What did he mean my this?

What did he mean my this?

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He's trying to say we all evolved from Africans, which is to say that African are un-evolved.


Richard dawkins is white guilt

>evolved from Africans

Neck yourself

The cradle of life is in Africa. Hes right.

>Neck yourself

Nice argument, got any more?

>Neck yourself

But that's literally what his shirt is saying.

>The cradle of life is in Africa

Austria edukshun.

Educate yourself, if youre not going to neck yourself.


wasnt there a theory that homo sapiens comes from caucasus area and not from africa?



Are all French "men" this faggoty?

By his logic

>We are all sub-atomic particles

No. Thats what they call pseudo-science.


So youre not homo sapiens m8?

he was born in Kenya and a bit ashamed of it

>posts link saying sapiens did in fact originate in Africa, hence, we evolved from Africans.


Yes, but we are all mammals too, all vertebrates, all animals, all earthlings

He's kind of denying evolution which is fucking hilarious.

>We are all protozoa

Jesus, you can tell this nigga's grandma got raped by Ivan can't you.

We evolved from Bushmen, Niggers de-evolved from them.

No, that would be the proposed origin of Caucasians. Given the lightness of our skin, even in sunny desert climates, I find it more likely that we originated further north, as pastoral people in the pontic steppe.

he meant that he's a good goy

Was for this post.

That the progenitor species of our own originated in Africa.

>Blacks who were born in Britain are just as British as whites, ethnic origin doesn't matter

>You are African because a less evolved version of your species migrated from there several million years ago.

>de evolved
Literally not possible. Evolution is the process of change based on reproductive fitness, regardless of what is believed to be best. Currently, humanitarianism in whites is being selected against, while selfishness in blacks is being selected for. This is a net loss for human fitness, but a short term gain for a particular clade. The result will be an evolution of whites into ethnocentric state organisms , or the evolution of humanity into niggerlike beings.

Geneticist here: you're dumb. You're a dumb person. That's what you are. A dumb, repulsive person

We all evolve from Virus. Based Ebola stop trying to contain it you racist pig.

in australia are human skeltals older than the africans

Great argument Mario, you've changed my ways of thinking with your sound logic and reasoning.

Kangz n shiet

Unilineal evolution s wrong. You're wrong.

Evolution has no goal, no end product. It doesn't go in any direction such as "forward" or "up". It's just genetic change in a population over time. There are African homo sapiens sapiens and others who have changed due to their environment and other selective pressures. Only way one mutation could be "better" than another is environment specific. White genes are only "better" in a paleolithic European setting before humans had clothes and lived inside.

soft ethnic egalitarian banter.
Forgive him, he doesn't know better

>We are all single-celled organiims.

>atheists revere a cuck

I guess you are the expert on Africans, since you have so many of them in your country.

He believes in the evolution, so he's a social darwinist.

He wants us to claim the fertile Lebensraum of Africa for the superior White Race and spread our genes and memes.

Based Dawkins, 14/88.

He's virtue signaling.

the earliest humans came from africa

therefore we are all africans. the early humans emigrated out of africa to all corners of the globe. it makes sense why there's no humans left in africa today.

Sure buddy

At some point our ancestors lived in Pangea.
His shirt doesn't read "We are all Pangeans" because it wouldn't serve a political agenda.

couldn't two different human subspecies simultaneous get selected out in different regions in Africa? I mean, originally all lifeforms came from the sea and started their mutation process from there. We're all mutants. mutability is strength.

he's trying to undermine Nationalism with imprecise biology.

A politically correct way of saying that niggers are between chimpanzees and humans.

He is a cuck, not everyone is of African descent. Go back to Anthropology 101

More precisely, he's trying to push ethnic egalitarianism.
Pic related. His cognitive dissonance is showing

he has to be either a scientist or a political ideologue, he can't be both