Go outside

>Go outside
>see this thing barreling towards you

what do?


She's a big girl

Cross the street.

Stay inside

Tell that lazy bitch that she needs to pick up weights if she plans on losing all that fat in good time

Say "muh vaginuhh"

continue on my way. she passes me. never think about it again.

"Oh hey, Amy Schumer, right? I like your show. Hope you have a nice day!"

Jump on top of it's head and try to bounce it into the lava. That is one of Koopa's sons, right?

I'd love to party with her. She's prolly a lot of fun

>She's prolly a lot of fun
One might even say she's a ton of fun


Jump over it on my way to rescuing the princess.



I like how she is supposed to be working out but is eating something inside that napkin. Makes me giggle like a madman every time.

More like Boatwreck


I hate Big Amy and her disgusting hamplanet SJWy material thieving ways as much as the next guy but if you think the only reason for exercise is to lose weight you are a giant mongoloid.

Somebody teleported me to America obviously.


spread em

I'm no zoologist, but don't gorillas usually have more hair than this?

>This comedian walks up to your joke and slaps her on the ass, what do you do?

Harpoon that fucking whale right in the kisser.

>Good morning! How's it going? Pardon me, you seem like the person to ask, are there any good restaurants around here?

Dive for cover in about 10 minutes.

Is that the new Alien?


Oi Shees a whiley one yeah

Me mates and oi will lua her wif ham juices & donuts

pop err roight in da noggin and sell dat beast to the Berlin zoo

Not laugh

think about how funny her satire on walking to the store is and make sure she cant see my boner because of how super pretty she also is

Tell her shes really funny and intelligent.
Especially when she talks about her vagina.


Is Schumer leaving humanity behind?