If she was a guy would everyone still bitch about her being a Mary Sue?

If she was a guy would everyone still bitch about her being a Mary Sue?

thought she was holding a tiny bag of weed for a second

Nah, we'd all think he was boring and obnoxiously flat but we wouldn't whine as hard as we did with her.

I like her.

I just don't like that she was stronger than Kylo Ren in the end. I feel like he ending would have been better if it were Kylo fucking her up and then the fissure saved HER. But it was the other way around, totally unbelievable, and they completely neutered their villain prematurely.

If she was a guy, Disney would have never made this film and it would have never gone on to make a billion fucking dollars.



If rogue one was all white guys, Sup Forums would be shilling it non stop and declaring they "won".

I just realized that "diversity" is literally just a paint job. It's still the exact same fucking characters, the typical underdogs with chosen one destinies, only this time they're black or female.

Fuck this shit.

Because that sure helped Hayden Christensen

Did people say it was irresponsible to show a competent man in a film?

I think Luke was one of the weaker characters in the series for just about the same reasons.

Okay, and? What exactly is the problem with this?

Change them all to white guys and it's about as safe and sterile as an average Marvel movie. The male Rey would probably get the same criticisms but people wouldn't get caught up on him as much and would more frequently realize the movie doesn't stand very well on its own if you take the Star Wars name off of it, much like the prequels.

This 100% The duel was great until she flipped it around by closing her eyes for ten seconds

it's a marketing gimmick you dumb fuck

>I just bypassed the character development!


It'd be worst, as men are rarely accepted easily by others in comparison to women

shes not a guy

>if she was a guy
did you just assume gender?

No,then they would bitch about him being a Gary Stu. You need to go back.

Yes. People complained about Anakin too.

He failed more times than he succeeded. Lost more lightsaber fights too.

Yes. More people would in fact. Her being a women makes her invulnerable to criticism.

i'd pay to see Rey lose limbs and get burned alive though

Portraying Darth Vader as incompetent or weak wouldn't be a very wise move. They already established Anakin as being a very skilled pilot and warrior in the original trilogies. That's ignoring the fact that he lost most of his lightsaber duels in the prequels.


Rey is the worst thing about the new movies. Everything else was just okay or mediocre. But fuck Rey.

You don't understand Kylo Ren. You need to stop coming from the "generic badass sith lord" angle.

This. Kylo Ren is supposed to be a weak little bitch trying to be badass.

Rey is still terrible though. Should have given her some weaknesses instead of making her perfect at literally fucking everything. Luke at least struggled for the first two movies and his path to being a jedi was long and arduous. That's how you write a protagonist.

Rey is shit. Rey is trash. Rey is Reddit. Rey is AIDS.

Are you unironically using fucking movie critic and normalfag ratings to prove your point? Not that I think the prequels are better by any means, but still.

>Are you unironically using fucking movie critic and normalfag ratings to prove your point
Sorry, I should be use autistic Sup Forums ratings exclusively.

No if she were a guy then everyone would bitch about that instead

How about form your own opinions, and back those opinions up with logical reasoning?

My personal tier:

5 > 4 > R1 > 3 > 7 > 2 > 1


1 > 2*

No, but then nobody would be touting her as some feminist hero either

Sup Forums is inherently reactionary

this is an unpopular opinion but now that i've grown up I can tolerate Jar jar, but ANI? no fucking way, he gets better in Ep III but in II he's just a little bitch

5>4=6>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>literal dogshit>1>>>>>>>>>>>>>>being gutted by a rusty blade>2

3 would be higher but Anakins sudden turn to the darkside and all the ridiculous over the top lightsaber battler led me to place it there. And yeah if you watch TCW cartoon his turn makes more since but a movie should be able to stand on it's own as well.

>no 6

>reddit file name


4 > 3 > 5 > 6 > 2 > 1 >> >> >> >> >> >> ____________________^10 >> 7


Bitch went from "is the force real?" and "oh that's what a light saber looks like" to doing force pulls and mind tricks in a few days without any training, even by herself

She just tried it and she can do it. She's a walking dues ex machina. Like couldn't do mind tricks until after he spent months with an 800 year old legendary Jedi

>knowing reddit file names

Before seeing Star Wars discussion on Sup Forums, I'd only ever seen "Mary Sue" used to describe male characters.

Yeah I'm really fucking tired. Sorry.

Let me try that again:

5 > 4 > 6 = R1 > 3 > 7 >>> 2 > 1

Anakin is the entire reason why II is so low for me. The romance scenes are unwatchable. Ep. 1 also was the only prequel to not suffer from dying droid gurgles.

I can respect that. The spinning lightsabers and force push stalemate is pretty laughable. But Sheev is top kino. I really disliked Rey's Mary Sue character though. Shoehorning woman leads is a big pet peev of mine.

Only this time they are accomplished 10x better in one (1) second than previous two could ever achieve in their life time.

Mouskeeters are pathetic.

So what?

They make more money, sjws don't cry as much, nothing negative happens to the movie.

