ITT: Albums that most people think are pretty good but you see as a fucking masterpiece

ITT: Albums that most people think are pretty good but you see as a fucking masterpiece.

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Oh no I fucked up the number there

end me

Hello Mark from Spectrum Pulse

i love this album so much is not even funny

also a great pick

Being completely honest here, every single track is just top tier quality


Have you heard Signal Morning and Mosaics Within Mosaics?

This, I never see anyone post about this album, I don't know, maybe I'm retarded.



Yes, you are retarded for liking Carbon Copy Zeppelin.

i heard signal morning, didn't really enjoy it that much. mosaics has been in my library for a while, i'll give it a listen. which one do you likemore?



please don't lynch me


honestly overrated

still pretty good though

those are highly acclaimed albums idiots

I love classic rock
I love old country
I love indie garage shit

I hate metal
I hate screamo

But this is unironically my most adored and listened to album by far.

It is so bland... so depressing... so monotonous... so nonsensical. It grinds my brain and takes me to a very dark place. It is NOT an enjoyable experience what-so-ever. It is a representation of the polar opposite of what people value in music; what makes music sound pleasing to the ear. It takes that and turns it on its head, arrogantly and unapologetically. It is literally the most ugly presentation of music I've ever heard. Screetching guitar noise, a symphony of distorted layered fuzz and blunt, erratic whimsical rhythms and time signatures. It makes no sense.

It is difficult to listen to... it's difficult to find the beauty. Its work. You are working when you listen to it. You are straining to understand it... to find one redeeming quality. You look so hard to find the value in its dark droney repetition. And if you listen to it enough times; if you listen closely you are rewarded very meagerly. There are moments of deviation from the chaotic nature of this album. They are briefly lived, and all but impossible to understand at first or second or even third listen, but they are there. And when you finally recognize those moments, you feel so greatful for their existence. You feel so blessed to have witnessed their beauty, and to have found the strength within your self to recognize them.

The lead singer quit after this album (their first and only with him), but I remember seeing them once live on this tour. I will never forget the bombastic stage antics, the flipping of the guitars, the screetching and buzzing and humming of the amplifiers and the flailing of these madmen who had the appearance of nothing more than typical young white college aged kids.

I called them The God Machine. They were bigger than life on that stage, and I'm so thankful I got to witness them.

>drugs r cool lol



I meant more on the technical side. I don't really identify with the "surf punk" genre when it comes to lyrics, quite the opposite, but I do love the sound of it and this album is very polished


Do you have a single track to back that up, fat boy?



the interludes are the only thing i can imagine would be keeping people from praising this album endlessly




Oh, hi 16yo me

hey look it's of Montreal's last good album

I've actually listened to them when I was around that age as well, I just have really fond memories of this album and still consider it great, even if my taste has somewhat changed since then

I was introduced to this album by a girl I was involved with. It's fucking quality.

I fucking love this album, don't listen to it much because it makes me feel like I'm going insane, but I love it nonetheless.

Spiteful Intervention is my jam.

I agree


This was my favorite album in middle school. People made fun of me. They were listening to cool music like the Black Eyed Peas.

yeah, this so much
It really is a worthy followup to Since I Left You, and also my favourite album from 2016

This is an EP but yes it is a masterpiece.

Came here to post this

I can relate user. I don't really listen to it anymore except when I want to remember those summer days right after high school ended.

I think this album usually gets its due, but yeah it's in my top 10 albums ever.

