What was the point of this character?

What was the point of this character?

Token diversity hire

bad exposition

What's his name? Saw or Saul? Couldn't understand whenever anyone said it.

he would of worked if Cassian or whatever the spic intel guy's name was shot him infront of Jyn since he was a liability

Jyn and him would then have a scene where she bitches that he was her step dad and then he bonds cause he lost family too

the later scene where he hesitates to shoot Mads now makes sense instead of him just suddenly not feeling like shooting an imperial since in the released version of the movie its clear that the Alliance are just using Jyn and don't consider her a part of the Rebellion (which further makes the last scene where they hold each other equally retarded)

this is exactly what i was thinking in the end

According to Kevin smith, he was meant to be the anti darth Vader

This. To be yet another POC in the film.

They needed to get the entire rainbow of people except for white men. How else would (((Disney))) signal their moral superiority?

>Interesting character
>Showing a Zealot side of the Rebellion
>Leads Guerilla warfare
>"I'm done running lol"

Most fucking pointless death. I mean honestly, there was actually no point to him dying except to remove him from the storyline. He was probably the most interesting character along with Mads, but they ruined him.

he was pretty dope though

I would have had him try to escape and die

He knew anakin, obi wan and other jedi in the clone wars i think.

Member the Clone Wars?

I kinda got that vibe actually.

Why? He died like a boss.

Why does he wear the mask?

> to shoot Mads now makes sense instead of him just suddenly not feeling like shooting an imperial
Witnessing how a death squadron tried to shoot a handful of civilians and his same objective trying to place himself between them to protect them makes enough sense imo.

Token "Guy with a Health problem" Every star wars movie needs one.

Did he though? I mean, why just give up when you're so close to winning? All he needed to do was wait a few months until Luke could drop the bomb into the access shaft, and all his work would have come to fruition before his eyes.

Instead he just decided he was 'done running', and stood there staring at a dirt bomb creeping it's way towards him.


Seriously, I felt like he didn't feel like limping out of there like a little bitch and just said fuck it I'm done running to save face, what a fucking idiot

He was a cripple, there was no way he was making out alive

Maybe, after seeing the destructive power of the deathstar, he decided to give up. Roadside ambushes on some backwater world weren't going to stop them from ruling the galaxy.

Is it token when the whole "good" side is devoid of white males?

>whatever the spic intel guy's name was
Rogue Juan

You didn't watch the movie. The rebellion is filled with good white guys. In fact the good brown guys are painted as less good than the good white guys.

true but should have been conveyed better by the writing/whitaker then

fuck you you whining piece of shit, go watch the movie first or a trailer at least before spouting this bullshit, goddammit

Is there a protagonist that has had more parental deaths/calls to arms than Jyn?

Lol we take the cartoons seriously!

Laurence Motherfucking Fishburne is not a token diversity hire, faggot


>token diversity hire
>good fucking actor
Pick one.

>baiting this hard

sage thats will smith and everyone knows

You fucking what m8? That's fucking ghost dog. You don't diss the ghost dog!

This. He's got prosthetic legs (and maybe arms, I forget) that are so worn out and shitty that he needs a cane anyway, he can't breath right, he's been fighting as a guerrilla since the clone wars. I'm sure the guy just wanted to fucking die in battle by now but had to keep on surviving because so many others depended on him. When his base is being destroyed by a planet killer and the only way to survive would be by burdening himself to more fit people, he realized that he already got mikkelsen's message through and couldn't really do anything more effective than that to resist the empire (because raiding shipments of Khyber crystals wasn't getting shit done) and decided fuck it, I won't get a better chance to die on my feet. So he went outside and took an apocalyptic load to the face the same way Chewbacca did in the EU, like a fucking badass.

Spoiler tags m8.

This movie was really good. People are trying to hard to make it out like it's a piece of shit. Those people are giving Star Wars way too much credit. Star Wars is great fun along with reflecting our world on a galactic scale. Get over it haters, There is nothing to hate about Star Wars...minus the Lucas prequels Ofcourse.

Yes he is lmao

a connection to the cartoons

Ebin meme