Just [email protected] at his eyes & body language. Looks like he's restraining himself from crying.
If you think it's just "seeing" things...Then explain the sudden edit @52min29sec

And you can clearly see a tear under his eye (see screencap attached)

Oh wait @51:40 he drinks something...Maybe he was trying not to cough...

Well shit dude, whhat the other guy is saying sounds pretty fucking depressing so yeah

Holy shit, he looks visibly more upset straight after that edit, he must have completely broken down. This has been a long time in the making.

Maybe. It could be that what Mike was saying really resonated with Stefan. I mean, he recently survived cancer.

It's only a matter of time before he pulls a Breivik. Be prepared Canadians.

he had a Cancer scare

I guess it's a glass half empty or half full sort of thing...I don't find it depressing. On the contrary...

Mike still speaks to his parents and it tears Stefan up inside. Furthermore, Mike has not sold his wife and kids to become a philosopher king.

>I mean, he recently survived cancer.
True , that could be it...(totally forgot about that)

>Mike still speaks to his parents and it tears Stefan up inside.
Not an argument ;)

>Not an argument ;)
Not an argument.

Of cause it touched him.
He is spending every day, reading negative news articles and creating negative hypothesis because of them.
He is a pessimist and the fact that he nearly died because of cancer made Mike's statement hit really close to home.

Why the fuck should I care?

I don't know you tell me. :) You clicked & even went as far as to post a response...Maybe you subconsciously care about it

I don't see him as a pessimist. More of a realist.

who cares lmao
just post rare stefans for my collection

Stefan Molyneux is a dangerous and unhinged man.
Avoid him at all costs.

I made that one.

He's always been a loon.

Only autists lack the social intelligence to discern reverence and passion from hysteria

Take this one



So dreamy~

Canadians already had a shooter opposed to the feminist agenda in the 1980s.

>Thus it is an obvious truth that if the Olympic Games removed the Men-Women distinction, there would be Women only in the graceful events. So the feminists are not fighting to remove that barrier. They are so opportunistic they [do not][73] neglect to profit from the knowledge accumulated by men through the ages. They always try to misrepresent them every time they can. Thus, the other day, I heard they were honoring the Canadian men and women who fought at the frontline during the world wars. How can you explain [that since][74] women were not authorized to go to the frontline??? Will we hear of Caesar's female legions and female galley slaves who of course took up 50% of the ranks of history, though they never existed. A real Casus Belli.

>Sorry for this too brief letter.

>Marc Lépine

Gotta love his nice excuse.

>t. Goldberg

He's not restraining, he broke down and cried after Mike's speech. He cut it out later.
He survived cancer and the stuff Mike said hit him right in the feels.

that guy was also a Muslim btw. the Pulse shooting was literally Polytechnique: Episode 2

Dangerous in what way ?


he of all people has seen the writing on the wall and realizes that shit is going to hit the fan not too long from now. the orlando attack was probably the last straw on the camels back.

the average american is going hard towards gun control. the news has done a wonderful job of using the story to divide us against ourselves and inflame the opinion against trump, and the shooter's actual motivations (ie; he was an isis sleeper agent, he literally shouted it to the police) have been swept under the rug.

the turning point has been crossed, and now people will, at an accelerated rate, yearn for gun control and a second clinton regime, and turn a blind eye to the legitimate threat of isis sleeper agents. and when isis decides its zero hour and attacks for real, the clinton regime will strip the rest of our rights for 'safety's sake'.

and thanks to the liberals with the help of this cunt we can't have more than 5 rounds in our magazines now

>that guy was also a Muslim btw.

Oh fugg!


He survived his cancer but lives with the risk of it coming back. Its just human you sick fucks.

I don't think the future Clinton administration (if she gets elected) , can do anything against the NRA. It's not realistic. Too many people own guns in America. Plus it would be a violation of the 2nd amendment.
I think even a potential secession is more plausible.

Mike sucking Ram Z Paul's dick was cringey as fuck.


Can you blame the poor bastard? I sometimes feel like I'm losing it too, I'm lucky if I can get more than 5 hours sleep these days

Everything is so fucking fucked






Yo that bitch was definitely crying

I like Molyneux's show, but he always given off a vibe of being mentally unstable/bipolar. The defooing scandal seemed to cement this impression.

He's always cried on his shows, nothing new.

He's going to break and stage a gas attack or something and his cult will be arrested en masse and anyone making threads about how will be put on watch lists.

It's just the pain of awekening from the jewish enduced dream of ancap.


MFW Sup Forums has more compassion than the left
proud I come here

Made this recently


He's just swallowing the red pill. The change from Libertarian to Fascist is an inveitable one, but a painful one.

He broke down crying 100%. Right after the edit his face is all red his eyes more red than before the edit and theres an actual tears on his right eye (from our point of view)

Goddamn, the happening must be getting terribly close at this point. I feel bad for stefan

try reversing use the tee body and just close lip face, better visually

teeth* not tee