NYC kikes goes to gun range to test-drive an AR-15 rifle, cries like a baby

"The recoil bruised my shoulder. The brass shell casings disoriented me as they flew past my face. The smell of sulfur and destruction made me sick. The explosions — loud like a bomb — gave me a temporary case of PTSD. For at least an hour after firing the gun just a few times, I was anxious and irritable."

>Pussy kike

Obligatory video clips on hoblophobic liberals and weeping homosexuals:

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Fucking pathetic

>brass shell casings disoriented me as they flew past my face.
left handed faggot kike confirmed.


>american "man"


>getting PTSD from a firing range

these kikes

gas them all please now

Cut him some slack for that, he could be cross dominant and didn't want to spend time adjusting the sights.
t. right handed / left eyed

Should I buy an airsoft handgun. It's the best I can do.


Modern propellants don't use sulfur though.

lel no wonder he's such a big fat pussy

look at this idiot


just jump out a high window like a normal nip


>the recoil left a bruise on my shoulder

He never fired an ar15. I thought the jews crafted their lies better than this

>The recoil bruised my shoulder


God damn it who did this lmao.

Oh my god dude, this is good bants and all but holy shit.

Shamefur dispray

she is about to get someone killed

Was he a Swedish kike by chance?

>almost turns the gun around like a fucking retard
I'm triggered.

These people know nothing about guns, yet want them banned

Jesus Christ.


That horrible black murder tool must be banned.

oh my

>The smell of sulfur and destruction made me sick.
You mean invigorated?

NZ>aus confimed.


>guns: not for everyone

Modern journalism is a joke

>Occupation Journalist and little girl


What the fuck, a .22lr is probably comparable to an airsoft gun.

Read the interview with Jesse Helms (the lead singer of Eagles of Death Metal) on the Bataclan Attack:

>I’ve heard you say you credit your childhood with your survival. You had a real dad who stuck around and taught you about guns.

I knew what gunfire was. I was able to think through it. I was also able to remember practical lessons of my life because I had to be in fights as a kid. My mom didn’t go sue anyone. I didn’t have playdates. I had some practical upbringing growing up in the desert where you got to get yourself out of your problems.

Also, the reason I’ve done well with this healing process is everything I was raised to believe was affirmed that night. In a way, that’s a blessing of God. When the first bullets started being fired, people looked at me. I remember that. It pissed me off because I knew right then and there it was going to be bad. I knew these kids had no idea what was coming. None. They’d never heard a gunshot in real life and it hit them so hard.


>visiting my parents
>realize my dad is a complete cuck
>said he would rather die than defend himself because he couldn't live with taking someone's life
thanks j00s

Come to burger land.

My should bruises after a couple hundred rounds but I pure white.

>Political correctness kills.

Davey [bassist Dave Catching] was in the middle of the stage and when the lights went on, he saw shit he’d never seen before in his life, awful stuff. It has no parallel. It’s not just death. It’s the most unsuspecting, innocent victims you can imagine—people who are gripped in terror and can’t move as a result of it.

>It’s like a metaphor for all of Western civilization.

I watched about seven people die. A couple of them were three feet from the barrier. They could have fallen backwards and been alive but they were too scared to even turn around. I remember a woman just standing with her hands up in a surrender pose. The terrorist finally saw her and all she did was go, “No no no.” She surrendered to death in front of my very eyes. I was yelling at her, “HEY!” and I don’t think she could hear me. She was so terrified, I think she’d already given up.

>Is it fair to say the liberal mentality created this need to surrender?

I will lay the blame right in its lap. When you tell people they can’t help themselves and that they’re children, you weaken them to a point where three feet away is life and they can’t see it because they’re too scared.

In a way we’re unarmed twofold. We’re literally unarmed and we’re also mentally unarmed.

It’s like the bleating sheep from Animal Farm. You suggest anything that strays from the narrative and this chorus of bleats comes to drown you out. This attack didn’t happen by accident.

I love it when my clothes still smell like gunpowder the day after I go shooting.

>"The explosions — loud like a bomb — gave me a temporary case of PTSD."

What a faggot.

>cries like a woman

>recoil bruised my shoulder
Holding it wrong.
I've fired a 12 gauge shotgun for trap shooting for the better part of a few hours, all I had was some soreness from dealing with swinging a tube of metal around

Move here, buy unlimited amounts of weapons and burgers

FROM WHAT?! Why the fuck would this cuck faggot ever have PTSD from anything even remotely related to guns let alone anything manly? Does he not know the meaning of the word or something?

>We're really impressed with the progressive they've made so far!

What a fucking Cunt, man.

Herself most likely. She was about to probably leave the area with a loaded gun held and 0 trigger discipline, which basically gives the owner permission to shoot her in defense of everyone there.
Now in this situation it didn't matter too much because she hadn't pumped it yet, and obviously the owner realized she was just being a libtard, but in an environment where she was by herself and left she would have been shot.

As a left-handed faggot, I still don't see how the ejected shells were "disorienting" him. It's not he's shooting a bullpup left-handed that's throwing all the brass into your face.

Whole article seems like bait, either that or he's a massive cuck. Since it's New York, gonna' assume cuck.

