Why couldn't we be like them...?


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First you have to admit your past crimes, nip.

Like what exactly?

I guess getting along well

I have never seen this topic posted on this board, so I dared.
I really want to follow the example of country in the pic.
Living together peacefully, hand in hand.

We live peacefully but there is some underlying resentment

Thank you


>there is some underlying resentment
How? It's already been a few hundred years since the consolidation of your union, I'd think by now that people wouldn't care. Of course, with the exception of Northern Ireland.

apologize to

>tfw we'd be China

And claiming Wales/Taiwan for some reason.

You already are

>no reason

Because east asians are nationalists

East asians are cucks that pretend to be nationalist
Japan: Tennou heika banzai! (Allows american rape camp and dropping planes everywhere)
Korea: fucking china fucking japan fucking nk fuck them all (allows american camps even though they've not lost war)
China: we arr the greatest kingdom and culture (copies west and moves to west when rich)
Taiwan: rear chinah (loves animu and usa)
Conclusion: east asia is shit now


>Ireland = SK
>NI = NK
>England = China
>Scotland = Manchuria
>Wales = Tibet

because the cool thing for the last two hundred years has been hating china

Northern Ireland is still best Ireland.

Great idea, but North Korea in the Isles?? China seems better.

As long as Kim Jong Un's regime rules NK, bringing them to the allies is nonsense.

Fuck off potatonigger. At least we have our own language and writing system.

Irish are better than gooks

South korea lost the korean war.

Crikey! It worse scenario possible of the alternate universe.

Neither lost or won. The war isn't even over yet.