Why couldn't I have been born French, Italian or British? Or even American

Why couldn't I have been born French, Italian or British? Or even American.
Why did God feel the need to punish me with this cancer nationality?

I thought you were Greek

hungarians are subhumans

German nationality is one of the best you can get.

I am not the greek

Why are Jerries always moaning and complaining on here?

Halt die Fresse du scheiß Deutschtürkenkakerlake...
Geh dich umbringen, wenn du es nicht ertragen kannst.

being a Brit or an American would be perfect. German or Italian is great too. but i'd rather stay russian than reborn as fr*nch

Because being a Jerry fucking sucks. There is nothing positive about it.

Germans do this (cry about being Germans) but then are smug as fuck anyway about everything, stop.

now imagine being Indian Chinese Brazilian or somewhere in Africa

now imagine being greek

Move to UK

Move to Australia or Canada

Move to US

Move to France

As a German you could move to any of those countries pretty easily.

>Move to (x)
>"fucking nazi kraut fuck off reeeee"

You see that's my problem. I would want social relationships to integrate better into society if I move to another country which, as a germ, I can't have because no one likes germs.

Settle down Goering

>Move to US
We actually don't have a large number of Brazilians. I've met a lot more Germans here.



Whites are always welcome everywhere in japan.
because we don't have enough pork to cook schnitzel.

because it's always the same fag

I want to be Italian

>but then are smug as fuck anyway about everything, stop.