>gave me a temporary case of PTSD

O God my sides, I can't be angry when it's to damn funny.


To be fair that gif is kind of dicked up since the instructor didn't make him wear ear pro.

Doesn't make the guy any less of a faggot though, but that doesn't mean he should lose his hearing.

AHHH-HUH! *sob*

Literally man-baby.

If their name has a zee, always expect a hidden fee
>for yuropoors
If in the name you see a zed, don't turn your back or they'll shoot you dead.

He could also try studying English in the CTV Building, that killed a lot of Japanese people.

I dunno bro, some of those gas guns can have some pretty decent kick to them.

Holy fuck.
I hope he's just playing this out for the media.
My 62 year old mother came out here 2 weeks ago to visit.
She's 5'2" and was shooting .243 and 30/30 at tannerite. And was bored.

Norweigian, But still what the fuck.
.223 is not even a hard kicking round and he cries like that.

>Come to burger land.
fuck off, we're full.

>gave me a temporary case of PTSD
Fucking pussy doesn't know what PTSD is. You got stressed out and a bit scared, maybe you went into a mild case of shock if it was really that traumatic for you, but fucking PTSD? Come the fuck on, way to trivialize something serious to add bullshit emphasis to an article describing how much of a fucking pussy you are. Nu-males, I swear to God.

If you get a bruised shoulder from shooting a.22 you're holding the fucking gun wrong.


Come to cuckland


Isn't claiming PTSD from shooting a gun (one of the smoothest I've ever shot desu) a little rude to victims of rape and veterans?

Does he realise how retarded his surname sounds?

Video related.

One of relatives who died long ago survived stalingrad, had ptsd, i think i believe that, these people however, no...

B-b-but my holohoax caused millions of Jews to suffer ptsd.

Makes me respect the Israeli military if this is the shit they have to work with.

Rusty Kuntz has it worse IMO.

>from an AR-15

That shit literally has the recoil of a gun from COD.

I genuinely believe we need a world war with full military conscription to have any shot at salvaging this and future generations.

Fucking change that shit.

What the fuck is wrong with people, it doesn't cost much to change your surname.

Jesus wept.

He must be mistaking thrill and adrenaline for PTSD

It's pronounced "Koontz" but I agree.


>Unlimited Burger Works

Sounds like a franchise that could go up against Five Guys and In-N-Out.

>"feels like a bazooka sounds like a cannon"
After that line you don't need to read anymore
This guy clearly is a sheltered liberal who has never been around guns
He is complaining that a fucking .223 is some horrifying death machine, in his little video you can clearly see him putting the stock to his shoulder wrong it's almost in his chest and about a half inch from his actual body, he's pushing his head down on the stock to stabilize it, of fucking course it's going to bruise you when you don't know how to fucking push the stock into the pocket in your shoulder but fuck it's a God damn 223 the kick is fucking light it will kick more because of that light and short barrel but fuck is this guy that much of a pussy my ar15 in 300 blackout kicks a bit more then a 223 but never have I gotten bruised from it
>40 round clip in under 5 seconds
first off why did he pick 40 rounds that is an odd number to pick most glock brand ar 15 clipazines carry 10 20 and 30 there are 40 rounds mags but obviously he dosent know the first thing about firearms when he picks that number
I also like how he had to go to numerous gun stores tell he found the one European liberal leaning gun owner he proably got kicked out of the others stores because they knew he was going to go in there and try to make a fool out of gun owners while talking about fully automatic machine guns, deadly assault rifles and high capacity 30 round clipazines
I really fucking wish people would learn a thing or two about guns before spewing some nonsense about how deadly a 22 caliber black rifle full of tacticool rails are

Get yourself a firearms license?
It shouldn't be impossible right?


I know that pain.

It only lasts a generation.

>I literally had to buy my aged grandmother an Ar15 so she could hunt because the recoil of everything else bruised her shoulder

This reads like satire.

>Live in a victim culture where weakness is glorified
>Write pointless article bragging about your own fragility
>Gain +5 to Credibility
The only thing I can think to call this guy is an intellectual cuckold, and I've never used the word "cuck" before.

Your airsoft guns aren't even made of metal senpai.

I fucks me off that this is something that is becoming normalised in modern society. Threat of terrorism in the 1st world is where the line shoul be drawn desu senpai.

At work so cant read the full thing but this is what the truest redpills will look like for the leftist celebrity when their fans are being gunned only then will they see how wrong theyve been.

I'm cross dominant as well, you can shoot a long gun easily with either hand.

>The brass shell casings disoriented me as they flew past my face

Left handed faggot

>look at this idiot
She was pretty cute and didn't seem overly hostile towards guns. She could probably be converted with the right guidance

Those faggots make me ashamed, if I could I would be on a firing range every weekend.

Came here for this, they barely kick. The dude is flat out lying.

Just going to leave this here

I use to avoid it but I'm starting to now. There's no fighting it, user; the best we can do is delay the inevitable and say we tried.

We're going to become guys who say "cuck".

My /k/ folder has over 600 pics and I've never been on /k/. Why are guns so sexy?


>Cunt Man
This has to be a fucking joke... The NRA is paying this guy to make liberals look retarded right?