It's not just her feats. The story is framed around her in a way that you just know she was somebody's self insert. Things happen just for the part where she looks good.

desert yokel is immediately the best pilot in the rebel alliance after spending his whole life in a sand igloo never having been in space

said sand bumpkin ascends to jedi master level after hanging out in a swamp for a week

girl who has spent her whole life salvaging ship components is able to repair a ship component

I don't care that Rey is a female. But Luke got training from Ben, and then Yoda. His character was challenged and forced to develop. None of the characters in TFA faced any sort of adversity and thus didn't earn the audience's respect.

What am I supposed to feel. Who is the threat here?

People probably wouldn't like him, but no the reaction would not be nearly as negative.

Poe is unnaturally awesome in that film and everyone thinks he rules.

>tfw no CGI Hayden Christensen in Rogue One

>said sand bumpkin ascends to jedi master level after hanging out in a swamp for a week
By the end of the Trilogy, he comes into contact with four of the greatest force users of his era. He basically got a master course in the Force.

If the Force guided her like how it did Donnie Yen, I wouldn't have qualms. But no, she made the Force her bitch.

If people gave you attention would you still start shitposting bait threads about Disney garbage?

And he still got his ass kicked by the emperor. He didn't flawlessly defeat everyone like it was nothing. He beat up an old man (who was going easy on him because he's his dad) and then nearly got killed by another old man.

people bitched about Anakin in episode 2 and 3 also, even though he was literally "the chosen one".

>desert yokel is immediately the best pilot in the rebel alliance
where is that ever said? he is almost killed by a tie fighter before wedge flies in and saves him. he was also saved from vader by han's surprise return. luke was also a "bush pilot" who had been flying T-16s and probably some other civilian aircraft for a long time. that's why he wanted to join "the academy." he wasn't some guy who just started flying ships one day
>said sand bumpkin ascends to jedi master level after hanging out in a swamp for a week
yoda literally laughs at him when luke says "so i am a jedi." yoda then tells him that he won't truly be a jedi until he defeats vader. luke is never called a "master level jedi"

Luke only even gets considered a master in the post-movies extended universe (which is no longer canon).

Snoke. Ren is supposed to develop as a villain like the others.

Snoke flat out says that he needs to complete Ren's training, implying he's going to be new and improved in the next movie.

I like the idea and though TFA does lose out on an iconic villain moment, we at least have a character that's not static. I hope they decide to give him cybernetics and make him visually grotesque.

>hundreds of male characters fit The Chosen One archetype and are naturally gifted at things that help in their adventures and seems to be protected by supernatural forces

Oh well of course, this is the classical Hero's Journey template every culture has, it is an enjoyable wishfulfillment fantasy for the audience's inner child's ID desire to be special and has it's genesis in the prophet figures of various religions around the world, perfectly acceptable storytelling method.

>one female character finally also fits The Chosen One archetype and is naturally gifted at things that help in her adventures and seems to be protected by supernatural forces


The best part is going to be how they try to save face by having her fail multiple times in episode 8 and probably leave it on a tragic cliffhanger. It will make no fucking sense because she walked through the first part of the adventure and nearly killed her mirror adversary.

>Gary Stus are the same as Mary Sues
Fuck off back to >>reddit where you belong.

Asia kung fu man in rogue one is literally the male version of her

So yes

Everyone actually loved Ip Man in Star Wars though, so clearly you're talking out of your ass there.

The Chosen One generally stumbles in the early phases of their journey, especially if it's going to be a cinema trilogy. When that doesn't happen, the character is a Mary Sue. Nice argument.


Then she'd just be the average, male action star.

that literally makes no sense

John Wick's character is predetermined. He's an elite assassin. Nice argument.

That'd be pretty risky for Disney to do that to their big girl power figure.

It literally does literally

>pulles out a chip
>I bypassed the compressor
Still pisses me off when I think about it. Just how stupid do they think their audience is?
Although I suppose the average retard doesn't even know what a compressor is so they could be right.

Yes. If she were a guy, she would literally be Luke if Luke were perfect and never had to learn from his mistakes pr better himself. I'd argue that it would make his/her being a Mary Sue even more obvious, since they couldn't hide behind "muh strong female".

You can make all the excuses you want but it's true.

Shes holding the character development

What can Luke teach Rey that she doesn't already know?

Not even Anakin was pulling off some of the shit Rey had at her age.

I don't care. I don't watch movies with my brain I watch them with my dick and my dick wants more of her.

Yeah that dialogue/scene was really really bad. Took me a minute to slide back into the movie desu

Not him, but you're plain wrong in using Wick as an example. It's explained how he's so skilled.
Rey is a Johnny-come-lately who's more skilled at flying and fixing a ship than the man who captained it for 40+ years, a better lightsaber duelist and more powerful force user than Luke Skywaler's most powerful padawan, despite not even having believed in the force at the start of the film, and a a person who the Resistance trusts to lead the search for Luke despite having only jut met her that day, instead of sending Poe, whom they originally trusted the map to Luke with.
And not a single one of these things is ever even brought up, let alone explained.
The two examples are nothing alike,

But chosen ones don't start off being chosen ones. They stumble, struggle with their lack of ability, and develop their skills through tough situations and eventually become the chosen one.

