Dude what if like....life wasn't worth living

>dude what if like....life wasn't worth living

wow brilliant show.

much nihilism, such trendy

I know it's counter to the groupthink here, but this is the best Netflix animated series out right now.
>Season 3 finale is pure gold

its more like

>dude being rich sucks too guys, don't worry about it, real wealth is your human connections! Don't be late for your hourly job tomorrow

>real wealth is your human connections!
It's all about how shitty he is at connecting, though.
Sure, he has ascended material want, but is bankrupt in the realms of meaning and happiness.
>Don't be late for your hourly job tomorrow
>Projecting this hard

wow brilliunt criticuzisum

found the butthurt redditor?

Even when I was young, I still don't understand the brand of nihilism that makes people depressed for realizing nothing matters or that they have this dire need for it to matter.

Even if it just ends when we die and none of it matters, who cares? Just have fun while you're alive.

I really want to understand it for the sake of it, and I'm somewhat good at taking a step back and thinking how something would feel for someone else, but I still can't understand this.

Thanks for exactly repeating in a less sarcastic manner.

the supposed feels in Bojack are ridiculously overrated. A RICH HOLLYWOO ACTOR IS JADED AND DEPRESSED? HOW ORIGINAL!

it's just a sitcom. it has funny, mean dialog. that's all I want out of it. the feels are just noise.

I think a nihilism is also the realization that you have ultimate freedom. When you have such freedom the hardest part of life becomes finding what to do. And if nothing really matters to you, it can be impossible to figure out what to do in life. The difference is you might have found worth for things internally, for some people it is impossible to find that.

>hey, I'm a terrible person incapable of relating to anyone!
>pun based visual animal-person gag
>hey, I'm a terrible person incapable of relating to anyone!
>pun based visual animal-person gag
>oh wow, I've just had an epiphany, I just realized I might be a terrible person incapable of relating to anyone, oh the drama!

Repeat for three seasons.

I didn't think of that, I suppose I took having hobbies for granted. I just assumed everyone had a hobby of some sort they could indulge themselves with if they wanted.

>What is reading comprehension

And to many more!

Puns never, ever, get old.

The only amusement to be derived from puns is how much pain they inflict upon people.

Something you fail.

Where did this "puns are bad/painful" meme come from anyway?

You don't really get it. What's the point in having fun, fun is meaningless.

Cause it feels good in the moment?
Just because it might not mean anything in a 100 years doesn't mean it doesn't mean something in that moment.

It's less "dude depression lmao" and more:

If you're a shitty, broken person, being rich won't "fix" you. You'll just be a more comfortable shitty, broken person.

Bojack's issues stem from his childhood and, becoming rich early in life, he never had to grow up. You see the same happen with teen/child stars like Justin Bhoweveryouspellit and Soulja Boy (Tell 'Em).

Bojack never had to grow up; he's a 20-year old without his life figured out living in a 50 year old's body. He gets by without ever needing to man up exactly because being famous keeps him with a network of individuals that can tolerate him. If he were a normalfag he'd either be dead or, ironically, much better off.

Anyway, I like the show regardless of what Sup Forums thinks about it. It's funny.

puns are lame. lameness and pain are linked.

Yes, everyone gets that its a show about complacent self pity for people in states of complacent self pity. You don't need to post anything at all about it.

Show isn't particularly funny or clever, not worth the watch.

>realizing bojack's complete and total lack of self-awareness is because hes a horse
>this applies to most animal characters

help, brain trying to kill itself

Half the thread is people not getting that.

>dude what if like... I drank my own piss


No, half the thread is people calling the show insufferable garbage.

Depictions of complacent self pity are insufferable to anyone not in a state of complacent self pity.

I really like this show. Flaked is great too. Is there other Arnettkino or similar shows?

brits do this way better

Yeah he's right here.

You still have to spend most of ur time working.
Except you dont. You have to follow the laws.