Average Ukrainian gril

Average Ukrainian gril

No my friend this is it

you're fucking retarded I actually work with hohols and literally every one of them has black hair and when it comes to hohol clients I recognize them by being swarthy in fact I thought one is a Turk until he opened his mouth.

Khokhols look like Turks.

I'd annex her pussy t b h f a m

> polish butthurt about Ukraine

that's not a skeleton crack whore with AIDS who injects drugs vaginally

I wish we took Ukranian qt refugees instead of muslims.

Take me

Come here then.

West Ukrainians have a black hair but East Ukrainians are blondie

like clockwork

she's half pole half russian not ukra-
wait a minute

Ukrainians are known as black haired, black browed, etc. You're not revealing anything here, familia.

bretty butthurt slavs desu~~


Literally says Miami on the fucking picture.

Sage and hide.

I thought Natasha was Russian...

They are Ukrainians but they consider themselves Russians...

they look like badly drawn anime characters from deviant art

Ukraine isnt a thing

yanks always shill them as blondes

Wow I love Ukraine!!

Doubtful, but with modern hair dye...
>Pale skin
Not a chance, no. Ukraine is a sunny place. I've literally haven't seen a single pale ukrainian in my entire life.