Sup Forums Should transgender surgeries be included in government funded healthcare and insurance plans?

Sup Forums Should transgender surgeries be included in government funded healthcare and insurance plans?

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Let's get an answer from a functional country.

Only if they're reversible.

Is that a tranny?

Nope. Lost penis. Is eunuch now.


The inner pussy looks fairly legit, but what's with all the bunched up, roastie, brown, wrinkly skin outside? I would fucking gag.

No. I've held this opinion for as long as I've known transgender surgeries were a thing. If you want to change your body, pay for it yourself.

Country with functional universal healthcare using only 2% of GDP reporting in.


lol thats literally how 90% of natural vaginas look outside of porn

>mfw I once fucked a girl with a pussy that looked like that

Fuck no. If tax payers are paying for it throw them in the loony bin where they belong.

>government funded healthcare
No, thank you, I am not a socialist.

>The inner pussy looks fairly legit, but what's with all the bunched up, roastie, brown, wrinkly skin outside? I would fucking gag.

It's ballsack. But on real pussy the same skin is basically ballsack skin.

Or, rather, when a male fetus begins to develop it is that same area of tissue that eventually becomes a sack.

fake pussies don't get wet, so unless it was like fucking a dry meat socket it was probably a biological female.

that is a pretty convincing looking fake too. The other ones I've seen looked fucking savage.

Labia majora is the same skin that makes the scrotum, in cis girls too...

Holy fuck no. My taxes shouldn't go towards some tumblr beef goblin who wants to fuck some SJW manlet with a real dick

Being X isn't a choice so all people should have to pay for it.



The thing he fucmed could have used artificial lube while he wasn't looking.

”brb I have to freshen up oh I'm so horny”

I would not eat this.

I don't know about you guys abut real pussy doesn't look like that, close but not putting my dick In it sick fucks

They can usually get wet somewhat. The vagina walls change a bit to resemble vaginal tissue and the cowpers gland is now right at the edge of the urethra, functioning as a misplace bartholins gland.
They could install a lube tube though, like how ftms get an inflatable rod, just install that next to the vagina and have lube squeeze out with pressure, just having to fill it up before going out.

>They could install a lube tube though

This is our future guys. Cyborgs aren't going to be bad ass killing machines. They're going to be mentally ill freaks.

why dont you fuck a real girl you mentaly ill virgin

dis nigga never seen a pussy b4 lmao

this post



>spend your whole life utterly miserable in your body
>refuse all psychiatric help because you all tell you that you're crazy
>instead go and get this done
>pretend for the rest of your life that you're happy about it because you scored everyone to do it
>luckily "the rest of your life" is likely less than a year before you kill yourself


Then I must be extremely lucky. Of all the pussies I've seen over the years, none of them had wrinkly ball sack skin surrounding them. They have all more or less looked like pic related.

Iran has solved this whole issue, if someone is gay, turn them into a girl ect This is why Iran has no gay people kek

Absolutely not.

It's medically unnecessary and only serves to validate a severe mental illness.


but real vagina reupholstering, yes. the world needs more good pussy.

did not want to post this

damn the horror

Only if every other cosmetic surgery can.

HRT? Sure because its cheap and requires nobody worth a damn
Dick cutting/Vag cutting? No because those surgeons should be working on something

>tfw not born with a real vagina

But, really, the costs for treating self-induced shit like diabetes and related kidney problems are far more costly than a one time $18k procedure.


>fucking single moms will soon be the only way to be certain
Fucking hell man.


Protip: OP's pic is not legit.

Because it's just a one time procedure, and then everything will work flawlessly...

It's a lifetime commitment to a sick fetish.
Kill yourself.

what about hormones ?

Why the fuck is this a medical procedure in the first place. Like fuck you have to realize that a bunch of doctors sat down one day and decided how to do this procedure


Transgender is self-induced.

You're literally insane. You believe that you're the opposite sex than the XY chromosomes in your cells. It's no different than believing you're the Second Coming or that the neighbor's dog told you to do it.

Your brain is convincing you of a non-reality.

Since when did feelings become fact?

>Not keeping the dick and doing trap porn

There's that too, I suppose. They aren't very expensive though. $10/month for estrogen and $10 for the testosterone blockers.

I support voluntary euthanasia as a treatment option. There is no real cure. I'll never be able to have babies or anything. What's the point?

I can just feel the human empathy radiating off you in waves.

