Now that the pendulum is swinging back...

Now that the pendulum is swinging back, will SNL and other comedy shows ever have any funny conservative comedians again?

norm mcdonald wasn't conservative


Pick one

Norm MacDonald is an independent free thinker that doesn't adhere to the liberal/conservative dichotomy, and violently rejects such labels.

>Here we see the president and the first bitch

Could never happen today

I've never met a masculine white male Democrat voter in my entire life.

b-but he said something i like that means he's on m-muh my team!!!!

Come to think of it me either

By the way dumb shit like this is a hundred times funnier than snl

dat horshoe

before it could never happen because conservatives would bitch about profanity/indecency and now it could never happen because of 3rd wave feminism.

Holy shit most I've laughed in a few days

Norm isn't a Conservative, he's not even an American. He destroys people on both sides and he was fantastic roasting Bill and the Republicans alike at the press dinner (Bill laughed at that, I'm sure Trumpstein would have cried about it on Twitter). Not that you would know that, you 18 year old at the oldest neckbeard MAGA hat wearing permavirgin faggot. Enjoy the Israeli kike shill you got voted into office and think is any better than that turbocunt Hillary you stupid mouthbreathing imbecile.

REE SHUT UP WITH YOUR FACTS ASSHOLE! Day of the Rake Norm and all the hot Canadian women get to stay.

lmao we get pro gun SCOTUS it's already better than Hillary

Kill yourself reddit

I cannot fucking wait to find out who you are you fucking pedophile because I am legitimately going to put a fucking bullet in your head. Think I'm whistling Dixie you fucking subhuman nigger.

You can't touch me

I'm 2fast

>CP posting namefag supports the Israeli child molester candidate and is from Sup Forums where they have posted nothing but disinfo trying to make people think Hillary is the pedo and not Trump the Kikelover with his jet full of babyraping kikes

How surprising.

Holy shit an actual to goodness hillfag

Youre literally deluded if you think shill would've been better. I voted Trump solely for SCOTUS and I would've voted any republicunt over shillary for SCOTUS

Eat me faggot

If they let more racist ass white people on TV I'm gonna kill some white cousin fucking motherfuckers and rape white women.

I hated her too. Enjoy prison you pedophile piece of shit. It's not going to be easy on you. It's gonna be even worse with Trump in office.

>Going to prison for posting harmless legal pictures on a Chinese basketweaving forum

so did people not understand that SNL was making fun of the right wingers who blamed those things on why trump won?

t. Chauncey Smith, the whitest faggot in his suburban neighborhood.

Yeah, I'm sure that argument will hold up in front of the judge. Enjoy living in fear of being killed by the Aryan Brotherhood for the rest of your very short life.

>It's a redditor fantasizes about his violent insane dreams episode

Get help

>implying a Republican isn't the funniest comedian working

fuck you beat me to it. man is a legend

Mortal Kombat accessories?
Kabal hooks, Sonya pistole, Kano machete, Stryker rifle

>It's a pedo posting degenerate scumbag realizes I'm right and is scared as fuck post

How loud do you think you're gonna scream when that first shiv goes between your ribs?

this guy C A N N O T get dubs!

you clearly don't understand the irony of your statement

>repeatedly called a liar on snl when she was just first lady

you think you're the first autist newfag to sperg on me? I've heard it a million times already reddit

That one to Arrianna Huffington was a fucking nuclear warhead

I'm thinking about your squealing and how frightened you are going to be as you slowly die with no one around on the post under that stairwell and I'm so happy. No one is going to care, it will not be an easy death. They are going to treat you to a short glimpse of Hell before sending you there permanently. I bet no one claims your body and you end up in the Potter's Field too. :)

you clearly don't understand irony

the one about sharks is highlarious

oh that's ironic coming from (you)

>Supposedly voted for Trump
>Is a pedophile degenerate that celebrates shitskins and what happened on 9/11

You are the highest level of fucking retarded. Thanks for voting for the guy who is most likely to make it legal to hunt people like you for sport.

God damn that's edgy Mr reddit

>Posting unteralterbach means I celebrate 9/11

Lots of outrage about this joke saying it hurts trans people and the like.

Can't the same statement be made about the target of any joke?

Where do these people get the energy?

I'm literally so happy right now thinking about how the Aryan Nation and Brotherhood is going to turn you into a pincushion. I've seen what the Brotherhood does to pedophiles like you. Oh man, lol you have no idea what fresh Hell is waiting for you. :)

>will SNL and other comedy shows ever have any funny conservative comedians again

No, if anything, there's going to be a purge to get of the last 1% of conservatives that exist in the industry. They're already thinking up of a final solution to the conservative issue.

Sup Forums in 10 minutes has made me laugh 10x more than Colbert, Meyers, Noah, Schumer, Samantha Bee and SNL has in years.

You're a subhuman that is going to die slow.

Sup Forums isn't conservative it's neo-Nazi aka "alt-right"


>You're a subhuman that is going to die slow.


Closest thing anyone's got to some sort of conservative outlet. Not like they'll let you on TV shows or anything.

Unless you kill yourself then yeah you will.

this uh
isn't funny at all...

Unteralterbach is the best.


Trust me, yeah you will.



he's a fucking savage