>Around 60 Conservative MPs have pledged to vote down their party’s own budget if Britain left the EU – as Tory tumoil over Europe deepens.

>George Osborne last night warned that after Brexit he would have to raise the basic income tax by 2 per cent, raise the higher rate by 3 per cent, and inheritance tax by 5 per cent.

>He also pledged £2.5bn cuts to the NHS budget, defence spending reductions of £1.2bn, and education cuts of £1.15bn.

>The Chancellor said the budget, based off calculations by the Institute for Fiscal Studies about the impact of Brexit, was necessary to plug a “black hole” in the public finances that would open up.

>Sky News however reports that 57 Conservative MPs have however signed a letter point-blank refusing to back the cuts – raising the prospect of the Government collapsing.

>Dr Liam Fox, a eurosceptic, said Mr Osborne was “putting his own position in jeopardy” with the planned budget, while Steve Baker said he was “shocked” at the plans, which he said broke Tory manifesto pledges.

>The threat to kill the Conservative budget could lead to an early general election because budgets are treated as so-called “confidence votes” in the competence of the administration.

>With a narrow majority of around a dozen MPs, the Chancellor would almost certainly be unable to pass a budget that was not backed by his significant cadre of eurosceptic MPs.

Well, what do you have to say for yourselves, leavefags?

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How pathetic.

They can just pay for those things with all the money they won't be sending to Poland and Greece

>Brexit BTFO
Way to completely misunderstand what happened you fucking retarded yank

>Gideon threatens voters with tax hikes and spending cuts if they vote Leave
>gets called out as the fearmongering, blackmailing cunt he is
>Leave MPs say they won't let him and that his position will become untenable if he tries it

Remain got BTFO
Daft cuck

Uk is barely a bet contributor regarding to the size of its economy.

>get elected on a referendum platform
>deliver referendum
>make threats and blackmail if the plebs look like they're going to vote the wrong way
I can't wait, simply cannot wait till these traitors are dangling on the end of ropes, their lifeless bodies twisting in a gentle summer's breeze..

He's lying. Why call a referendum if it'll have such an impact. If any of that happens, it's his fault for calling the fucking referendum, not ours for voting in it. How about instead of creating negative expectations among investors and speculators - which is incredibly damaging to his own economy, OUR economy that he's supposed to be running - he gets on with his fucking job and starts planning to reduce the impact and risks of brexit, which is going to happen whether he likes it or not. Disgusting animal.

It just makes me laugh that if we Leave, the twat can either make cuts to the NHS and get lynched of blatantly show that nothing abd is gonna happen and people realise it's remain that do all the scaremongering

this is good for brexit and terrible for the remain side, classic american education.

The biggest cocksuckers. They're really trying to see just how far they can go before they're all killed, aren't they?

Argh fuck up u fuckin cheeky arse cunt the mothercountry is better off then u bunch of black fuckin cunts


>brexit will cause the ruin of an incompetent prime minister's career forcing him to resign in disgrace alongside his lackey faggot


It's not their fault, really. The education system discourages literacy skills so we have a bunch of functionally illiteracy retards like OP.

He can't help what he is. Being a himself is his crime, but it is also his punishment.

And now, one hour of British patriotic music:

I don't think George Osborne is going to be asked to serve in Borris's cabinet, so mute point.

*functionally illiterate
Excuse me, meme friends.

>Well, what do you have to say for yourselves, leavefags?

That you misunderstood the article. The party backbenchers support Leave, they hate Osbourne, and they want to fuck him over.

When these people's lies are exposed for what they are, it will not go down well with the British public. But it will be extremely positive for democracy. They will never be able to blackmail us like this again. It won't be forgotten. They only get to use this trump card once and they will pay for it with their political careers.

no one cares about the budget

people are voting against immigration and federalisation

The turning point will be what soon surfaces from the Calais jungle. The people smugglers aren't business men, they're Islamists looking to flood Britain with Muslims.

T1 SAS Operators are there now investigating the matter.

>Brexit BTFO

Fucking dumb yank its remain who's been blown off.



it pure scare mongering by osborne. analysis here

The Conservatives could be in power for a total of 15 years it would be stupid for them to do this.


