Album Of The Year


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album name?

how many fucking years of music does this guy have stocked up

He actually only has two hours of beats stocked up that he has stretched out to a crap ton of albums.

its only been 6 days

listen to this granny

oh so this thread is bait

Yea, impossible nothing is really overhyped. Some interesting ideas, but that's really all the albums are: 4 and a half hours of random ideas. It's neat background music though.

wtf how is it bait?

>none of his albums have more than 100 ratings on RYM

literally pick one

>doesn't realize that the hype IN gets is already too much for something so mediocre


name a better plunderphonics project from this decade, I fucking DARE you

people who say this music is bad likely don't make electronic music themselves. this guy is an inspiration.



this is an exaggeration of course but he's not completely wrong

this person is clearly a talented musician and producer, but it's a real shame that he works in a boring and aesthetically crippled genre like hip hop. really robs his music of lasting interest

his worst cover so far

yeah man he should work in a genre booming with artistic excitement like rock

I had a dream not so long ago that Impossible Nothing made a whole album of experimental pop/rock tracks where he sang with a somewhat shitty voice and put out all songs with music videos on youtube and I didn't like it.

all of his music is painfully boring. and not in a good minimalistic way

this is the superior overly long 2018 album

i don't mind you having shitty taste, but
>and not in a good minimalistic way

what is this...?

I could easily make an album of beats like this
give me a week

its a bit early on for this

cover art is wack