In Star Wars we have the Galactic Empire, let's see what the Empire did:

In Star Wars we have the Galactic Empire, let's see what the Empire did:

-Brought political stability to the galaxy.

-The empire finish with the felling and exploitation by the financial elite known as the trade federation.

-The empire has ended with the corruption that dominates the republic.

-Brought parity among the regions of the galaxy, at the time of the republic several separatist groups wanted to leave the federation to set up their own governments, but they were repressed by the democratic senate.

-Promoted technological advances in several areas.

-Investigated in heavy industry, gigantic works like the Death Star generated thousands of direct jobs and indirect millions, bringing prosperity to every corner of the Empire.

-They eliminated the terrible terrorist group that acted throughout the empire applying its law based on religious fanaticism, indiscriminate mental control, murder and mutilation of enemies and abduction of children.

-The rebels never had popular support, considering that the galaxy has quadrillions of beings, the rebels never exceeded a few hundred.

Do you still think Empire is the real villain of this story?

>mfw watching Rogue One and my friend asks me "Why is the Empire evil"?

>inb4 b...b...but the first thing we see them do is blow up a planet...

Yeah, it is dipshit. Keep in mind these guys control an entire fucking galaxy. Blowing up a single fucking planet is the equivalent of us using a single drone strike on a small shack in the desert.

By the way, why are planets so easy to conquer in Star Wars?

> Jedis are an elitist organization which only allows members based on strict definitions of purity, advancement is based on completely arbitrary and vague nonsense in the mind of Yoda
> Empire is egalitarian, leaders are appointed on merit, Palpatine democratically elected to rule
> Unelected and power-hungry jedis forcibly attempt to remove Palpatine and even kill him, based entirely on conjecture and hearsay

The empire did nothing wrong

>Palpatine removes reclusive enclave of mystical monks known for their mind control abilities from the democrstically elected senate
>he is the bad guy

All right, but apart from the sanitation, medicine, education, wine, public order, irrigation, roads, the fresh water system and public health, what have the Empire ever done for us?

They blew up an entire planet because the leaders sympathised with rebels

Because all you need to conquer any country is logistics; transport of supplies, troops, and armament of any quantity to the battlefield. A planet is no different.

The Empire is great if you're a human.

And that is bad because...?

White human male*

A cold, unfortunate but correct utilitarian decision, unavoidable when you have to keep order in an empire made of millions of worlds.

Remember: the only morality is civilization.

I think it's OK if you're not white, there just don't seem to be that many non-whites in the galaxy.

They're all in the mines

Because a """""""planet"""""" in Star Wars is actually one city.

What was the empire's and sheev's end goal?


When will we get a movie when the Empire is depicted as likeable? Or if that's impossible, at least as competent.
I liked Rogue One, but I hate how they made Stormtroopers so shit that even chick with a stick could beat 10 of them at once.


Plus the Empire had snazy uniforms and cool capes.

Empire's end goal was peace and prosperity in the galaxy by crushing everyone who opposed them and treathening the rest with slaughtering with their huge planet-destroying kill sat.
Sheev's end goal was to rule the whole galaxy and become some sort of living god. His real end goal was to destroy the Jedi and put the Sith on power, but he already got that in RotS.

>sir the planet is taken and all the rebels are almost dead
>lel nuke the whole place, I don't care if its one of the most important databases in the Empire
>the Rebels transmit the plans anyway
Why was Tarkin so retarded?

The Empire doesn't care about the colour of your skin or your gender, stop spreading this shitty meme.

>>Americans love fascism.

Cucks to be you.

So did the nazis

Why can't I just be a charismatic jedi leader that doesn't care about corrupt democracies and tyrannical immoral empires and just live a healthy life that brings health and peace to people and create a class-unified national socialist state?

he wasn't re immediately realized that they were trying to get the plans to the death star, and if you noticed they did not blow up the whole planet but just the installation.

a positive among many other

ensure that the galaxy would survive the yuuzhan vong invasion

Doesn't make it right

>YV is still canon

Tards still believe this

the only act that could pass as evil that I ever seen done by the empire is the destruction of alderaan and the slaughter of younglins by anakin.

Now, the second one can be easily removed from the discussion if you realize it is george lucas fan fiction, and not something out of the mind of the real creative team behind the original trilogy (which lucas was just a part of).

The first one, could be justifiable if maybe the people of alderaan were a wealth minority who used their money to corrupt and control human governments across the planets... in that case it would be a morally neutral act at best