Genuinely. Wait and see.

If George tries to threaten the people with punishment for defying his will, I fear for his personal safety.

If you're going to be a dictator and treat your people like dirt, at least have the necessary means to actually defend against an uprising. Mugabe doesn't exactly walk around on his own.

They have plenty of anti-gun and hate-speech laws.

No anti-pitchfork laws though.

If the UK profits so much for being an EU member, then why is Germany so worried they're leaving? They're not even an EUR country, surely the currency will stay valuable if such a country exits, right???

They can't take my butterknives away, NEVER.

easy spolution - vote for new polititians to swap those asshats

blackmailing theirown voters? when in the course of history did this turned out well?

Because we don't profit much from the EU, we just circulate a lot of cash around. The EU is a basket case.

Don't worry, we're not all as stupid as that guy. Glad you guys seems to be in the process of uncucking yourselves from Europe.

You live in ice cream sandwich?

Where we're going we won't need a budget.

your flag looks like an unwrapped chocolate bar m8

You are a bigger and worse shill since you could have tried to prove me wrong or at least that despite the assymetry betwen the contribution to budget and the size of the economy UK is still a net contibutor.
But you are a shill.
Brexit would be good for CH on the medium - long run. But on short term, it is a catastrophic economic shock.
For UK it will be bad on short -medium and long term.

>yfw the stupidity of one audience member caused the swing to the leave vote, which drew the UK from the EU in 2016, and brought the who superstate to its knees.

based borris

They are, but don t want to show it. No matter the outcome, there will be a big bargain afterwards. So the hide the angst.
Plus they expect Britons to use their brains.

Cameron and Osborne have chosen to wreck their own government in order to protect vested interests. So be it.

History is being made.

On June 23rd we Brexit.

In order to kill a cancer, sometimes you must risk chemotherapy, but when the alternative is a slow lingering death of your nation within the EU...the treatment choice is an easy one.

I'll see you on the other side.

You have to take 2 second to step back from it all to consider how bent this whole Remain campaign is, it is truly staggering.

What are you doing in Switzerland George. Get back to Westminster. You've got a job to do saving our economy from collapse by the sounds of it.

We have to negotiate with the EU right after your vote. We did the same mistake you are about to do. And it ain't fun.
The negociation is basically :
You want to break the current terms ... ok. Now do what we(EU) tell you (accept Croatia; which is one of the main points who made people to vote to break the current treaty) or you will not access the single market. Our politicians have already found a way to disregard the people's will in voting on Croatia acceptance in a separate vote. This was done by the SVP, the party who campaigned to break the treaty ...
Basically they (SVP)fucked us up. Because we were at the wrong end of the stick and have no room anymore to negociate.
This will happen to you too.
You have been told now.
Don't come back whinning.

>or you will not access the single market.

Yes, because they can afford to snub the UK markets. kek.

Well yeah. Your taxes go to brussels. Brussels sends some back to powerful people. Its in their own financial interest to stay in.

>British public decide something
>elected representatives decide the opposite

you should probably lynch them

>don't accept British trade deals

Royal Navy you fucking swiss cheese piece of shit

Kek, because threatening the Brits worked so well before, right? The only thing they achieved with that is another 2% for leave.

Its not uncommon for the political class to be opposed to the public in the UK, look at the Iraq and Afghanistan wars. No one on the streets if you asked them would say they supported either. Still its changed somewhat after all of labours scandals which is why Camerons couldn't worm his way out of a referendum. Brexit hopefully should completely undermine party politics and we'll get something more representative of public opinion. also checked.

>It won't be forgotten.
It will. That's the reason history always repeats itself, because given enough time, everything is forgotten.

Luckily for us, it might take a century or two so we are safe.


We need a system whereby if, at any point, the majority of the public disagrees with their elected members the explosive collars PERMANENTLY attached to them will explode

So basically these people are willing to turn against their own home if it doesn't continue bending the knee to foreign influence?
Why are they not all being hung as actual traitors?

if anything this will ignite people's rage

I think the most entertaining thing about this is that they themselves handed the people the noose which will go around their neck.
They ran their election campain on the promise of a referendum, completely underestimating how pissed off people are at the EU and thinking that they will be able to sway them when the day comes. Now they will have to keep their promise and it will fuck over everything large parts of their party have worked for for years



fuck off shill.