This is Luke in the OT. If a character is insanely talented from the very beginning and can beat the villain without struggle, there's no tension because there's no journey. They're the chosen one and they were always the chosen one.

Yes. Comparison to the original trilogy trio in Episode IV makes it obvious. She's more important to the plot than Leia (who, great snarking aside, was functionally a living Macguffin for the plot), more of a pilot/mechanic/Chewie buddie than Han (his actual skills beyond being a puckish rogue), and figures out in two days what Luke needed several years and training to be able to do (skills again). AND she's a Star Wars fangirl, made clear when despite being an adult she plays dressup with a rebel pilot helmet while holding a damn pilot doll and every time she fawns over someone she meets. She's definitely a Mary Sue, though that is not automatically a terrible thing.

>said sand bumpkin ascends to jedi master level after hanging out in a swamp for a week

He rushes off to save his friends, fails and gets his ass whooped by his dad is the process.

She's shit at flying, she's been literally scavenging and taking apart ships since she was a child and she is an innate force-user who only picks up on the abilities that Kylo Ren displays.

Again, if you feel Rey is a mary sue but can excuse some of the shit someone like James Bond can pull then you're being purposely obtuse.

>chosen ones don't start off being chosen ones

Also, he lost his lightsaber, and something else important. I forget what.

Eggsy was far closer to Luke than Rey. Eggsy was a well trained character that needed even more training and refinement to reach his potential. He had his own share of loses and lessons before he could really shine.

To be a gray jedi maybe? I don't know how prominent that shit was in the EU, but I can see them going the "She gets to be the good guy and fry people to death with lightning" route with her.

Can't tell if bait or autism, but you've been debunked. Enjoy the (You)

And he was poorly fucking written. The Prequels are hot garbage.

It should also be pointed out that Anakin is the only character with a comparable power level and his power takes him to the dark side.

>desert yokel is immediately the best pilot in the rebel alliance after spending his whole life in a sand igloo never having been in space
He spent some time in training before it.

>said sand bumpkin ascends to jedi master level
He didn't even became true jedi, not in V, not even in VI. Not to mention Vader intentionally pulling his punches.
>after hanging out in a swamp for a week

>girl who has spent her whole life salvaging ship components is able to repair a ship component
By very second she stepped up in ship she never been she knows how to pilot and how to repair better than a guy that spent in it decades.

Literally Jews and their lies.

Rey was using brute force in that battle. There was no technique or skill. Again, "monkey see, monkey do". She just happens to have a much stronger connection with the force hence the namesake of the movie.

>she is an innate force-user who only picks up on the abilities that Kylo Ren displays
Force abilities are supposed to be difficult to even comprehend without training even for those oozing with the stuff.

Even among the EU the only characters that naturally understand the force aren't even normal mortals.

She's gonna lose an appendage in the next movie to show how flawed she is.

I betting on Ben chopping off her right breast.

No, you fool. Because we know James Bond has been with MI6 for decades, honing his skills and training non-stop to achieve what he has.
And if we use Craig's Bond, he much more grounded. He gets hsi ass kicked all over Casino Royale, but uses his knowledge and skills that we know he worked for to survive.
Rey is "an innate force user", huh? Explain that. We have never seen a jedi in canon use the powers she has without training. Qui-gon, Obi, and Luke Skywaler are the only jedi we ever see use the jedi mind trick in the original 6 films, and they were all adept-master level force wielders taught by great masters. And Kylo never used the mind trick, so explain that with your, "she was mimicking him!" bullshit. Because, again, she didn't even believe in the force. So how the fuck would she know about the mind trick and how to employ it?
And her taking ships apart means nothing. She knew how to fix a ship that, again, she taught existed only in myth.
And she was not shit at flying. She out-flew multiple First Order pilots, who we were told are raised from birth to be perfect soldiers. Yet she was able to beat them despite literally telling Fin when he asked that she had never flown that ship before.
And why not touch on the Resistence's insane trust for her? Why did Leia comfort a stranger after Han's death and ignore her decades old friend, and Han's bond brother, Chewie?
It's because Rey is a fucking Mary Sue fan insert character meant to be felated all the way through the film's run time.
But, please, bring another retarded comparison to an established character.

>Rey was using brute force in that battle.
She still bested someone that should have been able to disable and shut her down. She didn't need to end up like Finn but she should have still been made to retreat. That was something even Eggsy did.

>force abilities
You at like she was using force jumps, mind control, electric shock, etc. She clearly is shown to lack experience with the force besides having a much stronger connection to it, which Ren even picked up on immediately.

The fight wasn't over if you recall and Ren was already pretty fucked up (emotionally, mentally, and, most importantly, physically).