Is South Africa more influenced by the British or Dutch?

Only 40% of South Africa Whites speak English, and 60% speak Afrikaans, but more non-Whites in South Africa speak English than Afrikaans

Afrikaners created a true African culture (although White), and they lived on the land before the niggers.

British were mostly settlers, so people from several races learned the language of the dominant power, while Afrikaner is reserved to Whites with Dutch (or various European protestants) ancestry.

Its weird that the Brits didn't try to wipe out the Afrikaans language, but the Africans are trying to do so

The Brits and the Boers had several wars and tensions between them, but in the end the Afrikaners just stayed in their own lands and White cooperation prevailed.

Afrikaners are colonizers who need to be violently killed


Afrikaners diverged quite a bit from the Dutch, even down to creating their own language. kinda like how americans diverged from the british (let's face it, american and british english are basically two different languages at this point)

>(let's face it, american and british english are basically two different languages at this point)

>let's face it, american and british english are basically two different languages at this point

No they aren't.

Is there any area of South Africa where English speakers make the majority of the White population? Cape Town? Johanesburg?

Durban, and some bits of Joburg


Just looked up the demographics of Durban

A majority of the English speakers there are Indian. But yeah, the majority of whites there are English speaking.

>Its weird that the Brits didn't try to wipe out the Afrikaans language, but the Africans are trying to do so

Are you legit retarded.

>Afrikaners diverged quite a bit from the Dutch, even down to creating their own language.

Afrikaners is a dialect of Dutch though. Written they have intelligibility issues but spoken they can understand each other clearly.

"A language is a dialect with an army and navy" to simply put it.

Why is this country still a thing?

Afrikaans is a separate language from Dutch. It's not a creole, it's not a dialect. It's about as different from Dutch as Norwegian is from Danish. There is a high degree of mutual intelligibility but they are separate langauges.

90-95% of the language uses dutch words.

It only became a language because it was recognized a Augean in South African law.

Reading is fine mostly, I say about 95%
Speaking is possible to understand when they talk slow.
For Afrikaners it's more hard because Dutch grammar is more complex.

Mostly influenced by communist blacks now.

>and they lived on the land before the niggers.
hate this meme.

bantus are migrants themselves to south africa true, but they arrived still before the afrikaners. how do i know? because they speak a range of langauges that are divergent enough from any language spoken north of the limpopo to suggest that they have been south of it for more than 400 years.

Some of us have been here for hundreds of years.

They only inhabited the eastern part of the country until colonial times, which is why the few remaining Khoisan live in the Karoo.