Some things are bigger than your funny money dow jones index number

We dont care if the "economy" crashes you dumb fuck,

and we SURE AS SHIT dont care if their paid for sock puppets in parliment out themselves for what they are, traitor scum

people that lose out big time are the financialised economy city bankster fuckstains that brought this shit upon themselves in the first place

>Why are they not all being hung as actual traitors?
Because the public as been declawed. Western societies mentality is so anti-fighting, pro pacifist and just generally self entered to the point were people would rather die than fight to live.

Remember, divid and conquer is how you destroy and opposition, hence why nationalism has been combatted with "diversity"

well stupidly enough most young people and some middle class think a proportional representation scheme would be better than first past the post for reflecting public sentiment (until you point out that means UKIP would have been wildy successful last GE). Still those people don't know what a joke such governments are, look at Italy or any of them and they are ineffective and waste a lot of time. At least first past the post establishes a government that can take decisive actions. The house of lords shoudl be granted much more power to block the commons as they can act outside of party affiliations for the country.

Who gives a fuck about terms. We'll trade whether they like it or not. We're not trading with the EU, we're trading with Europe.

I seriously hope Brexit will be the point at which we go back to having politicians rather than wannabe CEOs as leaders.

We have proportional representation and it works pretty well

Oh look, its the (((Institute for Fiscal Studies))) again.

>George Osborne last night warned that after Brexit he would have to raise the basic income tax by 2 per cent, raise the higher rate by 3 per cent, and inheritance tax by 5 per cent.

Sounds breddy good.

Make sure they name them.

Do you reckon a country with a population of 5 million (mostly middle class) people with essentially the same interests is the same as a country of 60 million incorporating many races, a massive class divide and the fifth largest economy? It wouldn't work in Britain at all.

Kek'd, they are literally holding democracy on gunpoint.

I didn't think it would work in NZ at all but it does. It has allowed more of the smaller parties a chance to actually get a seat. Especially if they have a lot of national support but fuck all support in any one electoral district.

This, I was reading it and then looked at 'BREXIT BTFO' and was thinking I misread something and didn't understand what was bad about it.

On topic, fucking hell, these guys ought to be hanged, deliberately creating poverty and hardship for his own people to push something the people don't want. You guys have two years to make new trade deals and you'll have them covered in one year or less, and have the potential to make so much more money without having to send a pound to Brussels.

vote them out then


Same story from rebel MP's mouth. Osbourne and his shilling drones in this thread are LYING.

Based Mogg.

You fucking idiot, this was a LEAVE BTFO

>The threat to kill the Conservative budget could lead to an early general election
I say this is a good thing.

>The UK stops giving millions of pounds to the EU and gets to spend it on their own economy
>OH NO! If that happens, I'll have to find more money to pay for all the money we'll lose

Guys after reading this I'm voting IN now. For two reasons:

1)obviously the above, this will cripple us)
2) If their is a call for a re-election; Labour is polling right ahead right now. Massively. The only reason Cons won the last election is for this vote this month. Without that promise we know Labour is going to win by a landslide and Britain will forever be gone. Not only will we be out of the EU we won't even be European anymore but an Asian country.

Please dont let this happen chaps, vote in.

Better be bait.

This is stupid as fuck - but you make a point

What happens if Brexit+Labour government happened?

The new immigration policies could be even worse than now...

Why? the article has stated what he plans to do that will economically cripple us. Then through the protests and party splitting we'll see a re-election and due to Labour currently polling madly ahead we will see Jeremy win.

Britain is doomed out and not for the reasons the left states.

Same reason EU is so ridiculously expansionist.
It needs that many member states to shuffle its debt around, and ensure through varios trade deals that vassal countries are more likely to import from Germany than elsewhere.

If people start leaving, the debt becomes untenable, people might find better trade partners, and the last person out the door will be footed the bill. This more likely than not would be Germany.