It's basically just reversing what happens in the womb.

>literally insane

Are you a licensed psychiatrist/psychologist?


>Shilling for Fags and Traps

Fuck off you degenerate motherfucker.


>Since when did feelings become fact?
Apparently since humans are able to make a shitload of money on cutting up dicks and turning them into vaginas.

The world would be outraged if I decided I was a dog and got surgically altered to become one.

You are weak.

If trans can't get hormones, why can women get birth control and HRT as well and men with TRT




Bork bork bork bork

The fact that the already high suicide rate in mtfs skyrockets even more after the procedure indicates as much. It's like treating an anorexic with gastric bypass. Shit doesn't usually work well in the end.

See Imo, it's most likely a flaw of development in utero (i.e. insufficient masculinization of certain parts of the brain related to gender). It is more of a "condition" than insanity.

fucking Sup Forums has changed me, i know its a girl, yet i keep thinking "that might be a trap, don't get aroused you fag"

cool, its cheap so they can pay for it with their own fucking money then.

Yes, and as a black woman I should have my hair relaxer funded by da gubmint.

A lot of insurance plans only cover estrogen for women, and testosterone for men. So, no estrogen for mtf trannies, and no T or hysterectomies for ftms.

>tfw female-to-male surgery doesn't look nearly as convincing
i'll never be a real boy

It's already too late for you. There's no turning back now.

>The womb is a natural biological procedure
>Getting someone to chop off you dick for a fake vagina is not

The last 5 years of an old persons life cost way more than some tranny shit.

nigga what the hell


Can you actually fuck the boi puss? I thought it was too painful to do anything to

Of course! So progressive

Awesome, the sex change surgery is so cheap they can pay for it with their own fucking money.

> I thought it was too painful to do anything to
If youre a big guy

Sorry but I didn't vote for the Liberals so it's not my fault.

I'm just explaining where they got the idea. Their rationale was that if that's how it develops then by doing the reverse you could make a vagina. They tried doing uterus replacements as well early on, back in the 30's, but those failed since they didn't take organ rejection into account.


also, is this a woman?

But actually it doesn't:

My dad does these procedures

Absolutely not.



From now on, every girl I am with must supply a hair sample with the root attached.

No, and I'll fucking tell you why.

Surgery is not a fucking thing you have done because you want it, you have it because you need it.

I had to have a tumor removed from my brain a couple of years back. The surgery was invasive, took a lot of recovery time and could have potentially killed me. But the trump card was the fact it was NESSECARY, i would have died without the procedure.

Gender reassignment surgery is not nessecary but like all other surgeries carries a non neglegable risk of death, takes recovery time and USES PRECIOUS RESOURCES (drugs, blood, bed and the expertise of a surgeon who could be off saving a life with a NESSECARY procedure).

If the surgery doesn't actually save your life or at the very least induce a substantial increase in quality of life that cannot be achieved through other means (gender dysphoria, consider the non surgical option of THERAPY or drugs if you fucking insist) it should be banned. Surgery should never be a narcissist indulgence.

So of course it shouldn't be in government funded healthcare, it shouldn't be allowed at all.

>skeptic sites
>tips fedora

You're better than that, user. Try harder.

I hope your tumor comes back

Judging by the fingers Id say no

>cant get pregnant
>cant get wet like actual females
>csnt have orgasms like actual females
What's the point of it then? At least when you're a passable crossdresser you can go back.

Kek. So he got a pussy to get double penetrated by Russians and Germans.

females support trannies but little do they know if they keeps on trannies will completely replace women. i imagine in the next hundred years artificial wombs will be a thing which would pretty much render females useless. lol and they think they are the superior sex


This question is retarded.
There is like going to /lgbt/ and saying.
"Should stoning homosexuals be legal?"

Fuck off

>your flag
>your post

I think it just did :^)

Point taken. Orgasms on estrogen are pretty fucking amazing though. But, yeah, I'm a little scared of getting the surgery knowing the high possibility of not so good results.

Also, a lot of places won't let you change your documentation until you've had the surgery, which you have to wait at least a year for after you start "presenting as a woman" full-time. So, there's that too.

If these mental rejects can get government funded shit for a non-issue, non-life threatening thing that is only for looks- then I should be able to get Lasik to fix my eyes for free.

So a surgery that requires a year of therapy from a PHD holding psychologist isn't necessary?