Why should we speak and use English?

Why should we speak and use English?
It's difficult to use English flunetly as Japanese.
That's not fair,you American and british and Aussie


Are you kidding me?

The opportunities that await you are incredible. As a native English speaker, I've never understood the issues with people learning the language. What are some troubles you have?

True... the more compassionate with those who wish to learn English, the better for all of us in the long run. Believe me, English will take over, we just gotta be more pro-active and compassionate in getting people to learn it. Simple as that!

Nah you can’t do jack shit about people and their life choices. You have to be a turbo autist special to learn a different language when you have a choice not to. This is partly what unites us all - even twitter - you can see lefties and all sorts of retards, but literally ALL of the non native English speakers have one thing in common - they are not the average.

>As a native English speaker, I've never understood the issues with people learning the language.
I think you will understand if you study Japanese hardly.Japanese is one of the most diffrent language from English In every aspects.

Oh yeah and I am not English nor did I learn any English in England.

Why? Because Anglo nations colonized the world over in their own image. If the Japanese left their island once in a while and weren't hermetic, maybe the language would have spread.

French also merits its global status, but no other language deserves to be broadly spoken because no other people have put the effort in to spread their tongue.

Oh I forgot Spanish too of course.

>>Why should we speak and use English?
What? You don't have to use English outside of English classes. Why do you need to be fluent? Do you hate Japanese entertainment and media?

Japanese was spoken parts of Asia before WWⅡ(especially Korea) but most of them don't speak Japanese now...
Well,why don't they speak Chinese although many Chinese live all in the world?

Stop whining dumb nip.

It's not as only me.It's the issue as ''japan''.
For example,we have to study English when Japanese work around the world.
It's not fair.


Spanish is love

Pls don't fall for anglo-imperialism
The English language is cancer

>For example,we have to study English when Japanese work around the world.
Indeed? When working around the world, knowledge of the English language is a necessity. This is not going to change anytime soon. You have the choice of working in Japan and not learning English at all, which can be a suitable option.
And yet you speak it.

Says a Scandinavian, the Moors of the North

It's not fair, but you speak in the King's tongue and that's alwaya the way it has been.

>studied english since 7 years old
>still come off as a typical esl retard and make brainlet mistakes daily basis
it's just not fair fuck you indoniggas

>muh anglo-imperialism
Fuck off

That may be because I will work in Japan, but some of Japanese have to work around world to develop Japan and will contribute to the future of humankind as Japanese.

>And yet you speak it
Eh, in an international setting sure, but it is infecting the minds of young Swedes with anglicism and breakdown of the Swedish language, absolutely disgusting

Once we all speak English (and the chinese have been genocided) then we can unite.


>be born in America
>life on easy mode
>English is as natural as breathing
>study Japanese in my free time for my own pleasure so I can read cartoon porn
Truly a lucky boy, if you ignore my $30k college debt and the fact I wish I wouldn't wake up when I go to sleep.

La japanulo pravas! Ni bezonas neŭtralan lingvon.

>That's not fair,you American and british and Aussie

Um, forgetting Canada and New Zealand? Not cool.

Fuck off burger.

Yes and you guys screwed up.

If any of your leaders had the balls to cut your losses in china in the 30s, or even set your sights on siberia instead, east asia might still be using japanese as a second language.

Ignora el inglés, ve preparándote para el milenio hispánico

>speaking chingchong


>people still reply to Japanese flags like they are actual Japanese people

>be me
>have studied english since i was seven
>be almost fluent

dumb shitt

check your privilege monolingual fag