Since feudalism got replaced by capitalism, what will replace capitalism in the future?

Since feudalism got replaced by capitalism, what will replace capitalism in the future?

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muh dick






Like post apocalypse, not edgy leftist anarchy


National Socialism.


Islamic system

Nuclear Holocaust

We can dream.

Probably some form of Anarchy if you ask me.

Depends on what you're talking about. Capitalism is not a political system unless you're talking about plutocracy.

In which case I'd laugh and say it doesn't matter which political system we have, the rich will always find a way to control it.

i suppose the only thing that could reasonably replace capitalism is anarchism, but who wants that?

checked and agreed

watching the growth of Islam, theres a good chance there will pop up much more countrys in Africa that follow Sharia law and with current migration, it will be the next big thing

so get on board and start praying


Free market capitalism = rich/non degenerate countries

crony capitalism/social democracy = 1st world plebs (1st world until monetary final judge)


With high probability, Death will.

I'll give some answers.

politically it will be a democratic system.
economically it will be a mixed system, private capitalism with universal system.

capitalism will die (or died in 2008), current system will be replaced by some kind of mix of capitalist system with socialist ideas about redistribution of wealth and helping poor people (some welfare system).

Also capitalism will be replace by a system of more egalitarian global distribution of resources and automatization will be the basis of the society with 95% global unemployment (some kind of post scarcity society).

Also resources will be not wasted, so the kind of profit capitalism will be banned or forbidden or regulated in some sense.


muslims that leave their dictatorial shitholes convert in masses to christianity.

get your facts together pol.


islamic gommunism


All future labor will be replaced by automation and money with bitcoins
Brave new world


Honestly though I'd say Silicon Valley administered non-democratic libertarianism.

Some form of technocracy. Possibly democractic, but probably an oligarchy.


>thinking that humanity wont go back to the Stone ages after capitalism collapses.

Meme magic.

Socialism, and then communism

>implying humanity is progressing

how was that space program?

Robots ftw

go away reddit


Capitalism is the only future


a universal corporate socialsist totalitarian state


We fourth estate now. No breaks on the kali yuga train.

National Socialism.

Pretty good