza tax, which in a sense allowed the faith to not nly act as a religious institution, but a bureaucratic one as well. Overall, muslims were more focused on expanding the reach of Allah's blessing to all "brothers of the earth" than killing infidels as many would believe. At the core of Muhammad's teaching are verses declaring all creature of god to be of the same blood, muslim or not. So yes, Islam is a religion of peace... peace and bureaucracy.

very uncalled for..

Fuck off T*rkroach

Radical christians live at homeless sheleters and pray and feed homeless...

Nice non-comeback. Didn't expect a reasonable answer anyway because there's none. Please stop embarassing yourself and come back here when you've done your research.

please remove the flag
thank you

Okay, I will be generous and give you one more try. How are crusades relevant to terrorism in 2016?

If we took the Crusades to completion, there would be no terrorism in 2016. There

Sure it is:

>go out and kill a bunch of innocent people for Allah because they're infidels

>talk a bunch of shit about infidels and tell them they're going to hell, never cross the line into physical violence unless someone else hits/shoots first

Pretty big fucking difference if you ask me.

In case you're still too stupid to figure it out, I'll spell it out for you. Muslims kill for islam. Christians don't kill for Christianity.

kek, true

Actually, Islam was not the reason for the golden age of the arabian world. The middle-east was an important trade region, where different people and cultures meet and shared their goods and knowledge. It was at a time where the extremist muslim schoolars didnt have the power to ban everything what was scientifically relevant. Now these clerics and sheiks have the power to ban all science. That is a reason why non of the muslim countries have a prominent scientist or invention today.....e.g. ISIS baning maths and stuff

Back then, the scientists had the chance to work and live the clerics have the power and the dumb people are listening to them


I cant wait until the us authorizes killing any and all sandniggers. Will be a glorious time. Fuck mohamed

I understand it. I just don't like it.

Pedo warlord slaver defender of beastiality false Prophet Mohomomad

Has there ever existed a moslem that is not a total braindead moron?

Eat shit you fucking locust.

>thinks something 1000 years ago is releveant

meanwhile islam is just 10 times worse than christians ever where.

yeah but arent you going to wipe me off the face of the planet?

I've not heard about any recent attacks dedicated on the Vatican City, my lad.

I actually tried to understand what it stands for and concluded Islam is a satanic death cult. Stop deflecting, there is no radical Christianity.

geh sterben ziegenboy du dreckiger hurensohm , fick deinen dämonengott in den arsch du dreckiger bastard.

>Islam is a satanic death cult

Tells you to lie
Tells you to deceive
Tells you to Murder


>I'll live with this brain tumor because by my leg pain goes away when the seizures start

Apathy is worse than death. I only wish my country had founding fathers so I could claim mine arent rolling in their grave.

you will roast right next to your hook nosed master


We don't blame "everything" on islam you whiny manlet. We blame islam for the murder, violence, rape, theft, fraud and invasions that muslims are doing to us and our lands right now. I don't blame islam if my dog shits in the house, I blame islam when muslims rape 1400+ white girls here in my country. Man up.

Basically, jewish puppets. Quran is literally the Torah for stupid subhumans (muslims).

By definition Moderate Muslims are all Apostates though, and they must be killed.

Christianity doesn't have this problem because Christians by definition are supposed to behave like wanderers in whatever country they live in. Christianity has things like "render unto Ceaser" while Islam seeks to impose itself like Ceaser onto whatever country it resides in.

The only reason Islam didn't seem like a problem to Lefty Cucks is because Muslims are still very much a minority in those countries. But all you have to do is look at any Muslim Majority country to see how "moderate" it actually is.

>worshipping an illiterate pedophile that got butthurt that white people had judaism and christianity under their belts so he came up with his own version of christianity/judaism to make himself feel better 700 years after the fact but he forgot to come up with any original ideas so he just used the ideas forgotten/left behind by the other religions to seem original but everyone else looks at him like "kek what a newfag"

Islam literally means submission.


>sunnis and shiites murder each other on a massive scale years before westerners started to exploit you guys
>saudi arabia being one of the only first world countries to openly practice slavery, as well as completely subjugate women
>converted countries weren't converted with missionary work or revolution, just endless war and conquest
>try to constantly argue that various terror groups aren't "true" islam, even when they're extremely consistent with how muslims have behaved in the past, and "moderate" muslims are generally accepting of the terror attacks

islam is a cancer that needs to be wiped out








Islam is just an ideology made for black people to feel good about chimping out all the time at nothing.