>WATCH: Cameron destroys Farage after mocking Ukip leader’s ‘poncey’ surname

>David Cameron: Nigel Farage wants to 'destroy' the Conservatives

Get back to your containment Trump General thread.

Stop being rude. We don't tolerate that here.

>we will get more jobs, lower prices and safer streets if we continue doing what we have been doing for the last 40 years

Please explain

EU had 40 years to make sense to a Brit
It failed
Step aside dinosaur let's have this brave new world

Believe in Europe not Britain.
>White Pride
>Whites United.

really makes you think

>(((EU member flag)))
Pure coincidence!

Can someone tell me what's the pros and cons of both sides? Will Britain stop importing shitskins if they leave?

>1.2 million turkroaches
>safer streets
>more jobs
Surely worked out for netherlands didnt it

he probably works in brussel. thats the only kind of people who think EU is beneficial for our respective countires.

Drop dead, faggot. Brexit will happen. Brits will uncuck themselves and show the western world how it's done.

>Safer Streets

I hope they're talking about road pavings and not crime and terrorism.

They'll probably import more shitskins.

However, there is a slight variation - If Farage had his way, they would have a points system similar to Australia.

The shit skin would be expected to meet a whole bunch of education, employment, background check requirements. He would have to live in the country and hit certain performance targets to become a permanent resident, and then again to become a citizen.

With the E.U. system, 1 million undocumented fucking Africans and Arabs can show up, live in hovels in France and Germany until they get issued passports, and then move freely into the U.K.

The negatives are that a huge chunk of their political and economic systems are tied up in the E.U. now. Untangling all that and setting up new trade agreements will be bumpy.

As far as untangling the political bureaucratic nightmare - Who gives a fuck, the parasites can drown.

>Turks join the EU
>a million of them move to UK
>safer streets

Riveting tale, ol' chap!

I dont think serbs joining EU will make streets much safer either, since your mafia is world famous.

We need to vote IN lads. There will be dire taxes and cuts if we leave, this will shake up the current political climate causing either a re-election or a Labour surge (more so than now)

Labour is polling right ahead right now. Massively. The only reason Cons won the last election is for this vote this month. Without that promise we know Labour is going to win by a landslide and Britain will forever be gone. Not only will we be out of the EU we won't even be European anymore but an Asian country.

>safer streets

>more jobs
>import a gorillion of turks to compete with the proles

Remainers only 'It will be the same shit as the last 20 years'....they can't argue shit will change, its just going to remain the same shitty situation.

Their argument against the Brexit is 'Oooo it might go wrong'....No fucking shit sherlock, it might go wrong. But seriously, in our current fucked up Tory shithole situation...what the fuck could be worse.

Remainers are just people too pussified to take a CHANCE...a chance we can make things better for everyone in our country. Thank fuck these cuntrags weren't around in the 1940's.

'Ooo if we go to war with Germany, we MIGHT DIE'....'Lets just stay as we are, trying new things is too scary!'

>Vote for the slow certain death, not for potentially saving Britain

>safer streets

Are you getting concessions to stay? No? Then even Bremainers should acknowledge that the OP image makes no sense whatsoever. At least fall back on a legitimate excuse like "We'd have to kowtow to the Americans more" and "But change is HARD1"