Significantly more voters approve Clinton's response to Orlando than Trump's

Candidates response to Orlando:

Approve 36% (+2)
Disapprove 34%
Approve 25% (-26)
Disapprove 51%

>National @CBSNewsPoll

What the fuck is wrong with this country!

Americans are cucked for Islam who knew

Damn, this really made me think


Most people realize that trump hired a Muslim terrorist to further his ban all Muslims agenda.

Also from the poll:

>More Americans think that the incident was a Hate Crime rather than an Act of Terrorism

>significantly more voters approved of continuing to roll over a suck mudslime cock

I pray that Yellowstone will erupt every day


When are you guys going to realize that democray will never work and you just need a coup d'etat?

Is it targeted polling or what

Mudslims headed your way 'murica. Enjoy!

>American consider these mutually exclusive

American media propaganda is just astounding.
You people are lead by the most corrupt monsters imaginable

You believe that?

((((((((((((((((((((Leslie Moonves
(President, CBS Corporation)
Glenn Geller
(President, CBS Entertainment)
Jeff Fager
(Chairman, CBS News)
David Rhodes
(CBS News President))))))))))))))))))))))

I wouldn't believe anything the liberal media spills now. Trump was right. Again. And they have to drown this with something. Everyne predicted Trump's demise time and time again. They were all wrong. Don't give up, fellow centipede!

I consider 9/11 a hate crime against towers

Trump's campaign is a dumpster fire and he is going to lose spectacularly in November.

Those people deserve to get beheaded.

Sometimes I have this horrible creeping sensation that Sup Forums really is a bit delusional, myself included, and that global Sharia will be implemented by popular demand

And every shitty reality star and blogger will invert every opinion they ever had overnight to become the new Halal Morality Police

We all know it's bad now. It is. The number of Muslims in the world will be at least doubled 30 years from now, what will it be like then?

Well yeah the guy does manage to drop ever lower in the sight of educated people.
I mean vapid speeches about walls symbolism and populism are nice but at some point in the future he's going to have to fill in the blanks.
I mean his triggering speeches are fun and all but extremely lacking in content, if that doesn't get filled anyone who has supported him will just be revealed to have been a cucked if he turns out to just be a self-serving businessman with no actual real plans beyond self-enrichment.

CBS? Lol either you are new or a complete shill.

...Just creeping, you say?
Make a chart for yourself, see what claims are broadly supported, keep track of them and see how true they turn out to be.
Haven't done it in a long while now but damn Sup Forums is wrong often.

There is no where to run from the oy caval

People are scared that they'll be shot. The pro-gun camp has done a worse job of convincing people to buy guns to protect themselves than the anti-gun camp has that banning guns will stop shootings.

"Wrong" isn't what they are. Outside of the mainstream certainly is.

The question is why the fuck are the "mainstream" a bunch of Islam-loving, white-hating pieces of human garbage?

The Islamic invasions are entirely voluntary. Merkel and Trudeau and Cameron go "GET IN OUR COUNTRY, ALL OF YOU, RIGHT NOW, PLEASE FUCK OUR SHIT UP"

And millions cheer

But fucking WHY?!

there are no brakes on this ride, anons

Well yeah, not if you can only speak english.
I mean even your masters have gotten so lazy that they don't bother with other languages anymore and just try to turn everything english.

The thing with Islam is, Let's imagine that it took over the world for a minute. We're straight men. We either pay jizya and stay non-muslim or convert and get left alone. Life won't really change other than losing some foods and drinks. For women and gays however, you are FUCKED. both literally and figuratively. You will be raped with no justice. beaten, burnt. Acid will be thrown in your faces. You will have to live under thick black bed sheets for your entire life. You won't be able to learn, drive, do anything. You will be forced into a marriage with a disgusting freak, worse than the men who inhabit /r9k/. Life won't change for us. It will irreparably destroy yours. Enjoy Islam!


This book had the most terrifyingly likely scenario.

An Islamic/Social Democrat coalition wins the French election, implements Sharia law, by and large nobody cares. The lazy intellectual class converts to Islam, the rich get a few extra wives, the women all put on burkas, life goes on.

I fucking despise that at this point that's so much more probable than any final war against Islam. You all already know how easily libfags roll over and completely alter all of their "most deeply held convictions" on the whim of a crowd.

Well as stated i can't say my attempts to verify them met with positive results and far more often with negative results.
I don't come here all that frequently nowaday and that chart predates even the Ukraine mess, so i doubt it still exists.

Have you considered that the Islam really is not as bad as we make it out to be? I mean fuck i don't like 'em but to me the people here seem to use it as an excuse to do anything other than turn a critical eye to themselves.
Likewise i've travelled to every inhabited continent and people just really don't give any shits about race or racism outside of obviously racial conflicts, which are fairly rare.

You realise they're currently massively implementing Orban's approach now, yes? Return to sender, prevent them from coming, etc.?
If there had been more that could have at least attempted to be somewhat reasonable like Orban we might have had this reaction a year ago, but instead all the truly unfounded and irrational racistic bullshit latched on to it and kept it down with the rest of 'em.

I mean yeah, it's bad, that's quite obvious to most, but given the choice between seemingly bad, namely: Islamic migration, and seemingly super bad, namely faggots that would actually reduce our rights, freedoms and general civil / juridical achievements in our part of the world over something that can be defeated with far less extreme and far more effective tools?
It's to a very large extent our own fault that we tolerated retarded extremists in our midst, as they have dragged our valid points down along with them; they are what shackles us.

>But fucking WHY?!
Because at the moment Islam is best when it comes to fucking peoples heads.

Our people need at least 50 years under Sharia law before they would realise it's a bad thing.

The Russians needed 80 years before realising Communism is bad for them and there is STILL a communist party over there with millions of voters.

The eternal truth of the universe is that Stupidity is endless and the ones who are best at deceiving the common man always come into power.

Why do you think Muslims or Christians constantly talk about sheep or lambs when they describe their peoples?

>Islam really is not as bad as we make it out to be
quod erat demonstrandum

and it's also a good book

yeah it scared the shit out of me more so than 1984

That statement can be two things: Either it isn't that bad, or we what we make it out to be is far too bad.

I meant the latter, as countless people use the islam as an excuse for their own failures.
I mean there are countries with far more muslims but far less attacks, crime and homicide but the Americans still latch on to muslims as they are the decisive factor, everything to protect their precious guns.

You're making it way to complicated Ivan

Islam is camel shit

that's all there is to say about it

Simplistic understanding and simplistic solutions just make us manipulable and ineffective tools Heinrich.

It may be camel shit, but camel shit is not the cause of every problem someone has not even when camel shit happens to be near when a problem occurs.

Don't get me wrong. I have nothing against Islam. I don't care about foreign religions. Why should I ?

The problem is the Islamization of my homeworld.